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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. eya fellas,


    It's been a hack of a long time since I last checked this forum but I wanted to show everyone what I've been doing while i wasnt modding for Oblivion and Skyrim <---which hopefuly I will start very soon.

    Here, check out some of my workshop contribution for TF2 and if you happen to like them and have steam please vote up:) clik the picture for link! Thanks for your attention!




  2. Yo, i know it's not really worth it, but if you could convert my old stella's armor i'd be really thankful. <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":)"><br>Here's the link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29825<br>(Please ignore the quality of the textures <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":)">
  3. Who would possibbly need pictures of power rangers? :P

    just joking. I once started to model the redranger armor from the first season, but then i lost all the work and never finished. I hope someone picks this up, i wanna play with te rangers :P

  4. One problem I've seen with mapping the capes to the tail skeleton is that if the user doesn't have some compatibility skeleton installed, or doesn't play a beast race, the cape will mess up, as in go flying all over the place and cover the screen due to its bones being missing.

    This is fixed by several mods (with this armor included) that change the normal skeleton with the skeletonbeast....or atleast it should. Anyhow it's not a big issue. Apart from this an other mod is needed: Stylish jump. <---- the cape floats in the air when jumping becouse of this mod.


    Oh, Calliton, i will make new serpet swords, the old ones are rubbish (altough i am glad you like them;))

  5. Jo, sup guys

    Some of you may know that i was unable to mod for quite some time but now (since yesterday) i'm back. I have some other 3d work to do but i think i can manage to get some time to re-work the black knight and make seperate "animated" capes

  6. Yo,

    I'm interested in helping you. Acctually I've wanted to start a minor steampunk project on my own last month but i got crippeled by the malfunction of my PC. I did draw some concepts tought.

    The only problem with me is that I won't be able to model/texture untill the 20th July. If you will need help when i'm avalible I'd be more that prepared to join in. Good luck for now ;)


    P.S: Corthian: that model looks amazing

  7. i win because i got my PC back from the service, and apart a total windows registry failure, witch made me re-install the OS, works perfectly! Even my GC works now! I guess it came back to life...and to think i left her for dead.
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