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Posts posted by ArdentFlame

  1. I want to create my own custom armor. I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do, but I need guidance. I know how to use NifSkope well and I can run some basic functions of Blender. What I don't know is the best procedure to create my own armor.


    What I'd like to do is be able to create custom armors sort of like Omesean's Aesir Armor and Einherjar Armor mods. I planned on using the pauldrons, capes, etc. from his mod to build my own armor. This is for personal use only, I will not be distributing this custom armor(s) to anyone. I will not violate Omesean's permissions of his mods.


    I'd like to take all the little pieces of the armor(s) (pauldrons, capes, and so on) and build them all together into one mesh in NifSkope. Doing this would require all those little pieces to be NiTriShapes. What I do not know is how to create said NiTriShapes, or how to make sure that when I load them all into NifSkope they will all be in the correct position on the armor. Essentially, a lot of my problems are within Blender, or whatever program would be best for this task.


    If anyone can help me, or point me in the right direction of getting help, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

  2. I'm not too sure that anyone cares, but I'll just keep posting my progress as I go to help any other people that may struggle with the same kinds of things that I have.


    I found out how to open a .dds texture and load it onto the imported .nif file.


    1- Place your mouse on the line that separates the menu bar at the top from the editing window in the middle until your mouse turns into a double-headed arrow.

    2- Right click and click "Split Area." Two editing windows should now be visible.

    3- Change the window type of the second editing window to UV/Image Editor by clicking on the small box to the bottom of left of the editing window.

    4- On the toolbar below the UV/Image Editor window, click Image > Open and navigate to the appropriate .dds file(s).

    5- Open it/them up and your 3d image window (your other editing window) should now show your textures!

  3. Thank you for the reply.


    I've finally pushed through and got Blender 2.49 able to import .nif files. I have even prepared the Nord Steel Plate .nif file that I'm editing for Blender and I now have it fully imported. Right now I'm working on getting the .dds textures to show up so that I know exactly what I'm cutting and pasting.


    I'm kind of striking out on help of any kind throughout the entire Internet on my project. It's like no one knows a thing about armor editing, which I know is far from the truth. If anyone knows anything that could possibly help me please let me know.

  4. I've been working a long time on making a custom armor, but I'm very inexperienced with certain things. I want to start a new project using the Steel Plate armor as the base, but I want to separate pieces of it, like removing the pauldrons, or making the sleeves a separate NiTriShape (I'm using Nifskope BTW). My problem is I don't know how to separate meshes. I know you can use Blender, but I have no idea how to use it or where to start. I can't even import .nif files into it. I looked online that there's a thing in user preferences to enable importing .nif files but it's not present in my Blender user preferences for some reason.


    As is obvious, I need lots of help. So if anyone can help me at all with anything it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  5. Hello.


    I've been trying to create a custom mesh using several other mods, so I don't take credit for the pieces use, license any distribution, or anything like that. Anyways, here is the mesh:




    I've been having two problems with it so far:


    1) Many pieces of it do not show up in game

    2) When I upload it to the CK, the transformations I made to some of the mesh pieces do not work and appear way apart from the cuirass (and yes, I DID hit apply, several times in fact)


    I'd also like to note that I've created custom armors like this in the past, so I have a good idea of what I'm doing, I've just unfortunately forgotten a few things and need some help jogging my memory.



  6. For the past few days I've had lots of trouble combining meshes in NifSkope. I've ran into numerous problems that several others have, including vertex color issues, keeping meshes aligned, and many other things. :wallbash:


    One issue that I've seen dozens of other people ask about online but never find an answer to is getting the newly combined mesh to show up properly in-game. The mesh will look fine in NifSkope, and even in the CK, but when you load it up in-game the parts that you added to the base mesh are missing. Well, I've finally found the answer that no one else seems to have.


    Anyways, I'll give an all inclusive tutorial as to how to combine meshes, even though there are dozens of others on the internet, I hope this one can help shed some more light. Remember to save often. It would be best to have multiple saves in case you mess up. There's no undo in NifSkope.




    1- Open the .nif file that you wish to modify in NifSkope


    2- Open another window and open the .nif file that you'd like to copy things from to the 1 .nif file


    3- Change the name of the master NiNodes of both .nif files to match each other. For example, name them both "IronArmorBase"


    4- Add any skeleton pieces to .nif1 that may not already be in .nif2. To do this, look for the other NiNodes under the master NiNode. If there are any in .nif2 that aren't in .nif1, then Right Click > Block > Copy Branch. Go to .nif1 and on the master node hit Right Click > Block > Paste Branch.


    5- Once .nif1 has all the required skeleton pieces, copy and paste all the mesh pieces (usually labeled as NiTriStrips) to the master NiNode in .nif1 the same way as in step 4.


