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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. What? Is he leaving? What have i missed?

    I admit i wasn't active much the last month and i didn't expect that things would change :/

    It's a shame, zprospero is a great modder, it's a pitty we couldn't finish the work together.


    (these robes are killer looking btw)



    Ps: Oh i've just noticed the sig. For a moment i tought he's going for ever.

  2. Wine cellars are always nice!


    I'd want to mark the importance of Pushkatu's fifth point. He's 100% right on it! Lot's of castle mods share this problem. Sometimes smaller is better indeed, but ofcourse if you manage to fill a big hall with interesting details it's even better.

  3. Or maybe, after many fights it the Arena, you start a rebelion which ends badly with you getting into jail from where the MQ could start normally...mhm i guess this isn't a new start but a longer one :P
  4. I removed all the mods, meshes and textures, and got the same result.


    So I'm guessing it is not a Construction Set problem, possibly a Blender or NifSkope problem.


    I will keep trying to make this work, but if anyone can think of what it could be, please let me know.


    This is 100% a Blender\nifscope problem. Firstly, how did you do the weight painting? Did you make it of your own or used the copy weight paint script?

    Secondly you can check the nif file for duplicated scene.root nodes. If you have 2 the best thing is to get back to blender, delete all skeletons, select your meshes and then import a new skeleton and using the function to parent it directly to all selected meshes.


    Almost 99% of the time when i get invisible armors in game it's the weight painting's fault, so I'm pretty confident the same is in your case.

  5. fact: i'm a hard-core brütal metal head but today i realized i like a part of a song by Fallout boys. ( i hate them)

    fact2: i should really be studying now but i'm to lazy.

    fact3: i'm to lazy to remove my sig. I really cose it's been 3 moths now since i made it.

  6. i usually sacrifice a cute furry rabbit before i start with a modding session, it helped me so far and will help you too i assume.


    bahahahhaa XD that totally made my day




    Ps i'll now read the op and say something constructive (hopefully)

  7. Also, I just got these, some of the best weapons made for Oblivion in my opinion.

    I agree those are realy good. I love the textures. Too bad i can't test them :/

    Anyway i've heard of a really cool weapon mod called Jecht's sword. It is here on the nexus, a link is even in this topic, and the author is a pretty cool guy too:P

  8. I got GTA IV for bd. I tried to play it a bit before my GC stopped working completely and i must say i really liked it. I'm not a fan of Windows games live however. At some point it updated itself and deleted all my saves -.-

    Great game anyway, i'll defenetly mod it :)

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