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Nexus Mods Profile

About CrypticModem

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Explorer (4/14)



  1. Hi, i was wondering if anyone knows how i would use the GetMapMarkerVisible condition?
  2. Alright, so im looking for some help with travel packages. When i try to use them they usually walk half way and then start walking away. Anyone know how i can fix this?, am i missing something?
  3. Not sure how much of help this would be, i don't really understand the more confusing things of the creation kit like Global Variables. Do you know of a way i can do this without it or a tutorial i can watch to learn how to use Global Variables?
  4. Im not exactly sure about that, or if i do i don't understand your question.
  5. Alright, so quick and easy anyone know how i would check if say these 5 NPC's, all of them were killed it would set a specific stage?
  6. Thankgod i figured it out, i went into the script itself and deleted it, this thread is no use to me.
  7. I keep getting this error C:\Users\Nick Packham\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Quests\QF_1WCB_MQ02_0501A593.psc(76,24): cannot name a variable or property the same as a known type or script i get it after i tried naming a Reference Alias trigger, now it happens to every quest, every script etc. I even tried deleting the script i did it in and it did nothing. Please help!, if you have any questions feel free.
  8. A bit of both, was going to take this post down but. Writers will have freedom to make their own quests the way they think it should be, but also sometimes there will be set limitations.
  9. Ok, so im not experienced with scripts in fallout, i need to know how to do a check like the one in far harbor with enough medical skill you can heal the patient in the clinic. I also want a option to give the dying person a stimpak. Anyone know how i would do that?
  10. Hello everyone from Nexus, it's me Cryptic-Modem the project lead at West Coast Blues, the mod that is going to be adding a taste of the Mojave to the commonwealth. At this moment our project is looking for world designers. We also have spots open for most things including writers. We already have quest scripter (Me) and a 3 man asset design team which has already made good things for us including our personal armor which you can download here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31236 and some small things including this emergency radio [ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/434612864494338049/444000649122676756/WCBRadioTransparentFix.png ] our team is hoping to expand the scope of what we are doing and to do that we need a bigger team! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScy4hMYKbuNJ5A3JhauWxrLVKDUFqP4p66tZU77XJnxHqhE2A/viewform - Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter
  11. Right now we have about 9 voice actors, 3 writers, 3 asset design including BlaineMobius, 1 level designer. I do a lot of the work in the CK right now. It is planned to have a story with the NCR and we have our own assets in the pipe right now being created, we already have our armor almost done and an autodoc being made, tons more to be made.
  12. Hello werr92. If you want a presentation you can have one. Im waiting on the voice actor to show you one of them. We are getting the armor finished aswell. Stay tuned.
  13. Fallout: West Coast Blues post: "The year 2285: After retaking the Hoover Dam and defeating the Legion, sending them into a civil war in the process, the NCR decided to expand their boundaries to a place the Brotherhood of Steel had ventured only once, and to expect many new changes and challenges there, from the synthetics of the shadowy Institute, to the new and mutated creatures of the East Coast, not mentioning the rumors of a huge, unchecked, and regional power the Eastern BOS had become... 2287, August: The NCR finally arrive in the Commonwealth, lead by 3 people in three separate goals and visions for the area: The COSI, Commonwealth Office of Science and Industry, lead by a former Vault City citizen, who seeks to study or partner with the most technologically advanced faction of the region. The Army, lead by Warrant Officer Safran, seeking to first secure NCR areas of interest, and begin bringing democracy and peace to the area. And finally, the Diplomatic leader of the NCR in the region: Ambassador Henry Guzman, seeking to make peace with the various factions of the area, but won't hesitate in making war and calling the fury of the Bear and the West Coast upon their foes..." Hey there, we're making a new medium-scale faction mod bringing the Mojave to the Commonwealth, beginning with the New California Republic. We currently are partnered with the group Creator's Network and modder BlaineMobius, both assisting us in our development, which you can view with our Artstation. We're currently looking for people of all skillsets - Drop in as you like and contribute where you can. The most valued skills we are currently looking for are: Quest Creators, Scripters, Writers, and other sorts of modders. Contact us at our Discord or PM me if you're looking to apply! Thanks in advance, WCB Modding Team. Pictures Of Assets And WIP Items: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yra1J Discord: https://discord.gg/xfzcz8M
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