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Posts posted by SignedName

  1. I always found it funny how you can slaughter the entire population of the NCRCF and come out with positive karma. I don't want there to be no karmic benefits to killing bad guys, but the context matters a bit- it make sense to get karma defending Goodsprings against the Powder Gangers, but less so when killing them one by one after they've let you into their base. I dunno how the best way to go about this would be- maybe something like a "truce" flag activated when you're claim to be peaceful, like when visiting NCRCF, Hidden Valley, The Fort, The Strip, etc. that removes karma if you kill an enemy unprovoked (i.e. you wouldn't get penalized for stuff like Benny's men ambushing you at your suite, but you would if you just opened fire on the Tops casino floor).


    Additionally, perhaps the karma you get for killing someone could be made dependent on how much you know about them- for example, you lose karma if you kill Clanden before finding out he's a serial killer, or more generally if you learn of the misdeeds committed by factions you can gain karma from killing them (meaning you lose karma if you go killing Powder Gangers or Legion without learning who they are- so no more shooting Joe Cobb in the back of the head at the Prospector Saloon without losing karma).


    Another idea is that you lose karma for killing people who you have a good reputation with, whether you get caught or not- killing people who trust you with their lives is generally seen as evil, regardless of the morality of those that trust you.

  2. I've tried Breeze/Roberts, but neither are really to my liking- the bodies are simply too muscular/veiny and break my immersion (which is the reason I use replacers in the first place). Plus, the hand textures are kind of gross- all dried, cracked, and veiny, and given that I'm going to be spending 90% of my time looking at those hands, it's kind of a turn-off. Are there any mods/variants that stick to the vanilla style (well-built but not ripped), but higher-res?

  3. alright, i have been a stardust crusaders fan for a while now and i have really admired the emperor, i was wondering if somebody could make a reskin for that gun to make it look like the emperor, maybe something like a white metallic look to it, or just a standalone, i hope someone is able to make it so. but if not, oh well :smile:

    That would be pretty cool, especially if it used homing shots like in the anime.

  4. There are lots of mods that replace/remove bug-type enemies, but are there some that add some (or rather, a lot)? I really liked the look of the spider dungeon in Salt Lake Stories, but wanted that in the vanilla game. I really want to feel like I'm getting swarmed (and have a reason to use flamers). An ant mound ought to have more than half a dozen ants, after all. Preferably, in addition to the giant variants, a ton of smaller ones that are less dangerous and can even be squashed underfoot like Mantis Nymphs in the base game.

  5. If you just want to replace the mesh, it's really easy to do. Just make a path for the Stealth Suit in your Data folder (i.e. meshes\nvdlc03\armor\nvdlcstealthsuit, drag and drop the .nif of the mesh you want, then rename the relevant .nif file to the name of the original file (in this case, nvdlc03stealthsuit_f). No need to re-path textures, though of course you'll need to add them to your Data folder for them to work properly.

  6. While making objects static is quite an easy process, reverse is not the case. It takes a fair bit of tweaking to make object behave correctly, especially the Inertia Tensor.


    Try this out.

    Tested it out in GECK and should look fine.

    Thanks sooo much! It works perfectly. Do you want me to credit you?

  7. A present the bars have a Static Collision.You would have to make them turn into Havok Collision and it's done in NifSkope.

    If you reverse the procedure explained in Jokerine's Misc NV Resources - PDF Tutorial - Havok Removal you should able to make it.

    The problem is, that tutorial is about zeroing the numbers, and I can't exactly reverse the process for something that's already been zeroed. I used the gold bar from Dead Money as a template, but I got stuck when it came time to set the Inertia Tensor- putting in the values for the gold makes the bars act bizarrely, so I'm rather stumped as to how to calculate the tensors so the bars act naturally.

  8. So I wanted to take a swing at modding, but I hit a snag. I want to make it so you can collect Saturnite Bars and break them down, but the problem is that although I can pick them up fine, when I drop them they remain static (which is of course undesirable). How would I go about changing the .nif file so that the bars can be affected by gravity, grabbed, pushed, etc.?


    How about a fishing rod weapon that allows you to activate large bodies of water, which gives you a random fish (or none at all), with better Survival skill giving better chances/fish? That way you wouldn't have to animate the fish, or even give them proper models.

    I think that's do-able, although you may want to stay with spear fishing since we have an animation for that, then implement a fish on the spear....becuase I don't think we have any fishing animations. Plus it might allow me to get a baseID of what the spear hits so I can get it into a script to verify it's a water form (so that it can auto add a fish to the spear or straight to inventory). Unless you remember a fishing animation somewhere in game that I can track down.


    Oh, I just assumed it'd be handled via a fade to black with a fishing sound played over it (kind of like surgeries). Though now that you mention it, even the fishing rod isn't strictly necessary- the water could instead by activated by spears.

  10. How about a fishing rod weapon that allows you to activate large bodies of water, which gives you a random fish (or none at all), with better Survival skill giving better chances/fish? That way you wouldn't have to animate the fish, or even give them proper models.

  11. Is it possible for someone with scripting knowledge to change the script so that Jed Masterson and co. don't get blown to pieces via script, but instead are knocked unconscious, with a Medical skill check to save them with a Stimpak/Superstimpak? After that, maybe they could be seen convalescing at the Sorrows camp. No need for further involvement in the plot other than maybe effecting the end slide (i.e. if Jed dies, Happy Trails gets the Bad End regardless of other actions). Just a little detail since I feel kind of bad that there's no way to save them (and receive the other half of my promised caps at the end of the DLC :laugh:).

