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About GoatGawd

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  1. Yeah I feel like an idiot... I still had some patch 7 mods downloaded which was causing the file to be reset... seems to be working after downgrading those mods back to their pre-patch 7 versions. Sorry
  2. Dude If you read what I said, I tried these steps with the patch 6 beta and it was doing the exact same thing. I downgraded fully to patch 6 to see if it would work.
  3. I completely downgraded to patch 6 because I thought maybe the beta version was the problem, and it still isn't working. Unfortunately, it still resets my modsettings file on launch. There clearly something I'm missing here but I have no idea what.
  4. I don't know why this is still not working for me.... I followed all the instructions while on patch 6 yet every time I boot up the game my modsettings file is still being reset on launch and my game still isn't detecting mods. I haven't been able to play my save in days man this is so frustrating.
  5. So this update changes the modsettings.lsx format but if I downgrade my game back to patch 6 does the update take the old format into account? I downgraded to patch 6 but my mods aren't being loaded in game. Is there a way I can downgrade the extension update as well or is there another alternative?
  6. So I found out what the new issue is on my side. If you have any cyberware that has a bonus stat that increases reload speed will cause this bug. When I removed all the cyberware that had bonus reload speed the bug went away.
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