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Everything posted by MRG

  1. While doing a quest in Stony Creek Cave I came up to the waterfall & was curious if it led anywhere. So I *cheated* & installed a jump mod to take a look-see. Followed it aways & while marveling up at the blue cavern ceiling in the main cave, I *accidentlly* stepped off the edge & ended up in the drink. While snorkeling I found a chest with an expert lock at the bottom of that big area of water in Kagrenzel. Broke all my lock picks trying to open it & so I went & got more & then came back & promptly broke them all once again. Fail. A third time was the charm though & I managed to open the lock. Found a nice Dwarven Mace that did 20pts shock damage which was better than my current weapon for several levels. Used my Unrelenting Force shout to knock a couple of the Falmers off the high bridge over the water & as luck would have it, they landed on the rocks below & not the water.
  2. LMAO!!! Oh man was that funny!! One guy was honest, the rest were more than willing to steal all your goods without a moments notice & then started squabbling amongst themselves for the choicest pieces!! Watching again....
  3. Greetings all, A few of the mods that I have installed, causes my camera to switch from 1st to 3rd person view as soon as combat starts. I am not sure if this is a part of one or more of the mods or a result of having more than one mod installed which may cause a conflict with another running mod & thus switches the camera. I really do not like fighting in 3rd person, & don't want to stop using the mods that cause the camera change. During combat, I can press "F" to go back to 1st person view, but as soon as I do a power attack or block an attack with my shield or cast a spell, the camera switches again. This is particularly annoying while playing as an archer. I have noticed that I am unable to Dual Cast as well. One hand or the other will cast the spell, but not both at the same time. I like the games fatality cam when it switches to 3rd person, just NOT the actual combat itself in 3rd person. Is there a console command that addresses this issue or a mod already released? I spent several minutes looking at search results here on the forums, but didn't find what I was looking for. If my question has already been asked, please direct me in the direction I need to go & I'll do the foot work. Thank you very much for your time.
  4. How about this fantastic mod: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41361 As the read-me states, it adds a massive amount of CUSTOM enemies to the game. Yes Custom. As in NOT vanilla monsters just re-named or re-colored. I consider this mod an essential must-have every time I play FONV. At higher levels, the enemies are just plain deadly. They take a lot of work to bring down, but the XP is worth it. The mod also brings the wasteland to deadly life as it really adds to the danger of traveling & exploring. T-800 Add-on to the core file: - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/41361-1-1306632264.jpg Alien Add-on to the core file: - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/41361-3-1306873675.jpg Enjoy! -MRG
  5. There are a few speed mods that you can download, like the speed sunglasses for one. Some of the glasses show up on your face correctly, while others always seem to be on the SIDE of your face rather than ON your face. A result of being edited incorrectly in the GECK from what I have been told. They work just fine for speed though. Another option, is that I use a mod of my own every time I start a new game. It makes your run speed blazing fast. You make it via the GECK. You actually edit a perk, that you can also turn into a trait. It's called the "TravelLite" Perk. Speed Sunglasses - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34805 I attached 2 speed files I quickly made in the GECK to this post that you can select the next time you level up as I set both to be available at level 1. Try these if you don't want to equip glasses. Once you pick the perk, it's with you the entire game. 300% Run Speed is set @ 3.00. Stock perk is @ 1.10 500% Run Speed is set @ 5.00. Stock perk is @ 1.10 Only use one file at a time. Simply copy the desired file to your data folder. Hope this helped & enjoy! -MRG
  6. Proximitus, I made you the mod you were asking for. It's located inside the old school in Goodsprings. I attached it to this post, but if for some reason it does not work, I also uploaded it to the below link. Either click on the link or copy & past it to your browser. There were a couple different hat styles that I added for you to choose from. I did not edit any of the items stats. They are stock. I can change that if desired though. Extract the file & copy it to your data folder. I only used the Vanilla game as a master file, so no worries if you don't have either of the DLC's. http://www.mediafire.com/?x3cvghvyzbz4nd1 Let me know if it's what you wanted & Enjoy! p.s You'll need to be able to open "Easy" locks. I did this so you would get a small xp boost to go along with the stuff. If this is a problem, let me know & i'll remove the lock. -MRG
  7. I'm feeling a little thick at the moment as I have not slept in over 24hrs, so bare with me. What exactly are you trying to do? Turn the grenade launcher into a shotgun? While I can't script to save my life, I can edit any weapon you choose to fire any ammo or projectile & to change the impact, explosion, critical, audio or explosion. I didn't get what you wanted from watching the video. Send me a PM explaining what you want & I'll see what I can do via the GECK. I'll then send you the mod. -MRG
  8. Is there any way to get the thicker laser beam you get when you use the Optics focus, on a non-modded laser pistol or rifle? -MRG
  9. Does anyone know how I can add the Laser Rifle Scope to the Laser Pistol? The default scope won't attack to the pistol via the in-game option. Does anyone know of a mod that changes this? I have seen a few mods that modify unique weapons, but have limited time this week to test the different mods. I can make it so that I get the scope effect via the Geck, but the actual scope is not shown. Thanks in advance for any help! -MRG
