In response to post #25809369. #25809884, #25811279, #25811379, #25811454, #25811619, #25811709, #25811839, #25812549, #25812579, #25812739, #25816559, #25817939, #25818664, #25822494 are all replies on the same post. I'm not a "hardcore" fundamentalist but I think it's a very bad idea. One of the best things about the fallout games (I only played 3 and NV so far) is that you can customize the character and imagine his/her personality. You can create many types of characters like in Tes games. Even if the character they give us is awesome on his own, the very fact that you are stuck with him makes it awkward. It just seems like a pointless gimmick. I mean it seem will be given a new, massive, colorful world to explore, but without character customization.