I hate to say it, but this is all probably moot. Right now Bethesda is simply biding their time. Paid mods will come to us all eventually. The paid modding debacle is far from over. The corporations will find a way to get their pound of flesh. It's what they do. It's all they do. Yes. Bethesda is a terminator and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until it has your money. I do feel torn because I know how much time I've spent as a mod user getting all this stuff to work. I can only imagine the countless hours of hard work that goes into many of the mods on Nexus. I wish there was a way for the mod authors to not get screwed and make a buck or two cuz they deserve it. I don't think that is ever going to happen. This most recent debacle is just a case in point. Bethesda teased mod authors with a few (very few) dollars and then everything hit the fan. I feel sure there were a lot of authors out there looking at all their downloads and views and counting those unhatched chickens. But I feel certain that any big monster company out there, not just Bethesda, will make absolutely sure that almost every dime goes into the corporate coffers and not into the pockets of the mod authors however deserving they may be.