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And it's being on sale recently absolutely doesn't have anything with that spike, sure.
To be honest, endorsements isn't a good indication of good/safe to use mods either. If you look closely at top-files of all times, most mods rolled around CK release and even earlier, i.e. they got huge number of endorsements mostly because of HYPE HYPE HYPE train. There are things like Jaysus Swords which, like every pre-CK mod, slowly kills your saves. Or Better Females by Bella, which got alot of endorsements because it was the first face texture mod. WARZONES causes save bloat, Midas Magic isn't compatible with latest version of Skyrim, Crimson Tide is a CTDfest, Better Sorting is pre-CK mod, DUEL was a big placebo until latest versions. Good thing most of top-100 mods are frequently updated, but aforementioned examples are perfect noobtraps and endorsements doesn't help it either. That's said, I don't know why EnaiSiaion expecting the same number of HYPE endorsements as before, considering Skyrim is practically ded game, even Bethesda itself couldn't milk 10 more horse armour DLCs out of it.
You can thank interface for this, which requires to go into inventory every time you want cast scroll spell.
What DLC exactly you didn't "own"?
That doesn't say much, because Dwemerverse isn't strictly graphics mod. You seem to think that tedious = lore-friendly. I myself got sick after copious amount of grinding (precision tools requires 5 drop-only ingredients and Dwemerverse adds clutter which serves no purpose other than cluttering interface). And if you consider using forge as "interesting" thing, you certainly didn't spend enough time in it. Care to name spells which don't intersect with apoc ones and are also useful? Did you obtain all spells without using console? What do you mean by that? Which changes... nothing. Also, Stones have to compete, on top of each other, with double enchanted/unique amulets. You know, in the context of magic (and specifically dwemer magic) this argument sounds rather silly.
Actually, it's not only because "page 2 syndrome", Dwemerverse is worse than Apocalypse, despite latter being your first mod and covering 4X more magic schools. Thunderchild, being a mod for aspect which is TURBO-USELESS in vanilla game, bound not to be poplar. You seem to miss the point of my complaint: Levitation IS bad. That doesn't have anything to do with balance or cheesing. Let's take, for example, route from point A to point B with two mountain ranges in-between. How it will look with Teleport: use it to get past mountains ignoring everyone. Simple, intuitive to use, productive, fun throughout all way. Now with Levitation: jump at least 50 times on one place (in new edition: while running around) just to start moving. Some skeever spotted you? Tough luck, repeat jumping part again. And again. And again. Clunky, counter-intuitive, useless, fun only at landing part and for the first 3 landings at best. Also, it exposes ugly "interior" city meshes. Basically, teleport is THE alteration spell of your pack. If you want to remove it, might as well remove Cloak of Mimicry from illusion, which allows cheesing mages just by running around. Funny enough, I can gain damage immunity as long as there's a rock or tree nearby without using teleport or even mods at all. That's actually an exemplary example of "overly balanced" spell. From all playthroughs, I found exactly 1(ONE) use for it: I had to get at the highest tower of Winterhold in order to complete Thunderchild challenge (because not using fast-travel and becoming archmage would take some time). There won't be a difference if you remove it or not. Wow, I got two warnings on nexus forums, how strange!
How is this an argument? I don't have Skyre so I could careless about incompatibilities with it. And I am comparing spells between your mods. The thing is you are replacing teleport with levitate and think that's fair trade. It's not. The ideal levitate would be like tcl command but with collisions (and with out-of-combat requirement), not the dwemerverse one, that's for sure. My comments aren't "negative", they are just not ultra-positive. Though, I could copy-paste "I love you and all your mods, Enai!" in every post, if it makes easier for you. Apparently, endorsing all of your mods and giving kudos to you isn't enough. "Survival" spells are domain of authors of aforementioned survival mods. However, those spells counteract the main idea of survival - having limited resources. What the point of limiting resources when you can summon them out of thin air? I don't see how 10% magicka regen can be considered "useful". Also, this bird will clip like hell with Edgy Armor of D0rk Paladin and if it won't, then bird will "sit" on the air. Pick your poison. So you want to cast spell in order to cast free spells? You can do this in vanilla game by stacking "fortify school" enchantments. And call it "Conjure CTD".
That's quite funny way of requesting infinite stamina pool. No, it isn't. Are you seriously comparing point&click teleport versus extra clunky Levitate? How nice of you to immediately assume that I only cheese with it. To your surprise perhaps, I use it mainly in open areas, when want to pass through mountain/invisible wall and bored of backward jumping. And in dwemer ruins to get onto impossible places after the fight.
No teleport? Regarding Ocato's Recital: it most likely would wonk with bounded weapons. I tried to use both Hotcast and Smart Cast mods to "speed up" summoning of bounded weapons, but they end up creating "persistent"(i.e. can be sheathed) weapons.
