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Posts posted by Di0nysys

  1. Hello, I'm actually brand new to the creation kit scene. I have been looking for an introduction/tutorial/general direction on making a tile kit for a very long time around many forums. I can't seem to find any good responses. I want to create my own textures and tiles(? forgive me for not being up to date on the terminology). I would be very thankful for some direction or being pointed in the right direction. Sorry I resorted to making a topic.

    Start with the basics; import a 1x1 basic floor tile from the game you're working for. Then use that tile's basic dimensions to guide your project.

    From here, start making your pieces. Build out your walls to a multiple of the floor tile's dimensions. I'd first sketch out the general style I want for my piece, then eventually use this guideline to build individual ornamental pieces to spruce up the kit with later on (for example, Dwemer tileset's gears, pistons, cupboards, etc). Also, when building your kit, make sure you turn on snapping in the 3d editor you're using, and adjust the tiling values to correspond to Skyrim's.


    For every tileset you usually need:


    1wayhalls (wall on either side with roof)

    2wayhalls (hallway that bends at a 90 degree)

    3wayhalls (hallway that bends at a 90 degree, but allows 3 ways of traversal)

    4wayhalls (...)

    halltodoorpiece (piece that converts from hallway to room - one of its walls would be able to align to roomwallentrance*)

    hallwayend (a 1 way hall piece, much like the 1way but capped at one end)


    and Rooms

    roomwall (side wall + floor + roof)

    roomwallentrance* (side wall but with door shaped piece inside + floor + roof)

    roomcornerin(2 side walls at 90 degree angle, turned in + floor + roof)

    roommid (basically floor + roof)

    Have a look at what Bethesda did with their kits. Ofc course you can do a lot more depending on what you need. You can make iterations on this whether you want bigger halls, which then you increase the multiplication factor, or smaller tighter ones depending. But most importantly, the dimensions of all these pieces need to be exact to the reference scale we used earlier.

    After you've done the basic grey box kit, then you can move on to uniformly arting them up, adding in all the bells whistles and making variations. This is by no means THE way to do it, but its the way that works for me. You could also fully art up the individual building blocks first, ie make fully completed wall pieces, floor pieces, roof pieces, ornaments, etc and then use those to build your kit instead.




    This issue appear about five month ago, right after i finished optimizing this cell, but i thought that eventually i would solve this issue by myself...( during my vacations i read every single post that is out there, even in Japanese sites, but with no luck )
    The issue i'm having is that this particular re-texture vanilla meshes they all disappear IN GAME, i re-texture the Blackreach Animated Mashrooms + Large Drip Anim. in four variations. (i'm also having this issue with one Movable Banner, but I'm not so worried about this one, i can just delete it ).
    The weird thing is that they only disappear in the cell that has Room Bounds & Portals, i have them also placed in an other cell that has Occlusion for optimization, and they have no problems, they appear no matter the distance you are in the cell.
    This issue has nothing to do with the meshes been outside the Room Bound, i have also placed in the same cell ( Room Bound ) some vanilla Blackreach Animated Mushrooms, and they always show up in game, PLUS the vanilla ones are way closer to the Room's Bound border, PLUS for testing, i placed one of mine in the center of the Room Bound ( a small Animated Mush ) and it still doesn't show up in game.
    * The Room Bound is huge, so this can be the cause.
    * I have re-texture more than 65% of the 36 cells i created ( statics, movable static, plants, FXs, activators, particles, actors... ), and only those meshes are having this issue.
    * The only solution i have found is to Link Ref in the Multibound Property Tab, each object to the Room Bound they are in, after this they all show up In Game, but I would still like to know why this is happening, and how to make them work as the vanilla are.
    - Two screenshots of CK & In Game, same cell WITH THE PROBLEM :


    - Two Screenshots of a cell with Occlusion for optimization instead of Rooms/Portals, NO ISSUES :


    Many... Many THANKS for taking the time to read all of this !!.


