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Everything posted by Bertilsson

  1. I know why... 1. Unzip contents of XComDownP6toP4.zip into ..\SteamApps\common\ folder 2. Verify that you now have a folder exactly like this: ..\SteamApps\common\XComDown <-- if this reads P6toP4 repeat step 1... Move: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComDownto: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\
  2. I don't know that particular language, but I'm guess it means you are missing access rights. Can you verify that you do not have an anti virus program blocking the installation script? Edit Just checked what line 3 does: Set versionFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCommonFolder & "\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\Version.txt", 1, False) Did you verify that you have a folder named common\XComDown and not common\XcomDownP6toP4\XComDown
  3. This is the outcome from the beta testing this far: I apparently suck at writing instructionsMost testers needed two attempts to successfully install.Some antivirus programs blocking the installation script didn't improve the situationOnce people have been able to install the only problems reported are:Some minor graphics issue in the EU/EW startup selection screen (may be unrelated).Some subtitles missing when interrogating a sectoidBased on this I'm going to see if I can improve the instructions and upload it as a finished mod later today. Edit: Quotes from beta testers:
  4. Oh well, possibility to increase size any function up to 65k is really no small step in either case :)
  5. Then this is truly good news indeed :) Does this also mean that it is possible to insert completely new objects by moving the very first objects to the end of file and thereby making room available for new declarations?
  6. I think I just may have gotten it right now. Mod size: 19.5 MB Enemy Unknown patch 4: 13.3 GB (including slinghot and elite soldier dlc) Enemy Unknown patch 6: 10.2 GB (including slinghot and elite soldier dlc, excluding XEW folder) Enemy Unknown Patch 6 downgraded to patch 4: 15.5 GB (including slinghot and elite soldier dlc, excluding XEW folder) The extra size on disk is due to dual sets of 1080p movies instead of 720p and 1080p. Have sent files and new instructions to the beta testers, so now all that remains is to wait and see how it works...
  7. A little update: These are the only missing P4 movie files which cannot be found by simply adding 1080_ to the name in P6 folder: No match found: 1080_CIN_TP_Containment_SectoidCommander_LOC.bik 45,1 MB // 1080_CIN_TP_Containment_SectoidComm_LOC.bik is identical No match found: E3_shield.bik 2,3 MB //completely missing? No match found: TUT_XCOMDeployed_LOC.bik 1,2 MB //completely missing? //Couldn't care less about below No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_DEU.bik 0,7 MB No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_ESN.bik 0,7 MB No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_FRA.bik 0,7 MB No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_INT.bik 0,7 MB No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_ITA.bik 0,7 MB No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_KOR.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_POL.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_PS3_RUS.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_DEU.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_ESN.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_FRA.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_INT.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_ITA.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_KOR.bik 0,7 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_POL.bik 0,8 MB No match found: LogoLegal_Xbox360_RUS.bik 0,8 MB So right now it looks very promising to make the mod really small without any sacrifice at all (except disc space). After some closer examination of the other sub-folders I'm starting to think all that is really needed is this: Downgrade Patch all files in CookedPCConsole Downgrade Patch XComGame.exe Make retro-named copies of missing movie files using movie files still present in P6 Rebuild (or just ignore) the 2 (3.5MB total) movie files. Deal with .ini files in common folder Deal with .ini files in My Documents\My Games Ignore everything else1-4 is very straightforward and will most likely be taken care of today. 5-6 I would be very happy if someone could share a little insight about or ideas how to deal with. Right now I'm thinking somewhere in the lines along just directly replacing all .ini files with backups from my Patch 4 installation, preferably with some logic to ignore dlc related files if dlc related files are missing in target folders. Edit: Delete/rename 6 in order to make the game rebuild on it's own seems simple enough and does not seem to be triggering any auto update.
  8. Some very good news: The first beta tester to report back, seems to be very happy about playing EU Patch 4 :cool: Positive experiments: If I delete the entire XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\Movies folder, the game keeps functioning completely normal except that all movies are skipped. (If I also remove XEW folder; the game automatically starts unknown instead of giving me the option to select within/unknown). This means that in the very worst case scenario: It is possible to make a downgrade patch of 0.02 GB which disables all movies (and optionally saves 6 GB disc space by deleting the existing ones). But more likely I will add some logic to the script responsible for generating the mod to make duplicates of existing "twin" movies whenever an expected movie is missing and still stay at 0.02 GB in mod size (with 3 GB redundant movies on HDD which doesn't have to be downloaded).
  9. Not sure if it is still DefaultGameCore.ini or some other ini... But unless you plan to break it free from the .exe you can just do this to change it: Resource hacker --> XComEW.exe --> RCData --> 1020 --> 1033 --> Modify perk trees very close to bottom --> Press Compile --> Press Save --> Done. BUT the ini has no support for changing the number of perks available at any rank, only to change which perks are assigned to rank/class. So you still need to wait for someone to create a mod similar to amineris enhanced/extended perk tree mod..
  10. Ability trees have been very much changed under the hood in EW (MEC's added and all perks moved to text form in ini-file, perks changed, etc) so I don't expect to update the current perk-related web tools for Enemy Within. For enemy unknown I expect that it will be possible to roll back to patch 4 very soon so I don't really see any need to update for Enemy Unknown either. Enhanced/extended perk trees mod is one of amineris babys and while I can't speak for her, I would be surprised if it wasn't on the list of things she will look into, but equally surprised if it is anywhere near the top of that list.