    6- When you've got all the desired mesh pieces together in .nif1 you need to assign the textures, if they aren't already assigned. There are multiple ways to do this. One is to go to Render > Settings > Auto Detect Game Paths and make sure Skyrim is selected. Another is to individually click on a mesh piece and manually select the individual textures by doing NiTriStrips > BSLightingShaderProperty > BSShaderTextureSet then go to the Block Details below (if Block Details are not displayed hit F3) and open the Textures tab. There will be several textures listed. On them, Right Click > Texture > Choose and find the appropriate textures.


    7- The mesh should look good in the picture, but it still needs a bit of work. Find one of the original mesh pieces of .nif1 and go to NiTriStrips > BSDismemberSkinInstance. At the bottom of the Block Details go to Partitions > Partitions > Body Part. Remember what it says or simply copy the text listed.


    8- Go to the added mesh pieces from .nif2 and make sure that the Body Part data is the same as the original mesh pieces from .nif1. If they aren't it's totally normal. Simply type in or paste the correct Body Part data so that all of the NiTriStrips have the exact same Body Part data text.


    9- Go to Spells > Batch > Update All Tangent Spaces


    10- Go to Spells > Optimize > Remove Bogus Nodes


    11- Go to File > Auto Sanitize Before Save


    12- The file is now complete and ready to be added to the CK and subsequently Skyrim itself. Save and you're mesh is ready!




    If anyone has any comments or suggestions to change my tutorial it will be greatly appreciated. I hope this helps. :thumbsup:

  7. I'm fairly familiar with Nifskope, but having trouble combining armors that fit various parts of the body and making a single cuirass_0.nif file. The armors show up in Nifskope, but not in game. Here's my example. I have a Glass armor (cuirass file) that I can pull up in Nifskope. I want to add a leg piece from another armor set onto my existing cuirass file. I make the few changes necessary to import the leg piece into my existing armor set (with Nifskope) and it shows to be on the same body. I save it and place the armor in game, but the leg piece doesn't show up. Can't figure it out. I'm trying to add a variation to my existing female armor set to upload on the Nexus...to share with all.


    Need help

    Did you ever find the solution to this problem?


    Or did anyone else?

  8. bump


    And I've figured out that the Assertion Line has nothing to do with the fact that only part of the mesh is showing up in game. That's just NifSkope being weird with vertex colors, nothing to worry about. The real problem I have is that all the things I've added onto the original mesh don't show up in game.


    If anyone would like to take a look here's my mesh:



    Thank you.

  9. Well I'd try looking into how the script at Valthiem Towers or Robber's Gorge works. Both of those locations have sentries that stop the player and will either engage in combat after the conversation ends or let the player pass.

  10. You could have just asked for it...


    My initial idea, and the reason I had problems, was because I simply copied the entire NiNode of the meshes that I wished to add to the base piece and thought that the CK would read it fine. I found out that when you have more than one master NiNode for each mesh that the CK will only read the first one. In other words, it's only going to show the base piece that I started with. After I figured that much out, I tried taking all of the pieces out of the other NiNodes and copying them all into the same one. This is a very bad idea, because it majorly distorts the objects for some odd reason.


    The solution I found is that you need to make sure that all of the animation NiNodes, such as an arm twist or the spine of the NPC, first need to be added under the master NiNode. Once that has been done, simply copy all of the NiTriStrips, which are the individual mesh pieces that you actually see, into the master NiNode. Make sure to rename the master NiNode of the mesh you are copying over to match the NiNode that you are copying to or else you will be unable to paste. After that, assign the required textures and you're done!

  11. So for a while now I've been fiddling with NifSkope, putting together a custom armor set (credit Omesean) and I finally finished today. All of the pieces I created came out just fine, except the cuirass. When I load it in the CK I got the message:







    Line: 806


    I've gotten this message several times before, but I think it's actually telling me that something is wrong with my mesh this time, because when I load up the newly created armor with my new mesh not every piece of the armor is showing. Only the base piece that I started with shows up, and the things I added on don't. I've attached the file. If anyone has time I'd love it if anyone could take a look. Thanks!




    Just some more information.


    What I did to this mesh is started with a base, which looks similar to Iron Armor, and then I copied branches from other meshes and inserted them into the new mesh all under the same NiNode. I also made a pair of gauntlets and boots the same way, but they turned out just fine; they work in the CK and in-game. For some odd reason, the base mesh is the only thing that shows up in-game. In the CK everything shows up, but I also get that error. I don't see how it could be a texture problem, considering I spent like an hour on that mesh assigning every single texture it needed. Please, if anyone can give ANY helpful information at all it would be greatly appreciated.

