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About alexsilvestre

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    More things than I could list here
  • Favourite Game
    Final Fantasy VII

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  1. Merry Christmas, everyone, I hope you are having a blast!
  2. How do we do homework?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vanilka


      The assignments I have to work on take several hours and more to complete, so I try to do my best with them, but I don't always manage to focus. Especially because I work during the week and sometimes have to prepare for that in my free time, as well. Last Friday I spent translating a job project, dumped on my head at the last possible minute, roughly until 3 a.m. so... yeah. I'll keep trying I guess, heh. But you're right.
    3. AliasTheory


      I'm from a college major where one problem can take three hours, so I know the feeling. Especially when you have five of them, where one goes from parts a - q, and some of them go to part iii. Just gotta keep on trying.
    4. vanilka


      Indeed. So you can imagine. However, yeah, that's about all we can do about it.
  3. What are Sen and puppy looking at?
    1. vanilka


      Either at the river and forest, or perhaps just into the void, hehe.
  4. Happy birthday Alex and have a good year. :)
    1. alexsilvestre


      Oh no, I missed this at the day :x

      Thank you very much Moein!

  5. Hey, I was wondering... Who does your face paint? What do you use for it?
    1. vanilka


      I only use the best products by TairenSoul. <3
  6. Oh, hey there stray, is that a bunny with a helmet? :D
    1. vanilka


      I do not know what you speak of, human. *stuffs the bunny into her bag among all the sweetrolls with a totally stoic face*
    2. alexsilvestre


      Huh, I was just going to offer it a carrotroll, it looked like it could use one.
    3. vanilka


      *small, long-eared rodent with a little iron helmet peeks out of the bag, breaking her composure and replacing it with a slightly flustered expression* Ahh, fair enough...
  7. hey, did you send me a message? I got the notification but there was nothing in the feed page o.o
    1. schmoops9


      hey. yes i left you a comment and hugged you and asked how you're doing and i deleted it by mistake and was too lazy to type again :/
    2. alexsilvestre


      lol :P

      I'm doing good, how are you and the bird and his mom??

    3. schmoops9


      oh, that silly bird flew away some hours after i posted the pic.. didn't even say goodbye -.- xD i'm good, tnx. working, studying and playing new vegas :P i'll send you a pm tomorrow ^^
  8. Just so you know, you do have a sense of humor - I love it :*
    1. vanilka


      Aw, I hadn't been here such a long time I completely missed this. Sorry and thank you. :-*
  9. I used to be an adventurer like you, then Death stole my equipments and returned me to level 1.
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. alexsilvestre


      heheh, the honour... I played those, I think Raphael was my favorite turtle, and I went everywhere in Super Mario World...

      I loved Might and Magic II, I think, I had just a demo and died all the time :x


      Maybe you did learn that way, I'll find you some games in portuguese, they had some ported version with different characters of games like Wonder Boy, they were great... and even some Stinky Frog game that was a modification of Psycho Fox. That was a funny, old game.


    3. alexsilvestre


      Oh no, the comment eater still lives :(

      Polda sounds cool, and do you mean the famous Mafia game you can find on Steam? We should make a game about that criminal's story, stealing 10 million euros and flying to Alagoas... sounds like GTA Mosquitotown :D

    4. vanilka


      Polda is an adventure game and it's about the misadventures of a... not exactly smart police officer. There are quite a few of these games and they are rather funny if you get Czech humour, which might sometimes be a bit crude or slapstick.


      Yes, Mafia was originally a Czech game, as far as I know. :)


      Haha, GTA Mosquitotown. xD Ah, I used to like the good old GTA games. You know, those that you played from the 3rd person perspective, from over the character's head.

  10. Somebody please let me know when the teleportation device is invented, thanks.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. alexsilvestre


      heheheh Tamriel sounds like a nice place to go on vacation, but I was thinking of a certain place on Earth, should be easier to go when it's invented :)
    3. wolfsangeleyes


      No kidding. My son and I kinda joked about it, but just imagine. No more traffic jams, less accidents, better for the environment, you can move house in a heartbeat. Imagine going on holidays, no more hanging around at the airport 3 hours before you fly. Beam me up Scotty.
    4. alexsilvestre


      I bet the teleport operators would get that joke a lot, when it was time to be beamed, and hate it, unless they were Star Trek Fans :D

      They want to travel to Mars, but they still haven't invented the teleporter... why not try teleporting to Mars, inside their safe dome??

  11. Hey, look over there... *points to the left and steals a smooch when she looks*
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vanilka


      *grins and ruffles his hair*
    3. alexsilvestre
    4. vanilka


      *squeaks like a dog toy*
  12. Schnlgkntkzputz... Really? It's not that hard :D And thank you, you were the only one who wished me happy birthday. It's something! :D
    1. alexsilvestre


      Dude, it's hard to type that... I mean, dudette :P

      No problem, hope you had a good one :)

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