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Everything posted by Gruffydd

  1. That's pretty cool info. I think I'll have to make something out of this sign. :)
  2. While working on one of my mods, I found a sign for a place called "Mackie's Packie", but I don't remember seeing it in the game, and there's nothing in Google about it. Does anyone know where in the game it is found, and can you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  3. When I was having some compatability issues, I uninstalled SK, reinstalled it, and let it overwrite, and everything worked again. I think one or more of the mods you're listing as having problems might overwrite some of the SK structure. Restoring the SK structure worked for me.
  4. I keep running into Rust Devils, and have had them attack some of my settlements, so they're still out there. Some more quests involving them would have been nice, though. Maybe once we get the CK we'll see some.
  5. Rumor has it that it was supposed to, and that there are voice files still in the game from that abandoned content. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see something from the next DLC, since it adds in what looks to be a form of arena combat.
  6. There's definitely some different stuff going on with that settlement. A bunch of the floor is unbuildable (seems to not sense the collision), so I had to place flooring over the parts that are buildable (mainly the elevator hatch covers), and expand out from there. When I tried to go down under the floor to see if I could build up under it, tcl did not let me do so. It also didn't let me "fly", which made adding better catwalks a pain in the butt. Also, all of the existing catwalks and the various openings to areas on upper levels are non-snappable, so getting things to line up (especially since you have to build up from ground level, and can't start against a wall to line things up) is problematic. Not sure what can be done to fix this, because there's obviouly some non-standard stuff going on. Maybe someone who knows a lot more about how it works than I do can find a solution...
  7. There. <points> There deathclaw. <points again> There... Castle. <Minuteman on the wall waves> Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
  8. So, I know there's a category cap, and I know SK addresses it. What I'm not really clear on is how. I tried reading the documentation, and it's a bit more technical than my expertise level. So, what I'm looking for is a (hopefully) simple answer on how if at all SK would handle subcategories. Some of the categories are getting really, really full. They desperately need subcategories. But, from what I understand, adding subcategories would cause conflicts. Is that correct, if you use SK the category list is 100% fixed in stone and no subcategories can be added? Or is there some way to do it without breaking things?
  9. You can build more than one, too, so you don't really need to agonize over which settlement you want to choose.
  10. I've been making a custom signs mod for over a month now with no issues. I made a new one the other day for vanilla signs, and people are reporting "invisible" objects (no apparent texture/materials) in the menus. At the same time that I put up the new mod, the DLC came out. Also at the same time, I'm now getting someone on the original mod (the one with no issues) reporting "invisible" objects. It shouldn't because of the change in categories (or at least, not from my end of things) because everything goes to the vanilla signs category for both mods, which shouldn't be an issue. Did the DLC somehow break the way that it's handling textures/materials in mods? Everything is the way it's been working for over a month, and suddenly nothing seems to be working right.
  11. Are you modifying the Materials as well, or just the Textures? That one threw me at first too. FO4 uses Materials files, which in turn point to the Textures. If all you use are the Textures and not the Materials on most *but not all* objects, it won't display the textures.
  12. I put together a mod that brings vanilla signs into the game as constructable objects. Most of the signs are working fine for me, but for some of them, when I go to place them, show the outline, but no texture. I can place the sign, if I mouse over it in workbench mode it sees that it's there, but no texture. When I close out and re-enter (I don't even have to quit, just go to the main menu and back in), they're there. Other people are having the same issue with more of the signs than I am. I am not having this issue at all with my custom sign mod, only on the vanilla sign mod. Does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it?
  13. Not if you want people to actually *use* your mod, you can't. The category cap will interfere, cause conflicts with other mods, and make people abandon your mod in droves.
  14. Glory is dead in the RR storyline at that point, but you may not have received the quest in which she is killed if you didn't complete the game with the RR. The same thing happened to me. If you're doing the RR quests, and are in the Underground Undercover quest, and refuse to complete Mass Fusion for Father (because, like me, you didn't want to become enemies with the BoS at that point), you fail Underground Undercover. However, it's in the quest immediately after that (Precipice of War), when the BoS attack the RR, that Glory is killed. The quest following that one (Rockets Red Glare) is where you destroy the Prydwen and the BoS. So, what's going on for you is that the game thinks you completed the quest line, because you got far enough along, and then destroyed the Institute, but you didn't do things it assumes were done. This is also why talking to PAM gives "hunt the BoS" quests. It thinks you've destroyed the Prydwen and are just mopping up.
