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About FlintlockSagerider

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  1. I have very, very few mods. Maybe a dozen. All were installed through WryeBash and load order set in BOSS. There's a body replacer, pistols mod, rapier mod, an armour mod, a hair (wig) mod and a pose mod. I get playing though, and the game just locks up at certain points. I believe after five minutes of game play. Oblivion is installed on a Mac through porting kit (using a 64 bit wrapper). It's a Mac 21.5 inch 1.6 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 Intel HD Graphics 6000 1536 MB Without the mods and just OBSE installed everything was working fine, but now it locks up after a while and I have to force quit the game. Any help would be appreciated. Side note: I have installed Stutter and changed one switch in the ini from 1 to 0.
  2. As the title says I crash to desktop when attempting to exit the Soul Cairn. Up until this point, I've had no issues at all save for some small lag issues (but that's mostly due to my machine, not the game or the mods). I have a standard set of mods installed, most of which are from Nexus. The only mods I can think of that might affect the Soul Cairn would happen to be Immersive Wenches, Amorous Adventures, Flower Girls, and possibly the follower mod Dorethi, Severin Manor Guard (as I did not dismiss her before entering the Castle). Diverse Dragons may also affect the interior as it may have made a change to Durnevir. Outside of that, before entering the Soul Cairn, I had Serana turn my character into a vampire. If there is any other additional information anyone needs, let me know. If this problem has cropped up with someone else before, also any fixes would be appreciated. I've tried fixing this for a couple hours now. I'm tired right now. Any help would be appreciated and if I left anything out, please ask for more information.
  3. Don't forget... TBD = Touched By Dibella
  4. You sir, are a lifesaver. Now, is there a way to get steam to stop automatically updating?
  5. Sadly, this update knocked out about nine of my mods. Including Race Menu, Wearable Lanterns, the weapon sheath mod (sheath sword on back, hip, so on... can't remember the mod right now), as well as a few others. The game is still playable, but I've lost my character presets (which really screwed up my character's face) and the settings for several mods are not available or they just aren't working. It's basically like playing vanilla Skyrim with a bunch of useless mods added. EDIT: I also did update the SKSE as I had to, but... well, as I said.
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