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Everything posted by AielloA

  1. I know, I know: there's a "One-Handed Crossbow" mod already - but it isn't, it's a Handbow mod, and the bows themselves count as staves not crossbows (so you can kiss your Archery perks goodbye!) I will admit that I do not know much about modding Skyrim, but it seems to me that it should be possible to edit the animations such that the holding and firing animation for ANY crossbow only uses one hand (the reloading animation would and should still use both hands)... Is this possible? Or am I doomed to only using crossbows in both hands? SUMMARY: I want new, one-handed animations for crossbow holding and firing - purely for aesthetic purposes, it doesn't need to affect gameplay at all
  2. I would LOVE to see an armor set based off of Sabriel's (and Lirael's, and I guess Sam's) armor from Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series. It's a swallow-tailed tunic, with swallow-tailed sleeves (Garth Nix likes swallow tails, I guess), made out of ceramic scales, beneath a blue tabard with a bandolier across it. If someone could do the armor and surcoat, Bandolier items would be more than suitable for the rest... I'll add some links to reference pictures, to sorta give people an idea of what it looks like (if you haven't read the book, ofc) Someone dressed up as Sabriel - not perfect, but gets the basic idea across (namely, a scale-mail coat beneath tabard) - http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/041/d/c/sabriel_costume_by_p00p13_p13-d38hy0x.jpg 3D gif, not as close to my mental image as the one above, but better quality, and shows the swallow-tailed look of the scale coat - http://dylan-brady.com/images/sabriel_360.gif If someone could get working on these, that'd be awesome!
  3. I know about the .ini file thing, I've edited that, and yet the shadows are still there, and still making my game lag like a b****. I'm not the only one who has had this problem, editing the .ini file does not appear to remove shadows from DA:O. I know mods have been made that remove shadows from other games (I use one for TES:Skyrim, and it makes a MASSIVE difference), so I have to ask, why is there not a mod like this for DA:O? Please, someone, make one. Everyone who has lag issues in DA:O will love you for ever.
  4. Basically, the name says it all... I'd love a light armor set that had longer side and back panels (like, take the basic Leather Armor and lengthen the miniskirt-thing on the back and sides). If at all possible, I'd like it to be compatible with The Winter Forge too, so that I could make my own versions of it in-game. But I'd be happy with any version of this, really ^_^ BTW: if there's already a mod that does this, and I was just too stupid to see it on the Nexus, link it here :P
  5. I have no idea as to the feasibility of this, but if someone could make a mod where a City Elf Warden gets to go back to Nesiara after Ostagar, that'd be great. Seriously, that's my main regret from the whole Origin story, that I had to leave her behind :P Maybe make her an NPC in the Camp or something? I just want her to be there, so that I don't feel like going and killing Vaughan was pointless.
  6. I'd really love something like the GW2 Heritage Medium Armor set... http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/8/81/Heritage_Masque%2C_Bandana%2C_Warhelm.jpg Assuming that's possible, it would be really awesome IMO
  7. Hmm. Yeah, now that you mention it, that could easily work. So... Could someone retexture the Forsworn Bow to be black with silver trim? And preferably make it a little more effective, so that I can actually use it? :P
  8. http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/7/75/Spiked_Recurve_Bow.jpg/150px-Spiked_Recurve_Bow.jpg I would love to have a version of that bow in Skyrim (preferably black or very dark blue color with silver trim, so it'll go well with my armor mods)... And if it could be slightly longer than the basic bow skin, that'd be even better for realism purposes, after all, real-life Longbows are about as tall as a person, and even smaller bows tend to be taller than what Bethesda gave us. Which reminds me of another mod suggestion I had: a bow mesh changer that makes all bows 20% taller, if that's even possible it would be great for realism purposes mentioned above. And it would mesh really well with the Longer Arrows mod ^_^ If you start working on either of these ideas, please let me know!
  9. Actually, Gunblades are just like normal swords that have an explosion effect when they hit something. I've played MC with mods, never heard of Balkon's Weapons though. And these bazooka weapons, do you mean they're already made as Skyrim mods?
  10. Now, I know we already have the Flintlock Pistol mod, which I've heard is awesome (I've never tried it) but I'm trying to mod my Skyrim into a semi-futuristic, Final-Fantasy-esque game. And I've got Gunblades, sexy armors and all that stuff, but what I'm missing is a pistol. Could someone see about re-skinning the Flintlock Pistol mod and maybe even making other weapons to go with it (Loshirai's SkyRe Assault Rifles mod would be perfect for that, if Losh agrees). If someone does this, I would consider them amazing, so thanks in advance!
  11. This has probably been requested before (hell, they're too damn awesome not to have been wanted!) but I would LOVE to see a version of Crescent Moon and Weiss' rapier from Monty Oum's RWBY trailers (Red: and White: ) If this has already been done, please give me a link to the mod, and if it hasn't, could someone please make these? Awesome power-ups would be awesome, but are not necessary cause even just on their own, these weapons are sexy as hell ^_^
  12. Hmm... I would LOVE to have "Armor of the Tongues" like I described in my other thread... Basically, Thalmor Robes retextured to have the design of Greybeard Robes, but with Iron Armor replacing the boots, gauntlets, and that tunic mesh on the front of the robes. Sort of like the first one of these: http://www.keenandgraev.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/jedi-knight-armor.jpg, only with Greybeard/Iron Armor textures instead...
  13. I've been looking all through the Nexus for something like this, but apparently there is not a single mod with a powerful Illusion Magic follower - I don't want Destruction Magick or anything, cause I can kill stuff myself, thank you very much ;) But, apparently, people hate the idea of making Illusion/Restoration supporting (i.e. healing/buffing/crowd-control) followers, despite the fact that this would be awesome for anyone who enjoys a berserker playstyle. I have no idea how the CK works or else I'd try to do this myself, so if anyone else wants to give it a shot, that'd be great.
  14. What I was actually thinking was a sort of retex of the Thalmor Robes, so that the robe part looks like Greybeard robes, and the front part, legs and boots look like Iron Armor or something. And then give it a Fortify Shouts enchantment. And about the Alduin's Wall armor, I like it but I wear Heavy Armor, so that's a no-go :P
  15. I've been thinking a bit, and I think that the Dragonborn should have a set of armor made for his kind by the Greybeards... A mixed mesh that combines a Greybeard-ish tabard with Ancient Nord Armor or something, preferably with some sort of Fortify Shouting enchantment... If I had any idea whatsoever on how to make mods and/or meshes, I'd be working on this myself, but since I don't, all I can do is hope that someone who does know how to do both will read this, take pity on me, and make the most kick-ass armor set ever ^_^ Compatibility with Requiem would be nice too...
  16. Yeah, I'm trying to make a Ordo Hereticus Witch Hunter in Skyrim, I already have the armor and sword, all I was missing was the Inferno Pistol. I've just been notified that StormKat's working on this mod, I'm assuming he'll let us know once it's up, if not then I will. And about the spells and stuff... I actually have been using the Flames spell (and shouting "PURGE THE HERETIC!" at my enemies... My roommate probably thinks I'm insane), but it's just not the same...
  17. I've been running around with Shar's Deadly Torches and the Inquisitor Coat mods, feeling like a 40k Witch Hunter, but I'm starting to realize that something's missing... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NqPAfKaqVMM/UD4Z-g9KbbI/AAAAAAAAF7g/8BiqGrMT9o4/s400/Inferno_pistol.jpg If someone could make this a mod (I'm thinking a reskin of the Staff of Flames maybe, holding it up like a torch when it's not in use, and then pointing it forwards to unleash Hell), that would be awesome ^_^
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