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Everything posted by tdead1

  1. Okay, thanks for the reply anyway. But if it is very hard to perhaps impossible to create a mod like this, I understand. Thread closed.
  2. I was thinking, why are the combat animations the same for all the races? Would it not be more sensible to have different combat animations for different races, for example more fluid fighting animations for the elves, and more violent ones for the orks and/or argonians? Currently, there are very, very few good (combat) animation mod on the Nexus. As far as modding is concerned, I am a complete noob, and because of that, I do not know if it is difficult to change the animations in Skyrim. But if it isn't too hard, the modders might try to make a larger difference between races, for example the elves, orks and maybe even the argonians. I think, that in the real world, there would be a difference between a wood elf swinging an axe, and a ork, doing the same. That's why I think, if this mod would be made, it would be great for the immersion in the Skyrim world. Every race would have its own way of swinging an axe, or sword, or perhaps to ready a bow, and you could run around as elf, gracefully killing enemies who just happened to get in your way, or maybe an ork, charging at the enemy and crushing his head like a nut! Please, if anyone sees this topic, reply and make sure this gets some attention! Also, let me know if you are interested in spending time on something like this, or if you know anyone that would like to work on a mod like this. --- Thanks in advance! Tdead1
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