    It's a vanilla bug that sometimes manifests when you have roombounds in your interior cell, and it will happen regardless of positioning of the object, for a lot of vanilla objects. For whatever reason, certain animated meshes like the animated mushrooms will refuse to render when you place them in an interior that has roombounds setup. To test if this is the case, make sure to try them in an external cell first.

  3. What is the best Tutorial and or tool to generate LOD for an entire custom worldspace, I want to get better at landscaping but have difficulty seeing if I did well without lod.

    All tutorials I come across are outdated.

    TES5LODGenx64 pretty much covers everything nowadays. Lots of options for terrain, object and tree lod generation. Its very powerful and it allows you to bypass preparing all your textures for Oscape to be able to generate terrain lods properly.

  4. Copy and rename a Skyrim.esm into anything else, this will let you cut and remove as many records from it as you want. So long as you don't renumber any formid's, you'll be able to use that as a master after renaming it into Skyrim.esm.

    Worldspace and cell records are the biggest records by far. I'd start there.

  5. A lot of the Nord NPCs complain about non-Nord races being in Skyrim. If you speak to the Argonian workers at the Windhelm docks, as well as the people around the Grey Quarter, they tell you how they're treated as second class. A lot of Nords do hold racist views. I like this aspect of the world in Skyrim, no one faction really holds on to the moral high ground, and it makes the world more believable that way.

  6. I usually don't stick to the vault suit because it wouldn't make sense for me to wear it in that situation. It paints a giant blue crosshair on your back in the wasteland, you would naturally want to stand out less if you were in that situation. I usually wear it just until i've found anything else. Design wise, its pretty decent, i prefer it over the Fallout 3 style.

  7. Just use a defaultActivateSelfTRIG, it sends activate events the second you enter this trigger. Then have whatever trap object you're using have the defaultActivateSelfTRIG as it's activate parent. In the mesh, the only thing you need to delete is the art model. Leave everything else intact, especially the event, controller and animation data as the game needs them to activate the trap.

  8. Making my 1st dungeon & having issues setting up a patrolling skeleton, skeevers attacks & draugr sitting on a throne. None of these creatures appear when I play the dungeon in-game.


    1. Skeevers - I've placed an EncSkeever object & linked it to a defaultActivateSelfTRIG triggerbox. But when I enter the triggerbox nothing happens & no skeevers can be seen.


    2. Draugr on throne - I've placed a LvLDraugrAmbush1HMale object & linked it to both a creatureSitMarker01 object & a defaultActivateSelfTRIG triggerbox. But when I enter the triggerbox nothing happens, the throne is empty & no draugr appears.


    3. Patrolling skeleton - I've placed a LvlSkeletonMeleeMixed object & linked it to a DraugrPatrolMarker - But when I approach the object's location no skeleton can be seen.


    Help much appreciated.

    Did you navmesh your dungeon? NPC's need navmesh for the game to know where to put them.

  9. You could, but one major drawback of this approach is you won't be able to color the land mesh in CK, nor apply grass covers as effectively. It's also gonna require more work creating lod. And just in case you wanted to edit the landscape at any point, you'll have to completely re-import your mesh, cell by cell. Not recommended imo.

  10. This engine in particular is sensitive to very large meshes spanning multiple cells. Depending on the severity, your mesh will unload at awkward distances (even if you're right under it), and in some cases, will produce crashes. The way i got around this is by chopping up my mesh into several pieces, each with it's pivot point centered, as well as with the entire mesh centered as well, then lining up the pieces manually in CK. It's also a wise move to make LOD pieces for your meshes, as a large structure suddenly popping in doesn't present well.

  11. Import the armor into 3dsmax with the skeleton model (DraugrSkeleton.nif) + skeleton rig into 3dsmax, copy the BSDismemberSettings from the DraugrSkeleton onto the armor, then re-export.

    Alternatively, u can import the DraugrSkeleton.nif and make it use the human skeleton + behavior, but that would make skeletons animate like humans instead of using draugr animations.

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