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About LeonardoYokhana

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  1. Recently i went to the whiterun barracks and exited the game while i was searching for a new ENB i ended up with an infinite loading screen every time my game loaded whiterun, which is the location of the previous save, now i can't play the game unless i start a new game, please if anybody knows a fix help i've used TES5EDIT, BOSS, everything but nothing works.
  2. I was hoping someone can make this shout it seems awesome
  3. First, yes i have all of them Second, no i don't know how to. Third, i don't know what would that do?
  4. On your skyrim.ini? mine had a base of 3.
  5. Is there anyone that know a fix??
  6. Recently i downloaded the dragonborn DLC and when in the middle of the first quest where i have to head to the temple of miraak the game just has a CTD without warning and i can't discover a new location outside the village (the one where you enter solstheim to begin with) but wait it gets better when i try to head back in skyrim the game freezes during the loading screen! i've tried disabling every mod i had implemented in the game but it still wouldn't work. I'm out of options this one bug bethsteda refuses to fix after months since bethsteda released the DLC, has made my game literally unplayable and now im loosing 57 hours of gameplay. Please anyone who has a solution HELP!
  7. if it's just an occasional CTD, it could be one the mods that you've installed that caused the errors so i recommend you install TES5EDIT run it, and if any mod says error loading on right side of the app you must uninstall the mod and check of the plugin which shouldn't be to hard but if it is the reason for the crashes i suggest you first check of the plugin,wait a hour or two then uninstall the mod itself. Hope this helped.
  8. yeah i do i've tryed uninstalling all of them and it doesn't do a thing i still get a CTD
  9. i have the same issue bethsteda is really trying my patience because its been months since this bug was presented and they won't work to fix it >:(
  10. I recently installed the dragonborn DLC and right in the middle of the first quest after i traveled to solstheim, where i have to go to the Temple Of Miraak, the game without crashes every single time i try to get close i can go anywhere in the village and nothing will happen but when i try going there to the temple it crashes before i can get close please if you know a fix please respond!
  11. I recently bought and downloaded the Dragonborn DLC but right in the middle of the first quest once i enter solstheim where i have to head to the Temple Of Mirak, the game crashes without warning it doesn't freeze it just crashes and i can't find a fix anywhere please if somebody has a solution please respond.
  12. i love playing as a werewolf in skyrim but i feel that werewolves should have more like why cant they have a revert form option like the vampire lord in dawnguard ive searched through hundreds of werewolf mods but i cant find one that gives you the option to stay in werewolf form and revert back when you want to that would be awsome.
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