  12. Well I know little about questing, but I know a bit here and there.


    As far as the second problem goes, I know that when you create dialogue through a quest there are three different kinds of dialogue you can set for an NPC. One of those should be Force Greet. Did you set it to that? I'm unsure of what you've done so far.

  13. So I've been trying to simply merge two nodes. I've found various things on the internet on how to do this but none of it is working for me. Of course, every time I finally go to ask for help I figure out what the problem was within five minutes, but whatever, here I am.




    I'll clarify what you see above. There are two NiNodes and all I want to do is simply combine them without all the meshes losing their original places. What I did was hit Copy Branch on the second node, then pasted it all into the first node. Then I hit Flatten Branch on the newly copied node. After that I tried hitting Apply on the new mesh copies, then I copied the transformation of the original mesh and pasted it to the second one. This moved all of the mesh copies into the correct place, yet every time I did it a warning came up that usually the transformations never work as they are intended to. I decided to go on. I deleted the second individual node entirely. Now I had everything inside one single node and everything looked good through NifSkope. I fire up the CK and pick the newly created mesh but all of the things that I transformed were out of place like they are seen in the picture. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

  14. This is a simple script that should make followers draw their weapons when I do. Luckily, this is probably a very simple fix. I got this script from this link:




    The people here made this script, but when I go to enter it I get this message:


    "SCRIPTS: Script 'FollwersDrawWeaponsQ', line 5:

    Reference function 'GetPlayerTeammate' requires explicit reference in quest script.




    Context: DEFAULT

    "Yes to all" will disable all Warnings for this context."



    Every time I hit "Yes to All" it doesn't save my script. So, obviously, GECK doesn't like something about this script. Here's the script in the format that I have it currently in:


    scn FollowersDrawWeaponsQ
    BEGIN GameMode
    ; Draw weapon when player has weapon out.
    if ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ) && ( player.IsWeaponOut == 1 )
    SetAlert 1
    SetAlert 0
    Does anyone see what's wrong with this?
  15. So today I wondered if I could change the relationship ranks between two NPCs. I currently have 4 followers: Lydia, Uthgerd, Golldir, and Erik. I had the thought as I was running around with them, so I stopped to see if I could do it. Before I move further, I'll list all of their reference ID's.


    Lydia: a2c94

    Uthgerd: 91918

    Golldir: a7360

    Erik: 656e2


    I started with Lydia. I typed in: a2c94.getrelationshiprank 91918. It worked, and it said that they were acquaintances. Then I tried: a2c94.setrelationshiprank 91918 3. This also met with success. I check with getrelationshiprank again, and it was a success. After that, I thought I'd see what Uthgerd's ID would say. So I tried: 91918.getrelationshiprank a2c94. This is where it was odd. It said it could not find the command "91918.getrelationshiprank." I tried all this with Golldir and Erik as well. Erik worked like Lydia did, but Erik didn't work, just like Uthgerd. I'm wondering why... I did notice that Lydia's and Golldir's ref ID's start with an A, but I'm not sure what that would have to do with it. Does anyone know why Lydia and Golldir will work, but not Uthgerd or Erik?

  16. I've always been very annoyed that your housecarl-turned-spouse still gives you the old "Honor to you, my Thane" and "Long life to you, Thane" and so on. It's annoying. First off, I'll ask if there's already a mod out there that gets rid of this annoyance. But I haven't found one, so I'm gonna go ahead and ask for some help, because I'm stumped.


    I went in to the CK and looked at Lydia's dialogue (she's the only one I'm concerned about, considering the fact that I'm married to her) and went to the Misc tab. I went to the Hello topic and found all the housecarl greetings. I first tried to simply delete them, which didn't work. If anyone knows why I would very much like to know as well.


    Then I tried editing the requirements, which seemed like the best solution. My idea was that I was going to set a requirement for the dialogue that disabled them from using the selected dialogue if I was married to them. How I was gonna do it is add a new function, a GetIsAliasRef one and then I was gonna set it to LoveInterest and set the value to -1. This would mean the dialogue is only possible to use when you're NOT married to that person. The problem I ran in to is this: I can't select the LoveInterest function info, because it's not there. So I looked back at some of the marriage greetings and it has the exact things I originally suspected: GetIsAliasRef, LoveInterest, and a value of 1. I looked under the tab of the functioninfos there and found that there was several more options than I could select on the housecarl greeting. Under the housecarl one it only had the names of cities and things, like "MarkarthDoor" and "MarkarthJarl" and so on.


    Typing all this out is making me realize that it's possible that the AliasReferences are possibly somehow tied in to the quest that's been assigned to the dialogue. Is this true? Or is it something else?


    Bottom line, I just don't want my spouse to be calling me a thane anymore, it annoys me. If someone knows how disable this, then let me know, no matter how it works. Thanks!

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