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⚠ Known Issue: Media on User Profiles ×


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Everything posted by fanerion

  1. So it did not work at all. I have no idea what I can do now. If someone got an idea?
  2. And you ve got exactly the same list of mods between the working saves and the save with CTDs?
  3. By looking on the forum, I might find an idea how to solve it. The original Race is saved in other quest (Werewolf or VampireLord) So basically, I could make it working with - Game.GetPlayer().SetRace((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalRace) - or with Game.GetPlayer().SetRace((DLC1VampireLordTrackingQuest as DLC1VampireTrackingQuest).playerRace)) I will test it tonight and I will keep you posted. source: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11307/?
  4. Did you go in an interior (like Whiterun for instance) and get back in exterior to force the game to charge the world once again?
  5. I always did the reverse path to find what mod is glitchy (but I have not as much as you got). Meaning I used to uncheck all of them and check one by one to see which one makes your game crash.
  6. Hello, I am new in modding, so my knowledge is still basic. My need: I would like to create a shapeshifting spell. For now, I try to make my spell working as follow: On_Init() 1) Save the items the player is wearing in variables 2) First problem: Trying to save the current playerRef in a variable 3) Save the player's infamy in a local variable OnEffectStart(Target,Caster) 4) Ask the player in game if he/she wants to change his/her outfit thanks to a messageBox with limited options (Bandit outfit, Merchant, Robe, Fine Clothes, Archer, Blacksmith...) 5) RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) OnUpdate() 6) Game.showraceMenu() 7) If the player is not seen during the "shapeshifting", remove the infamy on him/her OnEffectFinish() 8 ) Second Problem: Trying to load previous character shapes on the player (before the showracemenu => fail 9) Remove the current outfit if it was changed in step 4 10) Put back the items the player was wearing in step 1 if needed 11) Put back his/her infamy Basically my problem is when I process the showracemenu(), it changes allthe references of my player so it seems not possible to get back the previous form/race/bodypart of my player before the showracemenu. Does someone know a way to do so? I tried to apply the VampireLordChange script logic to my script without success. Thanks all in advance for your help!
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