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  1. In response to post #24893994. #24894334, #24895424, #24895624, #24897434, #24900349, #24901119, #24907214 are all replies on the same post. @Riprock I couldn't agree more. This so called discussion has gone on for long enough, it's time we moved on. What happened, happened, and what's going to happen, will happen regardless of our speculation about it here, as we've all seen with this event. We're only causing more divide and more damage by keeping this a hot topic. Let it go.
  2. In response to post #24858039. Well said Dark0ne. Couldn't agree more. Let's move on! :) The interview was great, indeed, I think even John underestimated how much you and Nick had to say on this topic, haha.
  3. In response to post #24857264. Haha, it's actually more likely that they decided to go back on the idea because of the DMCA claims than because people were "rising up" anyway. Wouldn't that be a bubble burster were Bethesda or Valve to announce it?
  4. In response to post #24838714. #24841759, #24842129, #24844344, #24844739, #24845434, #24845714, #24847419, #24848004, #24848174, #24848329, #24849004, #24850284, #24851314, #24852044, #24857614 are all replies on the same post. @ sunshinenbrick Haha, great movie that one. :D
  5. In response to post #24852949. #24853204, #24853924, #24853949, #24854139, #24856504 are all replies on the same post. @CaladanAnduril I knew optimism was rare but.. this is breaking new ground. Alright, I'm pulling back out of this entire "discussion". Even a simple hope has to be immediately crushed under the pessimistic foot of the vocal community. More and more am I realizing why so few actually bother to post anything here. Disgraceful.
  6. In response to post #24852949. #24853204 is also a reply to the same post. Well said. It is indeed sad to see the damage that has been done in the last week, but it is not too late. :)
  7. In response to post #24838714. #24841759, #24842129, #24844344, #24844739, #24845434, #24845714, #24847419, #24848004, #24848174, #24848329, #24849004, #24850284, #24851314 are all replies on the same post. @ retnav98 Excuse me, but I am guilty of nothing more than speaking my mind, whether that conforms with your thoughts and logic or not, does not give you right to repeatedly and childishly insult me. Someone of your self-proclaimed age should know better.
  8. In response to post #24838714. #24841759, #24842129, #24844344, #24844739, #24845434, #24845714, #24847419, #24848004, #24848174, #24848329, #24849004 are all replies on the same post. @ retnav98 Thank you. :) I had not seen TB had put up a new interview yet, I wrote my post before I checked my daily youtube routine. But I have now fully listened through everything TB, Robin and Nick had to say about the situation. About my last paragraph though, I believe you misunderstand my intention. I'm the kind of person that does not like conflict an awful lot, and while I know conflict is inevitable and necessary sometimes, I do believe that things often get out of hand..? Basically, if my words could calm 3 people down a little in their passionate debates and perhaps open a few eyes to more than just their own perspective, that would be for the good of us all. I meant it kind of in the way Robin made his closing argument in where he has to walk in the shoes of ALL parties involved. If only more of us could do that and try to understand one another, rather than blatantly pointing fingers and saying "he's the bad guy", it would help us get anywhere that is not this endless maelstrom of negativity. I'm not being elitist in saying you should CHANGE your opinion, I'm asking you to consider others perspective, views and values. (by you, I mean anyone reading it, not you specifically retnav98, just to clarify :))
  9. In response to post #24838714. #24841759, #24842129, #24844344, #24844739, #24845434, #24845714, #24847419, #24848004, #24848174 are all replies on the same post. @ Vesuvius1745 I'm not sure if your post was in reply to mine, but if it was, you should read my entire post again, as you clearly don't understand what I said. Please don't reply to something you haven't taken the time to read first... If it wasn't in reply to my post, my apologies for the misunderstanding.
