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About alexsilvestre

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  1. Somebody please let me know when the teleportation device is invented, thanks.
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    2. alexsilvestre


      heheheh Tamriel sounds like a nice place to go on vacation, but I was thinking of a certain place on Earth, should be easier to go when it's invented :)
    3. wolfsangeleyes


      No kidding. My son and I kinda joked about it, but just imagine. No more traffic jams, less accidents, better for the environment, you can move house in a heartbeat. Imagine going on holidays, no more hanging around at the airport 3 hours before you fly. Beam me up Scotty.
    4. alexsilvestre


      I bet the teleport operators would get that joke a lot, when it was time to be beamed, and hate it, unless they were Star Trek Fans :D

      They want to travel to Mars, but they still haven't invented the teleporter... why not try teleporting to Mars, inside their safe dome??

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