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Everything posted by casdub

  1. Hi I've been trying to create some kind of helmet where parts of the head texture can still be seen. For these parts I have a mesh which has the appropriate settings for skin parts e.g. in armor models, i.e. after exporting from Blender I changed in NifSkope the Shader Type setting to SHADER_SKIN and added the SF_WINDOW_ENVIRONMENT_MAPPING flag. As textures I chose my default headhuman.dds and the corrsesponding _sk and _n.dds files. However when I try this in game, the texture on the object is not the face texture, instead it is the body texture which is mapped to the object. Any ideas how I can map the face texture to a item object? Thanks!
  2. Let's keep it short: is there any way to apply the refraction effect that you get e.g. from Stealth Boys to world objects like glass bottles, so they are not merely transparent but have the distortion effect from the refraction shader? Thanks!
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