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Everything posted by Reginald001

  1. Update: Site is aware of some issues and are working on it. Should be resolved soon. :)
  2. Looks like other mods are experiencing it too. :o https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/50381
  3. I'm trying to upload my mod, but any image I upload doesn't show. I just tried uploading to the regular image section, same result. When I right click 'show image' I get a CDN error 1020. Any ideas, tips, tricks or hints? Maybe something on the site end? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/50380 Edit: I just tried from a different PC, same result. :(
  4. Ok so I am a complete fool. You helped me a lot, thanks. 1) She was set to 'no crime'. 2) I had created an ESP overriding some of her facial/hair features a long time and it was still active.. blocking any effin changes I made to the ESM base mod. Uhmm.. yes.. so I think I can handle it from here, withdrawing in shame now.. thank you. :)
  5. Hey.. I think you might be on to something here. Checking it now!
  6. Anyone have any other ideas why my NPC would NOT be attacking upon theft?
  7. Yes I figured something like that too, but she is not a companion yet at that time. (Hence why she should attack when the player steals). I'm looking into the follower/companion script. I think I'm missing an event property there or something.
  8. Hey.. any one have an idea on my second issue? My NPC does not attack the player when they steal.. I've been looking into crime factions but can't really make heads or tails of it. Any ideas are welcome!
  9. 1st problem solved. I had the 'AddToFaction' after a loop call, so it never ran. Items now belong to the player after recruitment. I still can't get her to attack the player though when they steal.. must have something to do with the crime factions.. or perhaps the follower script vars..?
  10. I'm a bit lost with Factions and ownership. The idea is that I have an NPC that 'owns stuff' until I recruit her as companion, then her stuff becomes 'my stuff' as well. I took at a look at how this was setup for Piper. There's a faction DmndPublickOwnerFaction and I copied this setup. I checked her recruitment quest and found the player was added to this faction. So I think I copied this whole setup right, yet.. well read the issues below in more detail: - I have a custom NPC that can be recruited. In her cellar, there are a lot of items. - I've created a faction called '_ivy_ownership_faction' and have assigned ownership to all of these items by selecting that faction. - I set the faction to be able to be 'owner' (This works, the items turn red when I go into her cellar). I have two problems: 1) Ivy does not attack the player when they steal her stuff. 2) Her stuff does not become 'my stuff' once I recruited her. - I have added my NPC to this faction at rank 0. - When she is recruited I call Game.GetPlayer().AddToFaction(_ivy_ownership_faction) But after that the items stay red. There is no error in the papyrus log, so the call must be functioning. She does not attack me when I steal her items, this is also an issue I need to solve. So I added a crime faction to her that tracks crime. But when I checked the 'Use Info' for the DmndPublickOwnerFaction I saw it was only being called in her recruitment quest, it's not some sub-child of another crime faction. So at this point I'm a bit lost... Any tips for both problems will be greatly appreciated! (SOLVED> This solution was correct all along. But I had an ESP overriding the NPC I was working, overriding my work.)
  11. That's an avenue I considered but had no idea how to approach it. I do now. I'll check out if this works, thanks.
  12. Still struggling with this. Trying to see if there's anything in the Story Manager Events that I can use, but nothing so far. It's weird that this dialogue conditional is not available. It sounds like basic functionality.. (which quests are activated by the player). But nothing so far. Also looking into the player actor script, perhaps there's some kind of array like 'Active Quests'.. I just don't want to set up a looping script that checks active quests... it's daft.. overkill.. and likely will be bad for performance. :(
  13. The error is quite specific. :) "Variable GwendolynCompanion is undefined" it says: type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a void to a actor. This means you are trying to either fill this Actor variable with a so called 'NONE' (empty) object or made a typo in the variables. Post your entire script, including variables.
  14. It means the property was not filled. When you add a property to a script, in the CK you need to either fill it manually, or 'autofill' it, if it's named correctly.
  15. My NPC makes a remark on a 'running' (vanilla) quest, but only if that quest is selected to be 'active' in the pipboy. She has a whole slew of quest related remarks she should only say if the player is actively engaged in that quest. All of these are in a Shared Info, that uses conditionals to filter out what is relevant. So I need the dialogue conditional version of Quest.IsActive() (Not IsRunning) For instance, if the player has 'Join the settlers in Sanctuary' and 'Go to Diamond City' in their running quests, I don't want my NPC to say "So we're going to Sanctuary?" when the player just selected the map marker for Diamond City, etc..etc.. This also works vice-versa, if the player has a long running but inactive quest, the NPC might suggest to 'go check it out'.
  16. I think this doesn't exist. I will check periodically (e.g. onLocationChange) if specific quests are active to avoid topics on. It's nasty but I don't see another way if there's no dialogue conditional available. I will also check if there is perhaps a StoryManager event available that I can hook into. A listening quest could be the solution, if any SM events are available.
  17. That works for all running quests, regardless of whether they are activate in the players pipboy, right? I think this is the conditional version for: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=IsRunning_-_Quest I was hoping there was also a conditional for 'IsActive'.
