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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Ok, so my ReProccer patch isn't getting exported, I've tried running SUM multiple times and it still gives me the usual null error. Given that null.pointer.exceptions mean that something isn't being recognized by the process I assume that's whats happening. However, I don't know why its happening, it hasn't happened until just recently. I'd appreciate if someone could assist. Here's what the debug log says or at least the first time an error shows up: [EXCEPTION] java.nio.BufferUnderflowExceptionat java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.get(Unknown Source)at java.nio.ByteBuffer.get(Unknown Source)at lev.LShrinkArray.extract(LShrinkArray.java:163)at skyproc.FormID.parseData(FormID.java:141)at skyproc.SubFormArray.parseData(SubFormArray.java:51)at skyproc.KeywordSet.parseData(KeywordSet.java:68)at skyproc.SubRecordsStream.loadFromPosition(SubRecordsStream.java:147)at skyproc.SubRecordsStream.get(SubRecordsStream.java:54)at skyproc.SubRecords.getKeywords(SubRecords.java:151)at skyproc.ARMO.getKeywordSet(ARMO.java:128)at skyRePatcher.SkyRe_ArmorPatcher.patchArmor(SkyRe_ArmorPatcher.java:52)at skyprocstarter.SkyProcStarter.runChangesToPatch(SkyProcStarter.java:218)at skyproc.gui.SUMGUI$ProcessingThread.run(SUMGUI.java:948)at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) EDIT: Also I use Mod Organizer, but I don't know if that has anything to do with this, I suspect it might.
  2. Search for the FNVedit training manual, find the section about merging mods and you'll find your way to merge mods. You can wait, though, they'll release their pack soon.
  3. There's a problem when you try to use both for fallout. I think you can use one for FO and the other for Skyrim and other games but you can't use both for the same game, because they try to look for the same file or create it or something so one of them will keep crashing unless you get rid of the other. I think there was a video that covered how to use both(with different games) but I don't remember what it was called or who made it. Either way my recommendation, is to choose one. Which one? That depends on you, I use FOMM though.
  4. I loved all the DLCs to be honest, my favorites being Lonesome Road and Dead Money. Both tried to do something that regular Fallout rarely does which is using the element of survival. You can't shoot your way out in Dead Money, well you can but you won't have enough bullets, stimpaks or health to do so every time. Lonesome Road does this too, but in a smaller scale, not with a limitation on ammo but more with throwing really tough enemies at you, I think the Deathclaws over there are also stronger than the New Vegas Deathclaws, not sure about that though. Both had amazing stories as well, Elijah and Ulyssess were great characters and antagonists.
  5. They allow it but, not because they like to but more because they have to. I don't know about loyalty towards the elder, Elijah was also an elder and they want him dead. It is also strange for an elder to think that way, McNamara clearly knows that the Brotherhood is going downhill when you that quest with Veronica and yet he still does nothing about it. Which is part of the reason I say the roles should be reversed, makes much more sense to have a group of a few people maybe with some high ranking officers want to go help the wasteland than having an elder decide that.
  6. You misunderstood my post. What I'm trying to say is that the Outcasts should have been the ones who wanted to help out people while the actual BoS should have stuck to its principles. I'm sure some people in the BoS would want to help the wasteland. The actual real, FO1, FO2 and New Vegas BoS(or the outcasts I guess) should have been the ones holding the Pentagon while the other group should have been much smaller, since usually the majority of the BoS favors what the New Vegas BoS, it is uncharacteristic that the majority of a BoS chapter would want to help out the wasteland.
  7. I think the Outcasts role and the Brotherhood's role should have been reversed, it would have made more sense. I don't like the Brotherhood, in the end they're no different than the Enclave, the only thing that is different is that they don't commit genocide but then again they're not real fond of ghouls or super mutants. Their whole purpose is a farce, they claim to "preserve" and "protect" technology from others so that they do not kill themselves, but really what makes them any more morally correct to take this position. The Brotherhood is certainly not above using its technology to defend its interests. FO3's BoS was over equipped as well, I doubt the California Brotherhood would have been able to wage war with mutants and the Enclave, the NCR was the nation who fought the Enclave, not the Brotherhood, and this was in California, the supposed hub of Brotherhood operations. I agree with House, the Legion and NCR, they need to be wiped out. Either, they change their "codex" or they will die out. It is ridiculous, seriously, even the Legion has more allies than they do. Everyone in New Vegas hates them.
  8. I'm glad someone decided to continue with this, I always try to use argonians but I can never quite finish any playthroughs with them, they never feel right. Anyway, good luck with the mod, hoping it gets released soon, if I knew anything about modelling I'd help.
