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Posts posted by ArdentFlame

  1. So I've been searching the Internet, watching videos, and reading How-To's but I can't seem to find out if there's a way to simply copy and paste and existing vanilla dialogue line in the CK and add it to the quest. My goal is to simply add more generic "Hello" lines to followers to make them a bit more interesting. Is there a way to do this without having to worry about the audio and lip files? Thank you.

  2. I've recently encountered an issue where Brelyna Maryon only gives me the following dialogue when I greet her: "At least something good came out of that trip to Saarthal. I didn't find anything but dust." She doesn't give any other greeting. After she's said that to me as a greeting, then I exit from the dialogue, then click on her again she just says nothing. I noticed this because I was wearing an Amulet of Mara and she never commented on it, though the dialogue response as if she had said it is present in her menu. She does give the randomized farewell dialogues upon exiting talking with her though.


    The mods that could be affecting this are Amazing Follower Tweaks and Relationship Dialogue Overhaul. I also have the RDO patch for AFT installed. Other than that, I don't have any mods that would affect her dialogue. I do have another mod that edits her appearance and some stats, but those aren't causing any conflicts according to SSEdit.


    If anyone has any ideas or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  3. I know this is an old thread, but this is the closest I've come to finding a topic that relates to my searches.


    I understand how to change reactions based on quest events, but what about general world events? For instance, if I want Curie to give me a "Like" every time I hack a terminal, which script dictates this and how do I adjust it?


    Thanks for the help in advance.

  4. Update: I've found that the culprit is the Chemist perk. Every rank I add increases the amount of HP received by 50% since it's meant to increase the duration of the effects of all chems, food, drinks, etc. It would logically follow that the HP per second should stay the same and now the item would produce 150% of its original HP.


    I've never taken the Chemist perk until recently and now I realize that it's much more important than I ever imagined. The perk seems to not affect cooked items though, which seems ridiculous. I might need to make a mod to fix that...


    Thanks for your help xXxPYR0ST0RMxXx.

  5. Ahh, I meant to address that plugin but forgot. That is my own personal esp that I use for minor changes, such as adjusting respawn time or vendor gold. It has no scripts attached to it. Iâve also checked it in FO4Edit and found no issues. Iâve loaded the game without the esp active and issue persisted.


    I actually initially believed I had messed something up with this mod so itâs the first one I tried diagnosing, but I canât find anything wrong with it at all.

  6. Sure thing:


    *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
    *Arbitration - Resources.esm
    *Worsin's Garage.esm
    *Real Big Boy.esp
    *Docile Radstags.esp
    *FatMan Power x4.esp
    *Brotherhood of Steel Kit.esp
    *Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
    *Tesla X01.esp
    *Unbreakable Power Armor.esp
    *Gameplay Changes.esp
    *Dogmeat A True Companion Vanilla.esp
    *WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 1 (Easy).esp
    *WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 2 (Easy).esp
    *WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 3 (Easy).esp
    *WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 4 (Easy).esp
    *WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 5 (Easy).esp
    *WIPAG - Paint Garage - Style 6 (Easy).esp
    *WIPAG - Decal Station.esp
    *Home Plate Workbench.esp
    *HZS NavMesh Fixer.esp
    *Armorsmith Extended.esp
    *Marine Armor Expanded.esp
    *Alcohol Provides Health.esp
    It may very well be a script based issue. I just deactivated all of my plugins, launched the game, and the values are still doubled.
    Furthermore, this issue is more than just meat based items. For instance, Nuka Cola Quantum yields a whopping 800 HP. I've got no clue what's causing this.
  7. I've encountered an interesting issue today. It seems that all raw meat yields double their usual health when consumed. For instance, Softshell Mirelurk Meat yields 80, when it's supposed to yield 40.


    I checked all my mods with FO4Edit and didn't find any adjustments to their yields. I'm also not aware of any perks that would be affecting this.


    Anyone have any thoughts?

  8. @kingbeast88


    That makes sense to me. You might not actually need to in this case though. All weapons seem to be just a little too far into the armor. Weâre talking inches. I feel like it might be as easy as moving a certain node a few notches on whichever axis it would be in meshes (x, y, or z).




    Iâll defer to you on that since I know very little about mesh editing, but in this situation youâd have to go adjust every single weapon in the game for them to look correct. And even after that, all the weapons in the game would look terrible on every other piece of armor.

  9. Iâm talking real, functional weapons.


    I believe the animations are factor in addition to the armor mesh. The skeleton mesh also ties in somehow. This mod is proof that editing an armor mesh to fix this issue can work:




    When I looked at the downloaded files for that mod it only changed armor meshes, nothing more, and it fixed the weapon clipping issue. Although I donât know what variables they edited to get that effect.

