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Everything posted by shadowtiger

  1. I don't have much experience hex editing and it seems more complex doing it through the UDK system. However some basic computer science helps. A true should be stored as a 01 and a false should be stored as a 00. An A is a 10 and a B is an 11... so technically those could be used to store booleans if you only looked at the last digit but that is kind of weird and unlikely. So maybe you could look at where the 01s appear in the second one and change those to 00 and see if they become false. I really don't understand how the bytes are laid out, but remember that a integer is 4 bytes, or 4 hex digits. So technically everything should be split into 4s, though the number of zeros between important numbers can be varied. Since you are editing variables, they may be longer than 4 bytes. Without more examples I can't really find a pattern as to what represents what.
  2. I thought that the system in Return To Krondor was pretty cool www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5iP7MaSiyo#t=55s Every chest has 3 components that you uncover by using the probe. You then see if it is trapped. Different traps have different looks, the video has a gear and a blade, there is another kind that has a nozzle and an acid flask. Depending on what type of component you are disarming, different tools will be more or less effective. Then it turns into a simple timing mini-game, except the target area which determines the difficulty is variable. The more skill points you have, the bigger the target area is. Also, if you are using the wrong tool, it will make the target area very small. If you make a mistake, you have a chance of triggering the trap. Once it is triggered you have a few seconds to disarm it or else you get hit by the trap. This way it mixes the player's knowledge with the player's skill and still uses the RPG system for a lockpicking skill. However, theres no way they are putting something like that in Skyrim.
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