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Everything posted by amalgo

  1. Hello guys, I just installed the game and some mods and for some reason all mannequins now keep unequipping/not accepting armor (no relations to a specific item). It doesn't dupplicate armor, just won't "accept" some itens or accept others (if I leave the house or go to the cellar and come back the itens accepted or refused may change). It happens in all houses, all mannequins. Aditionaly to unequipping armor/clothes/rings/etc. it's also possible that a item will be "accepted" by the mannequin returning to the inventory as a stole item. If I disable SkyUI OR USLEEP the problem is gone (also won't happen if both are disabled) but if any of them stays on it will happen. If all the other mods are active and SkyUI and/or USLEEP are disabled the problem won't happen. I also tried using the Unofficial patches (vanilla and DLC) as opposed to USLEEP but with the same results. My load order (using LOOT) is correct and changing the ordem SkyUI loads made no difference. Anyone has any suggestion? My mod list is: USLEEPSkyUISkyComplete (Vanilla and DLCs)Unread Books GlowBlessings Altar DescriptionsBarenziah Quest MarkersQuality World Map with no cloudsSharlikrans Compatibility Patches - LOOT sugestionSKSE from Steam
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