  10. I've recently started customizing a piece of armor through NifSkope. I've mostly just been assigning textures and some other minor things in it. The mesh I have was created by someone else on Nexus. The textures loaded totally fine when I was finished, but I found that weapons on the back of the armor had the dreaded clipping issue.


    I (kind of) understand what needs to happen. I need to load the mesh into Blender to adjust the nodes so that the weapons attach at a point farther away from the body, but I'm clueless as to how I'm supposed to do that. I'm capable of running NifSkope quite well and understand a minor amount of 3D editing, though nothing quite like this.


    So here's my overall question: once I import the .nif into Blender, how do I adjust the nodes to have the weapon attach farther away from the armor?


    Also, if someone knows how to fix it and doesn't want to bother explaining it, I'd be OK with giving you the mesh and allowing you to adjust it. That's not quite as fun though; I like learning new things.


    Anyways, if anyone can help me that would be awesome. I'll continue my Internet research until I get a reply.

  11. I've been looking around for a mod that allows you to consolidate/send supplies and caps from settlement workshops to one single location. It would be extremely convenient if all of your caps, water, and food all got sent to the same place. Does anyone know of a mod like that?

  12. I'm not really asking for help, I'm more just curious if anyone else has ever encountered this strange anomaly.


    Base IDs on NPCs often don't work depending on what the base ID of the NPC starts with. If the NPC's ID starts with a letter (like Lydia a2c94) then the commands will work. If the ID starts with a digit (like Brelyna 1c1a4) it won't work. For example, the "1c1a4.moveto player" won't work. It will fail every time. When trying to use commands on Brelyna you will often get errors like "not a recognized script" or "uknown variable." You can use any type of console command on Lydia and it will work though.


    This is bizarre, and I don't understand it. Has anyone else ever recognized this?

  13. Thanks, that clarification helped. I definitely did not know that removing the path on the BGSM would make the mesh use the default assigned texture on it. I decided to try using actual material swaps to see how well they work, so I successfully duplicated the necessary BGSM files and redirected their paths to the correct textures.


    What I'm running into trouble with now is getting the model to use the actual material I swapped the original with. I see that there's multiple ways to try doing this. Most tutorials say to go into the object template and edit the compiled files on the top left (whatever that section of the object template is called). With a weapon with this many mods, this would be complicated task. Instead, I found that you can go into the each individual weapon mod, click its individual object template, and there you can add material swaps. I did this with every weapon mod (grip, rifle barrel, etc.) but the textures still showed the default ones in game. Anyone know why?

  14. Update:


    I've duplicated the original weapon file along with all of it's corresponding mod files. Then I assigned all of the newly duplicated mods to the duplicated weapon so that the weapon wouldn't be drawing mods from the original laser rifle. After that, I got all of my necessary mesh files, opened them in NifSkope, changed the path of each file to draw textures from a folder that contains all of the retextures, and then saved them.


    What I'm stuck on now is how to use or get around the material swaps that have been introduced in the new Creation Kit. I can go into the object template of each individual weapon mod and reselect a mesh file, but the Creation Kit still pulls up the original BGSM (material) files for that individual weapon piece mesh.


    If anyone could tell me either how to use the material swaps feature or how to get around the Creation Kit pulling up these BGSM files on my duplicated mesh files, that would be great.


    I've done this sort of thing a lot with Skyrim and older Fallouts, but the new material swap thing is messing me up.


    Also, if someone tries pointing me in the direction of how to use the material swaps, answer me this: what is the difference between a BGSM file and a .dds file? The .dds is the standard texture format for meshes, so I don't understand what the BGSM is or what it's for.


    Thanks for any help you can offer!

  15. So what I want to do is rather simple, but I have yet to find anything on the Internet that has an explicit tutorial for how to do it, so here I am.


    I want to assign textures that I already have to a new standalone weapon in the CK. It's a simple Laser Rifle retexture, I just want it to act as a unique weapon. Again, I have all of the textures needed.


    I have experience doing this with Fallout 3, NV, & Skyrim, but the obvious difference with Fallout 4 is going to be all of the mods that there are for the weapon. Also, I can plainly see that Bethesda has changed the way they handle weapons in the CK since their prior games. Essentially, I need help finding exactly which CK objects will need to be duplicated and modified to create a new Laser Rifle with the new textures.



  16. I wish it was that easy. Sadly, Dreogan's final models for his Dragonbone Ebonsteel mod have the pauldrons combined as one mesh piece with most of the rest of the cuirass. So I suppose I, or someone, will have to use 3ds Max or the like to remove them.