  15. That's it? Just scale up? I assumed they were using some kind of coordinate system to "snip out" the parts of the texture they were using in the mesh, so I figured scaling up would make it so that only part of the needed part of the texture showed. I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  16. Yep. Never mind, folks, they aren't ready for open discussion about the games yet, they're only doing metadiscussion about the forum structure itself. However, that doesn't mean you can't contact them. Bethesda does have feedback options. Make your voices heard, people! It's the only way to get that accursed cap fixed.
  17. Bethesda just activated their new forum at community.bethesda.net, and I promptly started a topic asking Bethesda to do something about the category cap that is crippling out ability to add categories to settlement mods. If you have concerns about the mod as well, please go there and let them know what you think. They may ignore it. Then again, if enough people (politely) tell them we want this changed, perhaps they'll take notice. https://community.bethesda.net/thread/2273​
  18. If you're into custom signs, I wouldn't mind seeing one for "Gruffydd's Signs and Posters". :)
  19. It all depends on what kind of game you're playing. If you're playing a kill/survival game, of you are really into weapons, a lot of the ones listed above are good. If you're more interested in the story, and in rebuilding the Commonwealth, then you might be focusing on your settlements. If so, you'll want Homemaker. Snap'n Build has some good stuff too, and depending on how obsessive you are, OCDecorator can be a must. For signs and posters, check out Business Settlements, or my own Gruffydd's Signs and Posters. If you like collecting powered armor, Worsin's paint mod is a good one. Either way, as stated earlier, you'll want True Storms. Also, if you're into listening to in-game radio while playing, check out Old World Radio - Boston.
  20. I've got a mod that adds a bunch of new signs to the game. I generally do this by taking a mesh that's already in the game, and adding a custom texture. The problem is, some of the meshes I'd like to use are, in game, just a colorful background. Since there's no real detail on those signs, they made them very low-res, so if I add text and graphics to it, it's very fuzzy and pixelated. Could someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial on how to make higher-resolution textures using the same mesh as the low-res one? Thanks.
  21. I put in a schoolroom with the school desk objects in it. I wasn't expecting much, it was just there for decoration. When I went by, the one child in my settlement was sitting in one of the desks. Apparently they are attracted to them during "school hours". It would be nice to be able to assign an adult settler as a teacher for such a room.
  22. If you're talking about what I think you are, I got those too, after the big update in late February. I now have 17 "signs" in the Wall Decorations > Small Signs category that each have a spot in the menu, each have the name "Sign", each say they take 4 steel to make, and otherwise do absolutely nothing. No preview pic, not placeable, do not show up in the game at all. In addition, I did not get the new vanilla signs that Bethesda added with the update. I suspect they are the blanks, and I suspect something - possibly involving SK - is glitching them. I've posted in a number of places about this, and nobody has responded. Anyone know what these "blanks" are and how to fix them?
  23. Some kind of NPC postman like the Skyrim couriers might be interesting, where every so often they track you down to "deliver your mail", which can lead to quests to complete. Once the GECK is out, having the same postman deliver mail to named people you have in your settlements, with the people reacting to the mail (again potentially leading to quests) would be fun, too. For just basic news, though, I assumed it was being brought with the provisioners, and that it was why (for example) you kept getting messages about settlements being under attack. A neat mod might be, once you have Piper firmly associated with you, to set up a larger office for her paper, and then occasionally have newspaper deliveries to the various settlements that would include "news" that could lead you to more quests.
  24. I already have one unframed designed to lay flat on a table in my mod "Gruffydd's Signs & Posters", I'll add a framed one for the wall as soon as I add a few things that other people have requested. Look for it probably by the end of this weekend.
  25. Why not just buy the frames you need from ? The also sell parts if you're not looking for X-01's.
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