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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. unnoticed....funny word. I looked at Pushkatu in his eye. He didn't see trough my snow camo. Just a split second later i drove my dagger shaped snow ball (lol) trough his eye and completly ripped his brain....i left the scene saying: "that's gonna leave him a brain freeze.."
  2. lol I don't own too much I guess


    The Orange Box

    All the original HL games




    The Witcher

    Diablo II


    still play little Duke Nukem 3D lol


    hmmm your nick is Illidan yet ther is no WC in your list :P just joking.


    Aaaaaaaany way, iguess my list cant compete with the others but here we go:


    NFS: HP

    Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast (omg must find the cd...wanna play it again!)


    some kids games i dont remeber the names (from many years ago :P)

    Red alert 2

    MOH: AA, Spearhead and Breaktrough (if only i could find them...i lend them to a friend and then *pufff*)


    Half-life 2 (and css)

    Then there are those on steam:


    Left 4 dead


    HL2: Ep 1/ep2

    Garry's mod



    Console: njaaah i don't have a console, apart for the PS1 that i borrowed from a friend...i never play it tough.


    Maybe gameboy color: Pokemon Yellow, Sliver

    Batman: chaos in gotham

    Star wars pod racers...


    uff...more that first tough tbh, but still not many i guess

  3. I'd take his IG Joes outside and use them for my AR-15 target practice...


    Aren't those GI Joes? :P


    Anyway, i know how it feels when something like that happens....my cousin managed to fry almost all the motherboard slots....i don't know how that happened i only know he played my PC without a break for 10 or more hours -.-

  4. Unavi btw can i intrest you in possibly joining the team? your mods list is very good and we could definatly use some help with meshes and textures


    Hey, thank you for your invite, but as it was said in the first post, you need people that aren't working on 100 project at the same time...and i'm quite literaly working on 99...heh just kidding, but i'm quite busy with my Black Knight armor so i couldn't be of much help. Maybe when i finish it, but not before, sorry (it happened before that i promised something but just coulnd deliver..sorry again)


    Good luck with the work!

  5. Hay, i was kindo hoping to surprise everyone with a special gift before completing the armor, but for now i can say that i've been texturing it and im pretty happy with the way it's coming.

    I'll make sure to deliver some screenshots of the textured armor this weekend. I'm realy sorry but this will take some time, becouse school started at full power again and i have less time each day.

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