OK, I have three different issues with the armor I'm working on. The idea is to restrict what the wearer can do, as the armor is very bulky, to a greater degree than regular power armor. I want to reduce the wearer's movement speed considerably, to around 60% of normal. I've been messing with the SpeedMult, but I can't seem to get any change. All of the threads that I have been able to find only deal with increasing speed when an armor is worn, and I can't seem to adapt the methods. (Probably some fundamental concept that I'm missing. :wallbash: ) Also, I would like to entirely disable sneak mode while wearing the armor. I don't have the first clue how to do that, unfortunately. Finally, and mostly unrelated, I'm having a problem with the left arm obscuring the PipBoy when the player activates it. It's still possible to use the buttons and change equipment etc., but the arm covers the PipBoy screen, so it's impossible to see what exactly you're doing. This also makes it almost impossible to unequip the armor, as you can't see which tab you're on, much less where to click. :confused: I really don't want to have the skinny little PipBoy arm in 3rd person view. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.