  12. Basically, it doesn't really make sense that people would mistake you for Legion as a female courier, even if you were wearing Legion armor. It's a bit immersion-breaking to have the NCR unload on you just because you're wearing the armor you looted off your dead enemies (if anything, wearing Legion armor as a female should make the Legion hostile). Are there any mods that fix this? Presumably all it takes is an edit to the script for Legion to check whether the player is male/female, but I don't know what or where to put such an edit.


    As for options for female couriers to disguise themselves as Legion, slave rags could work, though those still probably shouldn't make NCR hostile.

  13. It seems a bit odd that Sunset Sarsaparilla/Nuka Cola machines can simply be looted without any extra effort, despite IRL vending machines not working like that. I think it'd be nice if there was more interactivity with them, as "vendors" a la Sierra Madre machines, and/or having to lockpick them before opening them.

  14. I really loved the Old World Blues DLC, but something that really bugged me was how there wasn't any possibility of bringing any of the Think Tank to the Mojave with you- it makes sense if you get the "good" ending for OWB, since they're going to be doing scientific experiments on the Courier's behalf and accompanying them would amount to "field research." From my search, I can't find any mods that enables any of the Think Tank as companions, not even human-fanatic Dala, which I find disappointing. If anyone is willing to rectify this, I would be a thousand times grateful! An additional option to manufacture "synth" versions them through a quest line would also be super appreciated, sort of like with Curie in FO4.

  15. There are actually mods out there for that.


    Decrucifixion does exactly that- lets you help crucified people.

    Free the Slaves lets you save Legion slaves.

    Heal Others lets you heal people using a medi-gun.


    If you want to give freed slaves items, you can download Companion Share and Recruit and "befriend" them by passing a speech check, which allows you to access their inventory. Do note you'll probably want a mod like Smalltalk or AlterTalk so you can initiate dialogue with anyone.

  16. For taunt, I think looking at the target while being within a dozen or so meters would be okay. As for intimidate, maybe an AoE effect extending a few meters? It should also probably cost AP or have some other kind of cooldown to prevent spamming.


    I was mostly thinking confidence/aggression level and faction reputation would be the main things modifying taunt success- cowardly characters or characters who like/idolize you would never respond, unaggressive characters would be harder to provoke, foolhardy characters would be easier to provoke, etc. I don't think it should be chance-based, since you could just try again in that case. Basically, it'd be like a points-based system- for every negative reputation point, you get one point, and for every positive, you get minus one point. For being very aggressive, you get one point, for being unaggressive, you get minus one point. For being foolhardy, one point, for cautious, minus one. To successfully taunt, you'd have to have a value greater than zero (basically, you'd be able to successfully taunt any neutral, foolhardy NPC and most NPCs who you have a net negative faction reputation with).


    As for intimidate, possibly a mixture of level difference, charisma/speech, NPC health/limb condition, and confidence levels (possibly also traits like Sneering Imperialist/Ladykiller) to determine a percent chance of running away. I'll leave the details up to you, but preferably you should be able to make similar-level non-brave enemies flee reliably.

  17. Okay, I think one line might be best for a generic "taunt" option, while I found a few fitting lines for "intimidate". If possible, the "intimidate" option should be unlocked by the Terrifying Presence perk, as the voice lines are pretty psycho (plus making the perk a little less useless).


    As for files, thankfully, the male and female files have the same name, they're just filed under different folders (maleadult01default and femaleadult01default).


    The file for taunt:

    • vdialoguen_greeting_001754c8_1

    Files for intimidation:

    • genericfie_normaltocombat_001750ed_1
    • genericfie_normaltocombat_001750ee_1
    • genericfiend_attack_001751f7_1
    • genericfiend_attack_001751f8_1
    • genericfiend_attack_001751f9_1
    • genericfiend_deathresponse_001751b9_1
    • genericfiend_fireexplosive_0014d332_1
    • vfreeformg_combattonormal_00126ee0_1 (female only)
  18. For voice lines, I was mostly thinking that vanilla NPC voice lines would be sufficient. There's a variety of voice lines that could be suitable, like Driver Nephi's "Get f*#@ed" line- basically an insult that would provoke someone to attack, or in the case of intimidation, make them run away (some of the fiend combat barks are deranged enough for this purpose). I think a variety of random lines would be preferable, if at all possible (many characters share the same VA, so it shouldn't be too hard to find more than one or two suitable lines...). I believe this has the added bonus of ready-made lip-syncing? Faction specific lines (like "degenerates like you belong on a cross" if you're Legion-aligned) would be interesting, but I understand if that's more complicated to do.


    If you want, I can scrounge up the names of what files to use. Otherwise, it seems like the voices that "match" the Courier's grunts are MaleAdult01Default and FemaleAdult11 (though since it seems FemaleAdult11 might be lacking in dialogue choices, it'd probably be okay to use FemaleAdult01Default instead, since the only voice lines for the Courier are grunts).


    Even something as simple as the ability to whistle, hum, or laugh would be nice.


    Unfortunately I can't answer most of your queries, but something like above could be done pretty easily with NVSE and a hotkey, I would think. I don't know if thats the kind of game mechanic your looking for (manually activated) though. And if you play in third person you won't see an associated face morph/animation, so it would really work much better in first person.


    A hotkey for those "emotes" is exactly what I meant! As an aside, how feasible is a "taunt" button, which would aggro NPCs based on faction reputation and confidence level, or conversely, an "intimidate" button which would cause enemies to run away (basically Terrifying Presence as a hotkey)?

  20. Are there any mods that increase the amount of voice lines the Courier has, so they do more than grunt? Stuff like battle cries, lines after defeating powerful or unique enemies, lines after discovering a location, interactions with status effects (i.e. screaming when on fire, labored breathing when at low health, hunger pangs), etc. Even something as simple as the ability to whistle, hum, or laugh would be nice.

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