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Everything posted by Lardtree3

  1. Man, I must have browsed that site for an hour (a poorly translated version) and while I certainly came across a lot of cool mods, I didn't see anything that wasn't on nexus. If you found them on there, could you pm me the link or something?
  2. There's a thought. I'll try renaming the axe as well as adjusting the load order. Thanks for the idea!
  3. While playing with Deadly Reflex, I prefer weapons that shatter skulls instead of decapitate for two reasons: 1. With certain respawns, the disembodied head occasionally respawns as it's own entity, compeltely nude and running around erratically. This doesn't happen with the shattered skull. 2. I collect brains. It's silly. The problem I am having is with a new weapon I started using. I used CS to classify it as a blunt weapon, yet it still decapitates when using the Left or Right power attacks. This struck me as odd since this has worked for me before, I would take what is clearly a bladed weapon (Nico's gift) and make it into a blunt one with CS and then if functioned like one for DR finishers. The weapon I am using now (a large axe, I forget what mod) does not seem to accept this change and continues to act as a bladed weapon. Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
  4. I know links to the Aion/Lineage rips cannot be posted here, but I wish I had something else to go on. I have been scouring the internet for about 2 days now and am out of ideas on how to search. The closest thing so far was that Russian site that was posted here. There's no one willing to pm a link or something is there? Or would that be breaking the rules too? I don't want to get the site in trouble :sweat:
  5. Hmm, I'd say about 75% of it's current size. It's so big right now that it sticks through the ground when it's sheathed on your back, so 60-75% should get it to about the size of a normal greatsword I think. Thanks for taking a look at it!
  6. I played with the scale in NifSkope, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the sword in game. The sword's mesh has multiple pieces and it doesn't seem that I can select it as a whole so I've sort of hit a wall. Can someone who's done this sort of thing before shed some light?
  7. After fooling around in NifSkope I managed to remove the flame effect and the red circles, but I'm still trying to re size it properly as it appears to be made of several parts. Still, progress! Thanks for the tips so far guys!
  8. Hmm, I tried that but it says it doesn't have any scripts attached and I don't know enough about modding to think of another way those effects are being applied. Even just a resize would be great, would I need NIFSkope or something to do that?
  9. I think I've seen that HUD recently in my random screen browsing, let me go digging through some older ones. While we're on that screenshot though, you wouldn't know what armor that is would you?
  10. Thanks for the help and the link, much appreciated!
  11. I was browsing either the forums or the screenshot section the other day and saw a couple shots of some very extravagant, over the top armor. Gold in color (not Thunderbird) and very ornamental, with large almost wing like structures sticking out on all sides. The armor was very impractical and looked like it was just for aesthetics (but then again most armor is) as the character was suspended in the air and the armor extended far beneath her, normally clipping through the ground. I wish I had a picture to go with my description but maybe somebody spotted the same thing.
  12. I know this is somewhat trivial so if someone could instead point me in the right direction towards learning how to do this myself I would be equally grateful.
  13. I have no clue about what I'm doing with regards to modding so I figured I'd ask here for what I think would be a relatively easy request. Would someone be willing to resize this http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17167 to the size of a normal greatsword (a 1H version would be great too)? Also, not required but if there was a way to remove the script effects like the blue flame and the red circles, that would also rock. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help me with this! :thumbsup:
  14. Sorry, I don't know the armor but I am definitely interested in that sword.
  15. I'll just bump this once before trying over in Requests (probably should have gone there first :confused: )
  16. Not the enchantment, I know how to get rid of that. The script effects that are bound to the weapon like the blue flame and red circle things. Can I do that in CS too?
  17. I'm not terribly familiar with how to do this sort of this so I figured I'd ask her and someone might be able to point me in the right direction. I wanted to resize this weapon mod (Sanwas Sword) as well as hopefully remove the effects from it. I don't really have any idea where to start with this so if someone could give me some tips that would be great. Thanks!
  18. There is also a mod called Legend in the Sky that has a massive floating castle that fit fairly close to what you are describing.
  19. There are two problems I have been encountering in my game and while none of them are gamebreaking my efforts to find out their cause have been useless. 1. When I go into sneak mode, my character becomes partially transparent. Not a chameleon effect, just transparent. This effect persists when I stand up and only goes away when I change weapons/perspectives a couple of times. I am certain this is a mod's doing but I can't think of which one it might be, I have deactivated all of my sneaking related mods to no avail. 2. Gray faces on some npcs. Certain characters (most notably the ladies from Hentai Mania) are appearing with a grayish face, but everything else works out fine. No clue what causes this. Any help on either of this issues would be great.
  20. Damn, scratch that plan. Every single interior is marked with *. Oh well
  21. Thanks for the lengthy response but as indicated by the thread title I was indeed referring to a specific mod when makes direct references to two hidden dungeons in it's readme. Alex, ty for the obvious answer, I don't know what I don't think of these things myself. EDIT: I just realized how sarcastic that thank you sounded when indeed I am quite thankful. My bad, it's early.
  22. No one seems to be able to answer this question and I am this close to going through every fort and dungeon in Cyrodil systematically to find out what the two 'secret' dungeons are. Does anyone know what they are (pm to avoid spoilers?) It's driving me nuts!
  23. Dammit, I know exactly what mod those are from but it's on the tip of my tongue...I know they are a retex of Nico's Scimitars so you might try using advanced search to find mods that give credit to him?
  24. If I know what mod you are talking about, the chests with the weapons and armors are in the IC market district anyways. One is near one of the statues, the other is in one of the garden alleys. I forget the precise locations.
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