Which mod do I prioritise: Spectraverse or Daedraverse?
Strigvir replied to EnaiSiaion's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Daedric quests versus non-daedric quests. Considering we got a lot of daedric quests in vanilla game and even dedicated DLC for it already, answer is obvious. -
And this proves what? Are you seriously comparing highly customizable mod with your Apoc contingencies, in which, first, only Link Contingency allows some consistent combos, but that requires 100 destruction skill lolol, and second, you "balanced" them in later versions? And shout requires to clear a dungeon in Solstheim and going into Forgotten Vale just to start to use it. I'd say it is a quite opposite of "requires a way less hassle". Yeah, sure. Considering that even in D2 all timered skills were considering useless, unless they were super OP or buffs. It's only my problem, of course. Or rather long cooldown is a bad balancing tool. And in Skyrim long-ass cooldown idea doesn't even work, I can rest for a whole day right after every fight and respectively use it every fight, or, as Hallabalooga pointed out, just won't bother with it at all. Your point? Don't tell me you consider that magicka/stamina/health have the same "average value" per point relatively to each other. They are not. While the player can afford fluctuations of magicka/stamina from full to none in mere seconds, he can't do the same with health. And health regen do nothing in situations where you need MOAR HP RIGHT NAO! Define "attack", please. Does it mean that basic flame spell will instantly fill out my stamina and magicka bars? Also, this bonus favours fast weapons over slow ones, as it isn't like this in the base game already. If you plan to bring it back, reduce its graphics effect please. Cloak chart for reference: Obscures-first-person-vision tier: flame cloak, frost cloak, sandstorm Slightly-obscures-vision tier: lightning cloak, cloak of rage Obscures-sneaking tier: cloak of beauty, cloak of mimicry, cloak of terror Most of the time it tumbles down to "then don't bother to use it at all", though. Then don't make 1/day powers? I remember that playing as bosmer netted me once PHAT LOOT for killing an animal in Whiterun. Perhaps it is the same case. And sometimes I get several animals with bonus loot, like where I see a rabbit for hunt, killing any other rabbits yielded me a bonus spellbook for each. I highly doubt it was a luck streak. Sometimes I don't get anything at all, happens very frequently with "combat" type animals.
Except I didn't do much, it was mostly you who sperged out. Also, nice scapegoating in apocalypse comments section and disabling PM along the way, but I won't follow. And no, I am not whist, in case you meant a certain user. Better make sort of open beta-test first, so you could fix unexpected bugs before release, not after. This idea won't be fresh already, because http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/43123 basically adds contingencies but for all races and requires a way less hassle. The main problem with "1/day" powers is that all of them fall into http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AwesomeButImpractical or http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CoolButInefficient categories. Thus, I used altmer racial once and forgot about it for the rest of ~40 hours of gameplay. Also, you said that there is no way for lesser powers' cooldowns to be other than 5 seconds or 1/day, but I saw this http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/845/47wr.jpg in SPERG, so maybe it's not impossible to make custom cooldown. I'd say their NPC racials are meh, along with the cat ones. While I can certainly recognize other races the second a fight begins, the beasts aren't recognizable at all. The only thing I remember about lizards is that I took damage whilst trying to feed on them as a vampire. Don't know if it's bug or feature. Useful only at low levels. While magicka/stamina regen grows stronger with character level, health regen diminishes, so regen fluctuations won't do anything. Too OP, NURF PLS. Seriously, -75% magic resist is an overkill, especially if combo'ed with Arcane Helix from Thunderchild. Reduce it to reasonable numbers like -25%, so it won't be a cakewalk for players nor instakill tool (paired with Battle Tactics) for NPCs. Also, disable "hunting" part of it in dungeons, because that bird targets animals behind a closed doors, which looks ridiculous. And exclude horses from viable targets, because it marks carriage horses, which are invincible. One word for it: A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I didn't know that a simple passive can improve gameplay this much. The biggest problem with redguards is that their racials force certain playstyle on to player without actually rewarding him for following it, unlike the other races. btw, MCM support when? At least put "troubleshooting" section for now, so players won't have to alt+tab for console commands in order to reset racials.
I found culprit in my case: it's Expanded Diversity optional for Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Disabling it made CTD to go away. @Texximus I looked at your load order and all I can say is that your save is beyond the hope. You really need to cut out number of mods running and start new game. That's the only option. Just post your new load order before starting anew.
CTD trying to load and freeze at new game
Strigvir replied to TheLoveTrain's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Seems like some lines in .ini files can break new game start. Try to delete Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini and run the game. And yeah you need to run FNIS every time you fiddle with animations. -
CTD trying to load and freeze at new game
Strigvir replied to TheLoveTrain's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You HAVE to install FNIS if you deal with animation mods.