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About MrStarkk

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  1. Im looking for a group of modders to help me in bringing what I hope to be a really well crafted and fun if not lore-friendly mod even for those not familiar with what the idea itself is based off of to the community. Ill be somewhat brief here to an extent but if you are interested in working with me you can contact me via PM and I can go into great detail. Information on Type-Moon can be found here: http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/TYPE-MOON_Wiki What I aim to achieve with this mod The Grail Wars within the parameters of Type-Moon is a battle of a handful of Magus each summoning a Heroic figure's spirit from the past. or " Servant " I.E Alexander the Great, Richard the Lionheart etc. Both Magus and Servant fight with each other to defeat all other pairs at which time the Holy Grail manifests and grants both a wish. The mod itself is aimed toward creating NPCs of both Magus and Servants across the whole of the game who will train and search for the other War participants to kill them. The player will take the place of most likely a Magus with a NPC Servant but when I get things hashed out the other way around might also be possible. Unique Spells, Armor, Weapons and Fully voiced quests and Companions. Straight away for those turned off by anime themed things in Skyrim let me be clear. In no way to I want to weeaboo it up and just slap anime looking things in Skyrim. Given enough time or the right people I fully intend for everything in this mod to look and feel like its a natural and new part of Skyrim. If you have any questions or interest please PM me and I will be more then happy to answer all inquiries Im rather new to the forums but I dreadfully hope this is the right section for this.
  2. Ill keep it simple. I was pleased that there were type moon weapons from the Fate series or Fate/Stay Night available. However everyone on all the comment pages there has the same question as I do, Where is all the Gilgamesh stuff? So with that said I would very much like the armor of Gilgamesh from that series of which theres an example here - http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/257/f/d/gilgamesh___fate_stay_night_by_ayromayra-d5endcc.jpg His weapon with the effects it possess would be awesome as well but they take a back seat. Accept or Reject thanks for taking the time to read and have a good one.
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