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About Witcher5688

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    Fate/ Grand Order US/JP and Gothic Trilogy + Archolos Mod

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  1. never happening, as I said back then for references only. maybe you're lucky and someone made it somewhere if you search enough on google but I doubt that
  2. those that are released by actus should be but it's better to check the permissions tab on the file page / pages too
  3. this "viper armor" is actually just the kaer morhen armor
  4. dunno but if, you won't be able to play with them if u haven't the knowledge to rigg them and do the weightslider option
  5. I think the one ludde made and uploaded a pic of it in his image gallery
  6. But u know i was telling about the credo replacer pack, wich wasn't released by you/actus but by me yes? I won't change any of your permissions, why should i want to do this? ;)
  7. When its in the Credo Resource pack you don't need to ask him, because obviously its ment to be a Resource pack anyway. Second off, it its in the other packs he released, the parts he uses from the other game are basicly all Property of CD Project RED and he couldn't give permission anyway. Looks anyway like he has a new hobby and there is little change he still checks messages.Make sure their isn't a mistake. The resources are free to use, thats right but the released mod that replace some ingame armors is not free to use and need permissions from at least 1 of the main authors and eventually the creator of the model wich is used.
  8. Since he/she didn't replied back, we will never know...
  9. This looks just epic :thumbsup:
  10. http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/vader.jpg totally agree with zuppon but I guess a trollface on palpatine's head with an imageshack sign wich is marked with an arrow to said troll face would fit much better :tongue:
  11. Sorry to tell you that man but he rarely reads or answers to message. And I don't think he browse the nexus any more. You can still check his last activity on his profile.I already permitted him to use the parts he need. Just a small thing from our guard models if i remember
  12. If you're not on his blocklist, he shoutd see the pm
  13. well, if the subtitle will be english I don't need the voice^^ just activating them and turning the voice sound to zero should work :P
  14. Body mods aren't the reason.Other Mods that change Guard outfit teplates might be a problem. Older or new save? Tried the resurrect command? And just a side information: use the mod page, not the modders resource but the uploaded credo by me. As u can see, this thread isn't used that much anymore ;) If i haven't did it, i'll add a forum for bugs, improvements/ideas and Alternate looks of textures and meshes made by the mod user/hobby modders and modders with more experience :)
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