  10. Sadly I do not have the skills to model a brand new weapon for you & believe me, I wish I did... However, I can make any weapon in the game or any you download, fire any projectile you want with any number of sounds, explosions, impacts, damage etc. If you like, give me an example of a weapon you want & I'll Modify it for you to test. For example, I am currently using the awesome weapon model from the "Darkfiregaming" mod @ http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36669 & have modified it to fire Gauss rounds with custom impact, explosions, sounds, damage & crits. I have it so that the rounds only show up in VATS & have modified the projectile speed & the weapons ROF. Pretty basic I know, but the end result is quite enjoyable. I have it combined with the Nevada Skies mod & the Advanced Recon mod. Using Infra-red view ala-Predator view, during a stand storm against high level death claws, makes for an interesting battle. Point being, I think you would enjoy it as well. If you like, I'll make a short video of what I'm talking about & post it on Youtube for you to see to get a better idea of what I mean. -MRG
  11. @ amirjq, I can make you a custom suite of Power Armor. I can't texture it, but everything else I can do. Please tell me which suite you want & I'll make it for you. What type of bonuses would you like it to have? There are several different types of power armor. Give me an idea of what it looks like if you don't know the name & I'll find it in the GECK, make it & then place it wherever you want in the game world. I could also just put it on the porch in front of the Merchants store in Goodsprings so you could use it from lvl1. 1) Rads & Poison resistance? 2) DT level? 3) Health Regen? Y/N 4) Night Vision? 5) Stealth? Let me know. -MRG
  12. I'll try & do that for you. Give me a few to take a look. I can remove the muzzle flashes all together if that would help? I'll edit one weapon, post it her & have you try it. Tell me what you think & I'll go from there. I'll make a basic Laser Pistol & basic rifle mod... Brb.. -MRG While your at it, remove explosion flashes too! And the effects that kicks in when your body reverts back to normal after using drugs or being addicted, it flashes to white. Which explosion effect were you talking about as there are a great many in the game. I cam switch the explosion flashes to a different one, so that they at least have the ability to cause some visual mayhem. Which explosions cause the least amount of distress? -MRG
  13. My pleasure Sasfluji! :tongue: -MRG
  14. @ Fallenstd, Once In-game, Look under "Settings---Gameplay---Kill Cam Mode" -MRG
  15. Hey now! I like that green little fellow! http://images.usatoday.com/money/_photos/2006/07/17/inside-geico.jpg -MRG
  16. Sounds like fun. I'll work on a flamer type weapon for you right now. If you are wanting to implement them into a mod, shall I post the download link to you in a PM, rather than here, so it can be released all at once? Let me know here or PM me. Meanwhile I'll be working on the weapon. -MRG
  17. Oops.. Just noticed I spelled "Weaponry" wrong on the crate in-game. File was already uploaded. -MRG
  18. Take a look at both the weapons I made & tell me what you think. I included 1 Laser Pistol & 1 SMG. I placed both weapons & 30 rounds of ammo in a chest right outside the Docs front door in Goodsprings. You'll know it's the mod once you see the name of the chest. Please try them both out & let me know. I ONLY edited the muzzle flash. I did not edit the weapons or their crits. Lets take one step at a time. While you're looking at them, I'm gonna look at making the muzzle flashes strobe less. Do the flashing crits cause you any discomfort? I can edit them as well or remove them all together. If some are better than others, let me know which ones they are & I can edit all guns accordingly. Run around with them a little shooting everything in & out of vats & let me know how it goes. I advise you enter "TGM" into the console to turn on God mode & infinite ammo to test. Let me know. I have attached the file to this post. -MRG
  19. Have you tried a mod called "Nevada Skies"? It adds random sandstorms to F:NV & does an amazing job of adding a touch of realism. As for the OP, I would like a mod that limits the view distance as well. Not because of performance, but because I feel it would add a nice touch of immersion. Nevada Skies - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35998 -MRG
  20. I decided to learn the absolute basics of nifscope & my first project was to make a Minigun that did not have the backpack. Here are my results. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36867 -MRG
  21. Add the .esp ( your mod ) into an archive, ( RAR ) such as like I did & you'll be allowed to upload it. Either way, enjoy & if I can answer any GECK ?'s, let me know. ( Provided they are SUPER simple lol ) I'm a total noob with it myself. -MRG
  22. <<<LOL>>> I just finished it as well. Beat me to it. Post yours. I'd like to try it. Here is the edited gun I made for you. There are 2 varieties. -MRG
  23. Aww crap.. I see what you mean now. I saw "grenade" & instantly thought of the grenade rifle. You meant the 2 handled Grenade launcher. the one that has the backpack. My bad. I'll make that for you right now. Easy, since I have everything else made. lmao.. brb.. -MRG
  24. Pick a weapon & I'll make it so that with every crit, either normal crit or death crit, will knock them down. I can even make it keep them down for any given period of time. Spice it up, I can make it so they lose health while they are knocked down. Give me a weapon as base & i'll modify it's stats or keep them vanilla, only with the added effect.. -MRG
  25. Done. I made you 2 shotguns using the grenade launcher model. One uses the normal model, the other is using the Unique model. Both Shotty's fire 7 pellets per shot. ( Unless you use the Slugs of course, then just one round is fired ) To go with the whole breech load that the grenade launcher uses, I made it so that neither gun ejects shells, since there is no place for that weapon to eject shells. I looked through every reload option via the GECK, which was a lot of loading the game, to check to see which one looked the best for the model used, & the default grenade model looked the best. However, I can change it if you want. So just "image" if you will, that each round that you load, holds 5 charges. I used the standard grenade model reload visual to load the weapon. The weapon is powerful, but not god-like. I also have a nice critical that fits with both weapons. Both weapons come with a few rounds to get you through the next few battles. I also included a little special treat, that I feel fits with the "Look" of the weapon. You'll see what I mean. You can find it where the last guy stashed it prior to going into the Merchant store in Goodsprings to say he could not pay his bill. Since you are getting his stuff, that must mean.....? ( Look around the outside of the building & bring your "Very Easy" lockpicks ) Hope you like it. -MRG
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