  18. I've been looking for a dialogue conditional to track whether the player has a quest activated in their pipboy or not. I thought I had seen one before but now I'm guessing there might not be one. There is the script function Quest.IsActive() which does this and I could set up some sort of script to set a global, then use that as conditional. But I'm hoping there's a cleaner way of doing this. Any clues?
  19. I solved this by making a potion with a magic effect, that has a scripted effect spawning a blood explosion. It also applies blood effects to the NPC, fading out over time. I equip the potion when it's time for the NPC to be soaked in blood after the special attack.
  20. I want to apply blood effects to my companion NPC as part of one of her scripted attacks. The idea is that she returns basically 'blood soaked' for a while. I've been searching to see how normal effects are applied, but they seemed to be linked to bodyparts data and damages. I don't want to damage the NPC, just basically 'cover her in blood' for a while. I'm thinking I'm on the right track with 'ApplySpell' but I don't really know how to proceed from there. Does anyone have tips for me, so I know in which direction to look?
  21. Good you succeeded : ) Curious, if loop includes GetCombatTarget value or alias check only, i'd suppose, it should be filled immediately after ForceRefTo. But really confused now about giving any tips, all said worked somehow for me and simple aliases, yes, but now as i've dealt with a dynamic RefCollection for the first time, got completely stuck - my alias keeps alive no matter what i do - Reset or Stop, and keeps running packages. Stupored. Don't understand a thing. I stepped away from forcing the ref into an alias to begin with, like this: Ivy = pIvy.GetActorRef() pPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() CombatTarget = Ivy.GetCombatTarget() While Ivy.GetAllCombatTargets().Length > 0 && CombatTarget == None CombatTarget = Ivy.GetCombatTarget() utility.wait(0.1) Endwhile I check her combattargets.length because it's a better indicator than IsInCombat() and it prevents the loop from running indefinitely. It works like a charm. (Videos available of all of this in action if you google 'companion ivy' and check the latest forum threads).
  22. Thanks! Some good tips in there. I'll check to remove the reset. I managed to fix it by implementing a while loop that waits for the alias to fill. Apparently the combattarget is not always filled, or not always valid, so in that case the loop stops and the special move is skipped.
  23. I'm trying to force a combat target of my follower into a quest with her. I am trying to use the following setup: Quest Alias: 'CombatTarget' (Optional, Dead, Disabled, Destroyed) Specific Reference: Forced to <NONE> In the Alias attached Quest of my follower I run the following code: ReferenceAlias Property pCombatTarget Auto Const Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState) if (aeCombatState == 0) Debug.Trace("Ivy has left combat") elseif (aeCombatState == 1) Actor CT CT = Ivy.GetCombatTarget() ;only start a special attack when the conditions are met. if Ivy.GetDistance(CT) > 720 && Ivy.GetDistance(CT) < 8000 ;reset the special attacks quest. p_ivy_special_attacks.Reset() Utility.Wait(0.1) p_ivy_special_attacks.Start() Utility.Wait(0.2) pCombatTarget.ForceRefTo(CT) ;give some time for the engine to fill the ref.. Utility.Wait(0.5) ;start a random special attack scene in the special attacks quest. p_ivy_special_attacks_Attack_Selector.Start() endif elseif (aeCombatState == 2) Debug.Trace("Ivy is searching...") endIf endEvent But whatever code I run against akTarget, it always bombs out in the papyrus log with 'cannot run this on a NONE object'.I can't check the distance, I can't force the actor into my target. Yet... the combat state changed.. so there must be a combat target right? I've tried forcing refs from other events as well and that failed also. To make sure I was not failing on something else with combat, I hooked into the player.additem event. That has an akTarget as well, also always empty.. yet I CAN runn stuff like 'haskeyword' on it. I'm very lost at this point. I want to: - Identify a combat target of my follower. - Run a mini quest with both actors. But it's all failing on me filling the CombatTarger alias with Ivy's actual combat target. Any help is really appreciated.. it's so frustrating being stuck like this. :sad:
  24. I solved it! Took me 12 hours to figure out. Here's how to set it up without scripting: Created a Forced REF alias to the book in a Cell. (not optional, quest item) Created a 'Create object in' alias to the book object, to be created inside the alias above. Created a Forced REF alias to a container in the wilderness, close by. (Optional, quest item). Created a 'Creat object in' alias to the book object, to be created inside the alias (the container) above. Added 2 quest objectives, with conditionals based on the player level.
  25. Here's the situation: I want to place a book in the world, in one place or another, depending on the player level. I want my quest to then point a quest marker to the book, again depending on player level. If the player is below level 8, it will be in place A (easy to reach). If the player is above level 8, it will be in place B (harder to reach). I've tried a couple of things, but I think I'm going about this completely wrong. What would be the be the best way to implement this in a quest? I know my way around the CK a bit.. so a bulleted list (e.g. make ref 1 > point to this > add contional that., etc..etc..) of the attention points is all I need, thanks so much in advance!
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