  10. In response to post #24838714. #24841759, #24842129, #24844344, #24844739, #24845434, #24845714, #24847419 are all replies on the same post. @ retnav98 It's all about entitlement. Mod users think they are entitled to free mods, and modders think they are entitled to compensation for their work. Both are wrong, unfortunately. Users, especially those that don't even bother endorsing the mods they so frequently download, should be ashamed to think they are entitled to any of it. But modders who think they deserve as much as game developers working for a studio are also living in a dream world. I firmly believe in the donation system. I believe it is the most fair for both sides involved. If only that would legalized completely somehow, instead of the rather risky legal gray area it's in right now. Lastly I want to say modders absolutely deserve far more than they are getting and have been getting from users for the last few years (myself included). And when I say that I don't mean forking out great whopping loads of dosh in the general direction of modders, no, when I say that I am talking about gratitude, about endorsements (the very least you can do), about constructive criticism, about tips, ideas, suggestions, or least of all a simple thank you. I hate pointing fingers, and find it counter productive, but if you feel, like me, that you belong in this group of people, then consider changing your attitude. It would be for the best of all of us in the long run.
  11. In response to post #24827544. #24828559 is also a reply to the same post. @ foster xbl It's good to see people with their eyes open. :)
  12. In response to post #24825259. #24825439, #24825784, #24826229, #24826374, #24826514, #24826589, #24826684, #24826709, #24826859, #24826869, #24827644, #24827839, #24827869, #24827954, #24828134, #24828199, #24828274, #24828519, #24828634 are all replies on the same post. @ sunshinenbrick Exactly. I think most of the people that signed the petition against this entire idea were not against the idea of modders being rewarded for their work, but rather the way Valve and Bethesda implemented the whole thing. And when I say implemented, I mean hammered home. The 30% cut Valve got out of it is default, I mean, Valve gets 30% of -everything- that sells on Steam, so this would be no exception in that respect. The other 70% however, was up to the developer to decide, and I think Bethesda was being extremely greedy taking 45% of it for themselves, just for having made the game. Especially knowing how much they've made from selling Skyrim on various platforms already, and the fact that even if mods are made through their toolkit, using their assets and resources, it is still something created by the person that creates it, not Bethesda, and therefor the creator should be rewarded the most for their originality, persistence and honest hard work. If anything, -that- is what bothered me the most about this entire ordeal. It was never fair, for anyone, even the modders. I guess that's why only -fifteen- of the modders now so verbally (or otherwise) assaulted signed up for it to begin with? :)
  13. In response to post #24825259. #24825439, #24825784, #24826229, #24826374, #24826514, #24826589, #24826684, #24826709, #24826859, #24826869, #24827644, #24827839, #24827869, #24828134, #24828199 are all replies on the same post. I completely understand the point of view of mod authors, and I'm shocked to read these quotes, even if it was glaringly obvious how this would inevitably unfold. However, the reaction of some modders has been overly extreme as well. Taking things like the quotes above personally and to heart is a big mistake. Especially if the consequence of that is taking your mods down and quitting the modding scene, as I've seen a few people do already. I know it is a struggle for respect, appreciation, or even simply acknowledgement of the fact that hey, all these mods are here because modders brought them to you, nothing more. There is no entitlement to any of it, for anyone other than the authors themselves. But even then, I think it wrong to fan the flames with more hate when you're not being respected, more disappointments when you're not being appreciated. We should let it be what it is, even if it's been an ugly week, and learn from our mistakes. There will always be people that make your blood boil with their attitude, as a professional, you need to be able to remain composed, and focus on what you set out to do in the first place, which for most of the modders is their mods. Don't dwell on the outspoken minority that disappoint you with their disrespect and bad attitude (to put it lightly) and instead focus on the majority of people who really do appreciate your work and greatly enjoy it every day. Let this horrible event be a good thing, and use the attention this subject is getting right now to let every reader know how you feel, in a constructive way, so people know what YOU expect as modders. I'm sure that many people, like myself, who have absolutely no destructive intentions, are willing to put in more effort to make modders feel more appreciated if they feel it has been insufficient. Give it a shot.
  14. In response to post #24825259. #24825439, #24825784, #24826229, #24826374, #24826514, #24826589, #24826684, #24826709, #24826859, #24826869, #24827644, #24827869, #24827954 are all replies on the same post. Woops, double post.
  15. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339, #24745449, #24745494, #24745729, #24745734, #24745839, #24745939, #24746154, #24746294, #24746544, #24746674, #24746704, #24746719, #24747064, #24747169, #24747379, #24747459 are all replies on the same post. @ChizFoShiz I agree wholeheartedly, and I too believe that something needs to be done. I just don't see how. Unfortunately it seems that the more we talk about it, the more attention we give it, the worse it gets.
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