  17. Yup I've seen that one as well. It's not bad, not exactly what I'm looking for though.


    I believe my first task on this project will be to remove the pauldrons from the Dragonbone Ebonsteel bases. I'd much rather use Omesean's Aesir shoulders, which can done dragon skulls, troll skulls, etc. Currently trying to download 3ds Max. Blender is useful, but the import/export process for .nif files is a nightmare. From what I've seen in tutorials, 3ds Max should be much smoother when reading .nif files.

  18. Haha you do have a point there. At one point in history it was common for soldiers to fight naked in wars. But that's Earth's history, not Nirn's. Anyways, my train of thought is Skyrim is cold. Even Nords have got to get cold at some point, so I'm sure everyone would enjoy some fur cloaks and maybe some bags to actually store your gear.


    The parts from Aesir are some of the best pieces to use for this project, no doubt. The problem is they're made to fit an iron armor base, not a dragonbone one, so the pieces clip horribly and don't fit the armor correctly. It just looks silly. I was just seeing if someone would be willing to snug up the pieces and make sure there's no clipping issues. I would be doing all the compiling of pieces in NifSkope. I've actually already started.

  19. The idea is to take dragonbone armor and accessorize it with cloaks, furs, bags, etc. to make the armor look, you know, more like a barbarian's. Like an actual adventurer's attire.


    This isn't necessarily a new idea. One guy was even working on it about a year or more ago, but never posted a final file to the public. The link to his work is below.




    What he was doing was using Omesean's Aesir and Einherjar armor parts and adding them on to the dragonbone model. Personally, I'd like to take that even a step further by combining Omesean's work with Dreogan's Dragonbone Ebonsteel mod. Sounds like the perfect armor to me. I've listed links to both of their works.


    -Dragonbone Ebonsteel - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24941/?

    -Aesir Armor - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35094/?

    -Einherjar Armor - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12693/?


    Now, I haven't consulted Omesean or Dreogan about this supposed project, so as of now the idea is to make this a private project. In other words, I don't have current plans to post this on the Nexus or Steam for others to download. That is a topic for later discussion.


    The reason I'm here asking for help is I'm not very good with Blender, and I don't own 3ds Max or Maya. However, I'm quite skilled with Nifskope. I can do that half of the work, which should literally be half of the work, if someone could simply open the meshes in a 3d editing application and move the mesh pieces around to look proper. For example, getting the belt piece to fit the body, making that pouch or whatever to not clip through the base armor. Things of that nature.


    If anyone is interested in a project like this, let me know.



  20. What I want to do is learn how to create custom items in Blender, export them to NifSkope, and then into the CK. I not only want to know how to do this for my own personal use, but also for the hundreds of other people online who would like to do the same things. I've researched for months on mesh editing and I have learned very little because there is a surprisingly small amount of information on this topic on the Internet. One reason is because a lot of people use 3DS Max, but that program would either require you to fake a college student application, get into college classes solely for that purpose, or spend thousands ($) on the program. Most people don't want to do any of that. Blender is a perfectly acceptable tool to use.


    Back on topic. I'm looking for people who are experienced with Blender, or mesh editing of any kind, and are willing to share their knowledge with the rest of the Internet.


    I'll do my best to relay all the information I currently know.


    I am using the current version of NifSkope (hyperlink takes you to download site) and Blender 2.72.


    A little background information: NifSkope is mainly used to compile mesh pieces and assign certain variables that allow Skyrim and the Creation Kit to be able to read the .nif files (meshes). Blender is where the actual mesh editing comes into play. You can add, copy, delete, etc. pieces of a mesh from within Blender. You can even create a completely new piece of armor from scratch, if you have the know-how.


    Another thing: If you do any researching at all on this topic, you will find that everyone seems to use Blender 2.4 because it is the only version of Blender that can read .nif files. This is no longer true. Blender 2.7+ now has that capability, so keep that in mind.


    Blender does not innately know how to read .nif files, so you need to download a Nif plugin from Blender, which can be download from here. Watch this video to learn how to install the plugin.


    Once you have all of this done, you should be able to do some basic editing. You can import meshes into Blender and work on them. The problems I'm encountering right now include getting the export from Blender to be read in NifSkope. This topic pretty much sums up where I'm stuck at. I've bugged the guys at the NifTools Forums enough, I'd say. This topic is another thread of mine on NifTools forums concerning several problems I have encountered. Read it if you'd like, it may or may not be of some help.


    Any help or comments would be appreciated. I will keep updating this topic as I go. Thanks.

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