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About lunaticorlover

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  1. You'v kind of got me a little confused there bro, I thought that since you were posting in a request section this was a request, as opposed to a mod your working on, and say might be posted in mod talk. I think my impression was reinforced because you had mentioned you don't know how to mod. If you want to lay claim to it and keep it under your creative control, you should probably know that a Goris follower isn't a new idea. If you do a search for Goris, just in this thread you'll see several hits, 2 of them mine, another two or three from other forum members that are a straight up request for Goris as a follower and even lore built on Goris for Q's intelligent deathclaw race. So long story short it may be new to you, but it's not to many other fallout fans. So if you want to build Goris, that's no problem, I'll step back. Not because it's an original idea, it's not, but out of courtesy from one author to another. And I'v got a Sload of stuff to do as is. But if this is a request, the mods going to have my spin on it as I build it, it's inevitable. And the larger the mod is, the more it will reflect my ideas and POV. A good companion mod is a lot of work, I know I'm finishing up what is in my opinion a pretty decent little mod based on Marilyn the securitron. You can see a few snippets of her here, here and here. The work I do on her and potentially Goris is the tough part, everything from dialog quests to modeling. It won't be something I'll be able to slap together in an hour or two. The dialog itself, is by far the easiest part for me. Now that being said, I have no trouble compromising. I'm usually working with a group of people on larger projects, so compromise is a absolute necessity. I have no problem dropping the progeny/family/tribal line from the story. I think it's a missed opportunity, but like I said I can flex with it. But what is important is that we understand each other so there isn't confusion later on. I'll credit you in the mod, name both of us in the title and give you wide lead-way as far as creative dialog, and input in general. But it's important we each know where we stand on this issue, to head off problems later. If that's OK with you we'll keep chugging right along. If you want to do this on your own, no problem, no hard feelings, I'll wish you the best of luck. Just let me know which way you'd prefer it to go. Ahh well yeah it's a request as I can't doing scripting for my life--I could barely craft the night stlaker companion I have right now without hours of difficulty. I'm totally open to suggestions and I know attempts to make a Goris mod have been done before--I just feel like the whole deathclaw-family-backstory is a bit messy and ambitious at this point. I don't want to make it sound like I'm against any other creative input or anything, I just feel like taking it in that direction would be over-complicating it. Perhaps focus on crafting Goris, first, and if all goes well, that could be a separate quest to add with him?
  2. You could perhaps find her in a little shack on her own in an area dense with feral ghouls, because she's trying to communicate with them and find a way to help them. Recruiting her could give you a perk that makes feral ghouls friendly to you. Would you be interested in making her a pre-War ghoul, or one who was turned more recently?
  3. What if the nun is a ghoul, who keeps her face hidden with her headdress? A little bit snarky in her attitude, maybe with a high medicine and barter skill? It'd be cool for her main weapon to be like a Shishkebab or a chainsaw or something, hehe. I'd be willing to voice act for her, if need be, btw. I'd offer my services for the preacher since he seems to be the one you guys are pushing for, but, well, uh... that'd be one ladylike preacher. :pinch:
  4. Ehh as the person who suggested this mod, and the one is currently set to write the dialogue should this actually happen, I'm not really down with this whole Deathclaw queen side story concept. I'd like to keep it kind of simplified and just have him be something of a cynical lone wanderer that the courier needs to convince to join their party through examples of kindness in the wasteland, which I feel sends a good message and makes the mod a bit more meaningful than just "Hi, come with me". I feel like adding all this stuff about a future intelligent deathclaw family makes it way too complicated. For now we're just trying to focus on a mod that includes Goris, not a whole brood. I hate to say it, but the flourishing of the robe may be disappointing, (unfortunate since it seems iconic to Gorris). As a human it wouldn't be a problem to have a unequip under a onCombat block, but as a deathclaw, that is a no go. We have a couple of choices. 1. He always has his robe on or never has his robe on. 2. I try to add a niVisController node to the robe so we can make it disappear (couldn't grantee I'll figure that out soon) via script, when combat starts. 3. We rig a deathclaw mesh to a human skeleton. With a human skeleton all npc animations are possible as well as equipping custom weapons and armor. The downside is Goris will move like a human. The worse example is he will "box" instead of lash out with his claws. I think having him just keep the robe on at all times might be the best option. You won't get the badass reveal, but the robe is still really iconic to his character regardless of whether or not he removes it.
  5. Well, I think a good way to make the mod feel genuine would to be to connect it to his role in Fallout 2. I need to do a bit of research on what EXACTLY Goris's fate was, as I still haven't quite beaten Fallout 2 yet. Either way, his personality is definitely going to be drastically different from Fallout 2. He comes off as a bit of a naive idealist--I think after traveling the wastes he'd get a taste of the real blood and grit that comes with it. He's a pariah, and very lonely one at that--unlike ghouls, he can't find others like him. They're all dead. At this point I'd imagine he's a bitter skeptic, disgusted by the world, yet still wishing he could be as intrigued and enamored with it as he once was. He stays in his cave, reading classic pre-War books with this notion that humanity would have been kinder to him and his dead kinsmen then (even though we know that's not quite true). Perhaps the player's quest to recruit him permanently is to bring him proof that there is still good in the Mojave. You find, say, three examples. I'm no expert at scripting, but I'm assuming that could work one of two ways. The hard way would be to create entirely new characters/events/etc to serve as these examples. The easier way would be to choose existing in-game scenarios that could work as examples of 'good-doing', and when you come across those, you can report back to him. Or maybe skip all that and pass a speak check if you have high enough intelligence, considering he's a pretty clever dude. We've got a lot of examples in New Vegas of how shitty life can be in a post-apocalyptic environment. I feel like a good overarching theme to have with Goris is that's not always the case. I'll need to go over his dialogue and speech patterns in Fallout 2 again, but I'd be happy to put together some basic beta dialogue. There's a program called Twine, that you can use to make text adventures, and I could craft a basic dialogue tree with it.
  6. I noticed there was mention of Goris in the Humanoid deathclaw thread, but I figured I'd give him his own topic to discuss. Forgive me if this has been posted before. I'd really love to see Goris from Fallout 2 make a return! He was my favorite companion, definitely one of the coolest and most intriguing designs. I imagine him older, larger, and more scarred (and stronger!) than he'd been in Fallout 2. You'd discover a secluded cave filled with accumulated books and knick knacks, Goris in the midst. With a bit of chatting, you'd convince him to venture the wastes again. Perhaps even a simple fetch quest of some sort could be implemented in order to recruit him. I think it would be really cool, and fit in well with the overall plot--there are a lot of deathclaw followers, but none of them seem to have any personality to them (well, save for Mr. Claw, he's cool). I'd love to implement this bit of Fallout lore into a more modern translation. However, I'm fully aware of how challenging this would be. Goris isn't just a deathclaw. He's an albino deathclaw, and he talks, and he wears a cloak that he dramatically sweeps off like a badass when combat starts. It would definitely be hard to pull off, but I imagine with the right talent it would look really stunning. I am by no means good with modding. It took me an hour to figure out how to edit a bit of dialogue with the GECK. But if anyone would be seriously interested, I'm a capable writer and would be more than happy to write his dialogue. This is more of a pipe dream than anything else, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
  7. Female voice. Soprano, so best suited for younger women. 7+ years of acting experience under my belt. Capable of several regional accents and various different voices. Decent at singing. Extensive knowledge of classical Latin pronunciation, if that sweetens the pot for any modders with Legion quests. I've been playing NV for several years now, and would really enjoy contributing to a mod, so PM me if you need any female voice actors!
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