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Everything posted by Syrcanus

  1. I'm also having this exact same issue. I think it happened after I killed either some Frost Atronach's or an Ice Wraith. Maybe its the light source effect from taking frost damage and its not going away? I'm trying to see if following any of the methods from the thread TUTORIAL: REMOVING UNWANTED MAGIC EFFECTS FROM THE PLAYER will work. Edit: After looking over my load order I think I've found the culprit, Immersive Spells and Light - Spells emit light, which effects atronach's and some other monsters. I still need to test whether this is the true culprit, seeing as I reverted to an earlier save because the thread linked above didn't solve the issue. But I did test before the save revert and confirmed that Frost Atronach's were indeed causing this player emitting light bug upon them hitting you.
  2. Glad to see this finally happened. A great and much needed change.
  3. Holding down either control key on your keyboard while moving the wheel on your mouse - if your not using a laptop or something - will zoom firefox in and out by default. I'm pretty sure it does this by default anyway, since I have no addons installed for such a feature. Beware that the images on the front pages of the Nexus sites get messed up if you zoom out. Also, the sites buttons and so on get messed up looking if you zoom in too much. I'm assuming these issues are partly due to the fixed width nature of the sites.
  4. The name of TESNexus should be changed due to this happening, since it will no longer rightly be TESNexus now that one of the games is getting its own Nexus site - which I personally hate the idea of quite a lot, but whatever. If the name doesn't get changed it's just going to be misleading. In the end this will just make browsing mods for TES games just that much more tedious and irritating for me. Now instead of them all being in one convenient browsing location they will be in separate locations. I hate this special treatment crap about as much as I hate the diehard fixed width stance that so many sites are becoming obsessed with lately - I thought those tiny 1024x768 monitor's were discontinued... perhaps I was wrong and there making a comeback. Anyway, I apologize to anyone who might find this post offensive.
  5. Have there been no new files uploaded the past 2 days? I'm wondering because the New Files section has been showing up as blank for me since yesterday... and that just seems to be really odd to me.
  6. If you can't change staff rep then the arrows shouldn't be visible. Just a thought I had after recalling that the WoW forums has the rep buttons disabled for company employee's - I disagree with employee's getting special treatment on forums, but I can understand why they do.
  7. I agree with Tapioks on this issue as well. On another note I do like the example "skin". It saves me from being quite as annoyed by the 6 inches of dead space on my screen when viewing this site, since its not 6 inches of a boring grey color now. It still doesn't justify fixed width in my opinion though...not by a long shot. I mean...six inches of dead space!!! Is this site suddenly a blog? x(
  8. I've noticed three things that would be nice to see changed. 1 - As Hadanelith said below, would be great to have the tracked files page returned to some semblance of its previous functionality which was far superior. 2 - I can't choose what server I want to download my file from now because the "please wait" window was changed to load in tabs - on a side note I find this extremely annoying and it really ticks me off. Not to mention it automatically brings me away from the mod page I was viewing. Why have several servers if users can't choose to download from them? 3 - It would be incredibly nice if the site design wasn't fixed width. The new layout looks terrible on widescreen monitor's because of the absurd amount of empty space. Do they even sell those small square monitor's anymore that fixed width would look ideal on? I thought widescreen was default for new computer's now...maybe I'm wrong...apparently PES thinks I'm wrong too.
  9. I'm having this same issue, but I've been waiting since around 5pm yesterday. I also sent a message to Zenimax and haven't got a response from them either. It appears that the email associated with my account there was changed to something it shouldn't be, as when I use the forgotten password recovery option with my email instead of username it tells me my email isn't associated with any currently existing accounts...but when I try it with my username it sends out the email, and then I never get it. This is so annoying.
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