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About Shagreth

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    TeS series, Gothic series, VTM:B. The Witcher, Baldurs Gate, and more.

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  1. So the outfit is nice, but as usual -- they pay ZERO attention to detail, the feet look like they came from a PS1 game. Could someone please tell me if it's even possible to convert this into a EVB outfit?
  2. There's head bobbing whenever we move, especially sprint, that makes my wife nauseous, any chance it could be modded out of the game? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17632/ There's one for FO4 (same engine) so I was curious if it can be done, I'd hate it if I have to play alone.
  3. They do look truly disgusting, but I guess no-ones interested of modding 76 nowadays.
  4. Hello! I would like to make the Act 1 & 2 Dark Armor Sets look like the Kingslayer one, thing is -- I don't even know where to start. Anyone got some advice?
  5. Greetings, I don't remember my character having this bug in the beginning, but from some point onward I cannot seem to equip anything without having to press "r" twice, example: I dual-wield two swords and click (whether from menu, favorites menu or key-binding) to equip a shield, the shield becomes visible on my left hand but doesn't function, I have to press "R" to lower my hands and then put them back up again to ACTUALLY have the item/spell. Anyone ever encountered this? p.s. cannot post my mod list from here, but I do have a couple animation mods & xp32
  6. Been away for a while, but this is something that (as far as I know) was always missing from the nexus, sorry but I think 'tracking center' is the next best thing. Me, I just got a folder in my bars just for Skyrim mods and just bookmark everything.
  7. Nope, no hardware issues, I monitor everything there is to monitor (temps, vram, ram etc) with a panel, and I've stress tested every part using Prime95 and other programs, plus I never had any problems with other games, games that are often more demanding than Skyrim. Also, my saves were @ the 10mb range at the time, they keep getting bigger as you play, but nothing crazy in my case, just a few KB per session. As for having to load too much, yeah - thought of that and I waited 31 days (setpcsleephours 750) so that everything that can go/reset, will go. The characters that got ruined did not have a problem at the beginning, only after.. say.. 30 hours - then the problems started. My money's still on the tesvsnip mods, will see how things go now that I've ditched them.
  8. I was also having this problem, suffice to say that I ditched most mods that I used during that hellish playthrough, especially mods that were made or even slightly scratched with tesvsnip, turns out there is some serious bug with its code that has the potential of messing with your game. So in general, installing anything that was created before February 7th(CK release date)is inadvisable, still the chances of people using Snip to clean and whatnot are very, very high, but that way of thinking doesn't lead anywhere, you'll just end up using no mods that way. I also had RCRN installed on the botched playthrough, don't know how different it is from say, ENB, and what problems it could cause but I guess Staind716 would know. Awaiting for your response. ;) Anyway, still haven't started my new playthrough, but hopefully there will be no freezes this time around. Should also note that there are various reports of freezes after installing Dawnguard, everything Bethesda related 'on release' is known to be buggy and unstable as hell, so it could be the DLC for all I know.
  9. Ah, so this is only needed to be done IF you have already been to these areas without having your script in the first place? Roger. Regards
  10. You are a mad script wizard, Steve. Thanks a bunch! Going to install the updated scripts immediately.
  11. Thanks for taking a look, Steve, you are a true asset to this community. Just came to me, your scripts are still needed with the latest version of UKSP installed, right? Didn't see anything about the "Mind of Madness" quest in their notes, asking just in case. And what about the Dawnguard scripts, did you find anything dirty in there, after all? Regards
  12. I was browsing regarding these issues with dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT & fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT and how they are both(I *think*) related to the quest "Mind of Madness", since I am a completionist -- It would suck if I had to avoid that quest completely. So I guess the best thing to do is install your scripts before I start my new game? Whatever it is you suggest I do, I have to thank you for helping out the community, I really admire you. Hats off to you, sir. Now, as seen here Dawnguard Keeps Freezing thread (last post) I was having issues with my latest playthrough, it was a complete nightmare to say the least. So now I am starting over with a cleaner game, with no huge/script heavy mods like SkyRe or Belua Sanguinare Revisited, installing anything (like your scripts) to prevent any errors from happening is a must for me at this point. Now these are the last few lines before my game froze, I guess that the culprit is Belua Sanguinare Revisited, thing is, I was getting these freezes before installing that particular mod. My suspect that Dawnguard & Being a Vampire has to do something with the issue, but that's a mere guess. Would greatly appreciate it if you could take a glimpse. I also noticed that you will be taking a look at the newly released Dawnguard scripts, for some buggy code. How is that coming along?
  13. I was also experiencing this, the game would freeze whenever a new cell was loaded(mainly exterior cells)especially after fast traveling, it would allow me to move for 1 second and bam -- game freezes and I have to kill the process. I also had a bunch of mods like SkyRe, Belua Sanguinare, USKP, UDGP, and many.. many others. I couldn't play anymore, getting freezes so often became a real PITA, ditched my 40 hours character and I am now reinstalling Skyrim, with no major mods like SkyRe or BSR this time. Hopefully it was one of the major & script heavy mods that did this, if its just Dawnguard(very likely - this is Bethesda after all) - then I am f***ed. Proper troubleshooting would be no mods at all, but that's not an option for me.
  14. Hell yeah, happy birthday indeed! And a big-ass thanks to every single member of the team, and to our modders for making the games so, SO much better.
  15. Played 5 more hours and the size is now 5.5mb. I guess it's only natural for the file to keep getting bigger as you play. I will just keep on going and see how it plays when it reaches.. say.. 25mb. As for ENB, injectors and that whole thing, do they still bloat saves like mad? I can't find a solid answer on the net.
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