  11. Oh well... The script that created the diff files already separates which files are missing in P6 vs P4 in order to determine if rebuild or patch is necessary. I guess I could in theory expand on that to look for possible replacement files whenever a file is missing.... Once replacement file is identified it should be possible to spit out a few scripts that let's the user decide if cloning or renaming in both directions before playing EU/EW is preferred. If all movies can be identified it should result in 0.02 GB base mod, 1 cloning script and optional renaming scripts...
  12. I have now looked a little bit closer regarding the 2.9 GB movie data and specifically looked into what the "upgrade to 1080p movie batch file" does. As far as I can tell it consistently does this: Delete: BattleOver_LOC.bik Rename: 1080_BattleOver_LOC.bik to 1080_BattleOver_LOC.bik Apparently EU <= patch 4 has both 1080p and 720p versions but only uses 720p version why deleting 720p and renaming 1080p works. For EW it looks like Firaxis did the same thing but instead of replacing the low-res versions with high-res they made the game look for high-res version and also made the high res versions shared with Enemy within... And to make it more complex they did not do it consistently which resulted in a mix. The end result is that EU => Patch 5 and EW expects most movie files to be named 1080_* and EU <= Patch 4 expects NONE of the movies to be named 1080_* This makes it possible to make the mod smaller by making copies of 1080_* files and name the copies same as EU low-res files... But it would do so at the prize of increased complexity and ultimately a few GB more disc space used as there would suddenly be two high-res files for most movies instead of one high res and one low res like in EU <= Patch 4. Edit: Considering that the game is already 18 GB and all is downloaded via Internet to begin with I don't really see any big issue with 3 GB extra download... And not really with a few GB extra storage either... And given that one of the alternatives saves me a lot of extra effort I personally prefer extra download and just rebuild the game as it was at Patch 4 :)
  13. I think that would pretty much defeat the purpose of the mod, and you already have the possibility to modify the EW standard "deck of cards", like for example 1 card each and only 1 random card removed, via ini-file. But just to make sure: You did recognize that the upper values represent probabilities and the bottom values max number of each class? If all classes had 25% chance each and you got 7 snipers out of a total of 8 it sounds like the probabilities are biased somehow and I probably need to run some more tests to verify that the random part of the mod is still working as it should.
  14. I'm not following the logic. To me the *LOC.txt files looks like chapter indexes and not really related to the name or location of the file the index refers to. I'm guessing there is either an .ini file or some native code detailing which files contains the movies and which files are indexes for those movies. If I rename the movie files and downgrade everything else then I would expect EW to stop being able to find them. Even if it would then also be possible to make a "wax on / wax off" script renaming and moving(?) all the files before starting EU or EW, the user unfriendliness and added complexity of that feature isn't really attractive. So unless someone figures out what actually makes EU look for one file or the other and how to make that compatible with the files available in EU patch 6, I don't see this happening. However if someone is able to figure out the details of how this works and there is a permanent fix possible that doesn't break EW then I am not opposed to implementing it...
  15. The 0.02 GB is the total size of the diff files not dealing with missing movies, so it is really the most important part of the mod :)
  16. Good news for all troglodytes longing to play & mod Enemy Unknown Patch 4 again. I have now downgraded my installation of Enemy Unknown Patch 6 to Patch 4 using only a script, bspatch.exe and 4063 diff files with a total size of 2.92 GB :) From initial testing using toolboks 1.52 and some random mod options, including increased squad size, everything seems to work 100% Next step is to find volunteers willing to beta test before uploading as a mod. If interested, please send PM and let me know which DLC's you have, as I would especially like to know if it works with and without the DLC's.
  17. What he posted was an experimental component for the mod. If you know your way around unreal script byte modding of upk files: The idea is that you should be able to experiment with adding functionality to the buttons. If not: You still need to wait until someone gets around to adding functionality :smile: Edit: To clarify: Right now the mod is utterly broken due to Patch 5 and Patch 6 for Enemy Unknown and Patch 1 for Enemy Within. I am currently mostly focused on experimenting with an automated downgrade patch for Enemy Unknown to Patch 4 which will hopefully solve the problem with mod compatibility for the old game permanently. XMarksTheSpot is working on a tool with a similar goal (except that the particular tool he is involved in creating is about 23.754 times more complex and primarily focused on making it possible to convert mods from one version of the game to another). I expect to finish the downgrade script any day now but will probably not do anything related to the increased squad size mod before the weekend.
  18. I have now updated the toolboks mod in the example above to be compatible with EW Patch 1.
  19. Updated toolboks mod for Enemy Within Patch 1 (The only thing needed to change was offsets += 573 decimal)
  20. Thank you very much for sharing that observation! I was just about to rewrite my little class probability/class limiter function from scratch. If this holds true then all I need to do is to identify the new storage location and apply an offset to all locations in the toolboks mod, same way as I have already done for my reference free bigger base mod :)
  21. Updated version for Enemy Unknown Patch 1
  22. I think it shows same details as hoovering with mouse in view buffer. So return values and other stuff like the 38 token which doesn't show up when hoovering are not included.
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