  9. House, he's got the right idea. Some may say that he doesn't care about anyone outside the Strip but I'm going to say that he isn't concerned about small issues and instead is focusing on the big picture(rebuilding New Vegas and keeping it out of people like NCR and the Legion). The NCR is only fighting the war because its politicians are greedy, they do not understand that they cannot just come in and take everyone's land whenever they feel like it. They are cutting corners more than everyone else, mainly because they've gotten lazy and haven't faced a real enemy ever since the Enclave. Giving New Vegas to them isn't just bad for New Vegas but for themselves as well, they will continue to expand uncontrollably and violently just like the US did (where are they now) and they will not stop until they are shown that this will not function. People only benefit from the NCR when their needs are aligned to theirs. The Legion isn't any better. The Legion is emulating a failed society and one that failed long before the Old World did, progress cannot be stopped whether the Legion likes it or not, you can't just de-evolve humanity like the Legion wants to. Their society is also based on the principles of one person, Caesar. Hitler and Stalin also attempted to do this, both of them failed and whatever accomplishments they brought to their nations were short term. The Legion will fall apart once Caesar dies, human nature will do what it does best. People will disagree on what path the legion should take, factions will form and will destroy each other, essentially breaking any "unity" Caesar created within the tribes he conquered. You cannot just make everyone the same, it is impossible, no one is the same in anything, it is just the way nature functions. The Brotherhood and the Enclave are the same and little bit like the Legion. Both are clinging to ideas that have long since failed and died. The Brotherhood wants to base its values on medieval knighthood, the Enclave on the US government. Both are dead and gone, and soon enough both groups will be as well. Both groups are technologically superior to everyone and shun anyone who isn't one of theirs, both are isolated and both seek to control any advanced technology, both think that they are the only ones with the "higher thought processes" to control that advanced technology. What makes them anymore infallible than everyone else? They are still human, and given the circumstances I think that idea of theirs is an excuse. The Enclave isn't above using their superior technology to screw people over and I doubt the Brotherhood is either, they did use that technology to fight the NCR. Both dislike mutants and ghouls and even though the Brotherhood doesn't outright do anything about that they still dislike mutants and ghouls and will not take extra care to not shoot them. Both groups also have a fanatical devotion to a bunch of misguided ideals, the Brotherhood had Elijah, the Enclave had Richardson, both insane in their own right. Let's not forget that both came from the US military as well. Out of all the groups, I think the Brotherhood is the most hypocritical and self righteous, and the ones I least like, at least the Enclave is honest about what it is doing. The Brotherhood talks about "protecting" people, but they don't care about anyone, the only thing they care about is technology. Why do they need all those weapons and power armor to "protect" people from themselves? They're the most backwards society that exists in the world of Fallout, even House is of the opinion that the Brotherhood is ridiculous and even says that NCR is better than them. If you ask me the only two factions that are worth anything are NCR or House. Everyone else is headed to ruin.
  10. I know some are mergeable and some aren't, however every time I merge the ones that are they don't show up at all. Is it that each time you update the patch those mods that were merged are forgotten or something? As for the 140 limit, I'm not there yet and I should be able to reduce my load order soon when some people get done with a patch that should merge a lot of the big mods I have.
  11. Ok, so I've been trying to merge mods, I just tried to merge some mods a while ago but I must have done something wrong because I screwed up my game. So if anybody has any tutorials on how to do this properly I would appreciate it. I've already seen Gopher's video but I think that's a little too basic and I need something more complicated, I've read the FNVEdit training manual for this part but I still want to learn more about this particular topic. If anyone can give me a link to a tutorial, I'd appreciate it.
  12. Alright, I don't know what it is that I'm doing wrong or what but isn't the bashed patch supposed to merge mods? Every time I do it and check if certain mods are enabled in game, I am surprised to find out that they aren't. Am I doing something wrong? Is it because the Wyre Flash isn't as good as Wyre Bash or whatever? I'm close to reaching the 140 mod mark and I don't want to get there due to that dumb bug screwing everything up. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.
  13. Hello mate! about the Headtracking mod, as it says in the text of it, draw you weap and sheat it for it to track a new race change, you prolly tryed that already? then try

    SetQuestAliases Headtracking

    and it that dont work try

    startquest Headtracking

    Hope it helps :)

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