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  1. Wow, congrats on "fixing" your stuff! I'll try it once I get the chance to. :D
  2. As for me, when I removed Safety Load.... well.... a lot of CTDs the last time I tried. I could try again, but I'd rather live with a few CTDs and polygons jumping around than with an unplayable, every minute crashing game. :(
  3. This is very interesting. I have had this happen a few times and I was very sure that it was actually SkyUI + Safety Load that were beating up each other. I'll follow this thread. :D
  4. That looks like grain/noise. You might want to check if there is something with grain/noise there. If there is nothing in enblocal.ini or enbseries.ini you might want to look at enbeffectprepass.fx and search for those... Save the old lines by commenting them out, by placing // in the beginning of the respective lines, and then just use the same lines, with a value of 0. I had weird grain/noise in my ENB DOF, so I looked for that... You're obviously not having problems while the DOF is active only, but it's a try. Good luck.
  5. Yes, and for me my game won't even survive a few minutes without SL anymore... :P
  6. What mod is it? Could you please be more specific? It's like asking how to groom dogs, without stating what exactly you want to know.
  7. Can be closed I guess. The problem was, as it stands, COT SFX.
  8. Bumping. Provided new info. See first post.
  9. Are you using Safety Load? I use it, and people have said to experience the same things when using SkyUI + Safety Load. Same goes for me. But, well, I'd rather have a few fractures spiking through the picture in rainbow colours than a dozen crashes a minute. And yes, the crashes when accessing the UI happen for the same reason. Also, for me, when getting those funny fractures, shortly after that my game will crash, guaranteed.
  10. That seems really weird since everywhere else with all that grass and trees I don't get CTDs. The swamps with loads of tussocks is just fine... But, I'll give it a try. So, I've disabled those. Still the same crash at the same spot. I don't really think it's my rig, beacuse it doesn't lag AT ALL.
  11. Hey guys! As the title says, I'm having contstant CDTs trying to get to Falkreath. I don't know if Falkreath itself is included, but I don't think so. It's just the area around it for whatever reason. I also tried to create a new character and directly go to where I CTD all the time.. (starting from Pinewatch and just walking over to Falkreath) But it also doesn't seem to be only there. I tried running towards the west, but that didn't go well either.. CTD at some point. I tried disabling some mods which were suggested in another thread (with the same problematic as mine) but nothing worked. I tried all the suggestions there, tuning uGridsToLoad back to 5 from 7, Windows data execution prevention settings. Also I couldn't find anything in my papyrus logs. But not anything that looks like a cause for a CTD really. Nothing about the VM really. I want to add this: I just disabled all mods, but the unofficial patches + their corresponding add-ons) and I didn't crash. I'll just have to turn on every mod and check it with my crashtestdummy. I'll post the results here. So far, the only thing that made me crash was the Climates of Tamriel SFX mod. Getting rid of that for now. Those in conflict, it seems are as follows: Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio - Dawnguard Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio - Dragonborn Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio - Ambient SFX Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch - Snow prod80's CoT Weather Patch - Fog Rain Overcast Lightning during Thunder Storms - Climates of Tamriel - Patch MintyLightningModV23 Loose Files Immersive Skyrim Thunder Does anyone know how to make them work? If you need more infos... I'll be happy to answer your questions. As for now.. here's my stuff! This is the general list of the mods I have, + for mods running, - for mods not running of course. And this is the list for the load order. Thanks for taking your time!
  12. You might want to elaborate what "tried everything" means. That's f*#@ing vague.
  13. For the love of God. Please create this. I got so upset about stuff that I had to disabled it. GRAH.
  14. Lol, thanks buddy! I just figured out the same thing! It's pretty weird, because I didn't have errors with it before... That made me not check them. Until TES5Edit. By the way, I don't use Wyre Bash because the last time I tried using it I failed horribly. I didn't understand a thing and it seems like I can live without it. At least for now and the last time. ya basically all that wrye bash does is take mods that add items or change items in the leveled lists and makes them work together.. because lets say you have an armor mod that adds some new armors for bandits to wear and for you to find in chests but then you get another mod that adds some more armors of its own for you to find. WELL then which ever of those two mods you put nearer to the bottom of the load order is the only one that will actually add its items.. but if you use wrye bash and makes a bashedpatch.esp it will merge the leveled lists and allow both mods to add their items to the game at the same time :biggrin: the program can do many other things too but that is MAINLY what it is used for. It can also merge mods so you can fit more ESP's into your game because there is a limit of 255 ESPs.. So it takes any mods that it can merge the two ESPs together and adds them to its Bashedpatch.esp so that you can deactivate the original esps.. its an amazingly awesome progream and I personally couldn't play without it because half of my mods wouldnt work together but it depends what mods you have :smile: also did deactivating those two actually fix the problem?!? :biggrin::D:D Ahh, okay. Now I understand. But I guess I won't use it because I also don't use mods that would overwrite themselves, mainly because I don't use much armour replacements and if I do, it's only a retex. So there's no need. But I understand the variety it could bring. Also merging mods seems a good thing if there's a huge use of mods. Cool thing. And yes, removing them helped. It works like a charm now. And, on a side note, BOSS helped me with the load order in a good way. Didn't expect that.
  15. Lol, thanks buddy! I just figured out the same thing! It's pretty weird, because I didn't have errors with it before... That made me not check them. Until TES5Edit. By the way, I don't use Wyre Bash because the last time I tried using it I failed horribly. I didn't understand a thing and it seems like I can live without it. At least for now and the last time.
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