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About PancakeTaker2

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  1. Heya - sadly got a problem and am trying to pinpoint exactly what could be causing it. For some reason, as I play the game - or in more specific terms, the longer a playthrough runs, my reload speed becomes blazingly fast out of nowhere - even without Quick Hands. I tested this more by playing around with both the perks I have and the reload speed slider for True Damage. They both have an effect, of course - but none of it is consistent. -60% Reload (Lowest Setting) in TD's settings can make it either normal speed or unchanged, while the same can be said for Quick Hands perks 1-3. The only thing consistent is that the longer time I have on a character, the quicker my reload speed with little or no intervention on my part. Just playing the game relatively normally. The main mods I can think of that could be part of this is: True Damage Bullet In the Chamber Cant quite think of another cause. Any ideas? Thanks Nevermind! Was a VATS Reload related mod - "Redesigned VATS Reload and Ammo Mechanism"
  2. Honestly incredible idea, really wish I thought of that before lol Gave it a look on one of my last crashes - it spewed out plenty of details but it appears the "fault" that caused the error was "ntdll.dll" - I think I've seen this around a couple times before? Now to figure it out a bit... Thanks for the tip
  3. Appreciate the insight, gives me more to go off of. My best guesses now might be textures since you did mention that archives are loaded and kept pretty much all throughout. Maybe I need to unpack some mods? Also personally I like using community fixes and patches since most of the time they're useful for fixing up the base game first and then you can use that as a foundation. To each their own of course, but that's my take. I should also mention that it isn't particularly a headache when it does crash as I have periodic autosaves and the crashes themselves are after like 2-3 Hours of playing the game/having it run. I may have to retest the barebones build I mentioned to see if it actually did have a crash similar like that or not, or my memory borked itself. Either way, appreciate the replies
  4. Title pretty much says it all. Despite me having Buffout 4 installed and trying everything I can to set my INIs up properly, no log appears and nothing I change seems to really help. But this is because of how it crashes, I suspect, since Buffout can't really generate crash logs of freeze crashes unfortunately. With about 558 Mods in total and 447 plugins, I barely have any other issue. Compatibility between mods is relatively fine, LOD looks good, framerate is about the best I can get it (on average about 60-70 FPS except around Boston, naturally), and I've done everything I can to keep the number of scripts running at once pretty low while still having plenty of gameplay additions and such. But whether in a completely silent/empty scenario or a gigantic battle, it's a dice roll on if my game freezes, pops audio a couple times, and then fully crashes without generating a log. The chances of that happening also seemingly increase if I let the game autoload after death or me manually trying to load a save. I've had a couple theories - memory leak, maybe a corrupt NIF or texture file, yet I can't entirely tell since I can't replicate the freeze/crash by going to any location or interacting with some part of gameplay - it just happens seemingly at random. I'm genuinely at a loss. I've redone my INIs a few times, double checked my load order/mod orders; I even remember testing a pretty barebones modlist with F4SE fixes, the Unofficial Patch, and the Community Fixes Merge being the only mods active and it still resulted in the same sort of freeze/crash. Any suggestions?
  5. Hiya, I'm in a bit of a troubled spot - my storms are dead silent in terms of rain For weather mods I only have NACX installed and tried also running the game without it. I noticed in my current saves, vanilla weather still has thunder but the rain sound for every weather is dead silent. I went back several hours in terms of saves to see if it was something recent, lo and behold the storm has its sounds. The strangeness starts after I enter my Private Vertibird (mod of the same name) and the entire weather sound just cuts out. After I fly to my destination, I dont hear anything weather related even with a very strong storm. I've tried a possible solution of calling in a verti and before it lands/in transit I change the weather to a storm or so and still no sound. As a last resort, I tried the console command "fks" to kill all the sound in the game for a moment and allow it to load them again. The rain still continues to be silent. I'm not sure if the game still thinks I'm IN the vertibird or so (apparently I still have the Vertibird minigun in my inventory so I also have that glitch going for me, woohoo) Is there anything I can do? (EDIT: So after going back to my other save that I mentioned earlier, getting in the vertibird makes the weather go silent save for the thunder and disembarking no longer keeps it mute. I'm still wondering what is causing this at all.) (Yet Another Edit: Tried the save again, after traveling from the Castle to ArcJet, and the audio gets muted. Not only that but I cant unequip the vertibird minigun from my inventory/hands.)
  6. So this issue has been plaguing me for every playthrough I've had save a few lucky times: You travel to the Museum of Freedom in Concord to start Preston's Minutemen stuff and help him fight off Raiders. All is well until he falls off the balcony and doesn't return to the Museum. Granted, the quest can continue as normal and this is a rather nitpicky issue but honestly two things are quite strange to me: 1. He doesn't exactly have any cover up there even though maybe he could use some of the debris inside to cover up the gigantic hole in the grating. 2. Its clear the devs never thought of him possibly falling off in any case as he doesn't exactly have any unique dialogue for if he was to fall and so on. I have no idea if this has been made before and I'm just not looking in the right place but I'd like to see one somewhere. Even something as small as this goes a long way.
  7. Was testing some weaponry animations in my settlement and finally tried to sheathe my melee weapon. This resulted in a crash every time I tried to do so, even with no weapon equipped for unarmed. I reverted back to an old save and found the issue wasn't present and continued as I did before the incident, doing a settlement quest as normal. It didn't come back up. While my problem might be resolved as another "random" no explanation bug, I'm curious to see if it was something bigger. I want to know what caused this in the first place, and if possible, how to prevent it. I have my Buffout 4 log here for reference of when the game crashed, which I've also posted on their page but to no avail. Perhaps there's someone here that can help? Would really appreciate it <3
  8. See thats what I want to figure out, is it the OS? Other system processes holding it back? The game itself? And Why? I mean, I'm sure it wouldn't help to run compatibility mode on the exe, though I'm sure I could try.
  9. So as far as I can tell, I've disabled weapon debris and such in my INIs, read more about it and saw the RTX cards dont support NVFlex well. - After disabling this, I tested the same scenario with my gatling laser and such, no change - same crash issue I've never really touched my processor's overclocking - rather I've let it alone with it's default state. I know Ryzen sometimes does auto-overclocking in its software, correct? If need be I can shut that down and let it run without. Though I fail to see why it would be a problem if the game is CPU heavy. My fans are always full blast when doing high resource tasks and my thermals are within good parameters. EDIT: I've done all I can to tone down NVFlex effects and all other associated settings, as well as ensuring my CPU clocks are default. Still, it seems that no matter what, if I shoot my gatling laser enough at anything that causes gore or blood etc. , it will cause a crash. I'm still at a loss as to why this happens or how to fix this.
  10. So I have a pretty heavily modded setup on my Fallout 4. Plenty of gameplay mods, plenty of overhauls, etc. The one thing I have made absolutely sure to do is minimize texture and graphical modifications apart from NAC for my ENB and True Storms, both of which work just fine together if set up properly. Unfortunately, the game continuously breaks in what I can only think of as a memory crash. For reference, I use War of the Commonwealth for more spawns in the wilds, in an effort to find the cause of this issue I've turned down most of the spawns through an MCM menu. While this lengthened the time in which I'm able to seamlessly play the game, it still results in a crash at the most inopportune time (mostly during combat). The last crash I've had was during me killing a group of ghouls with a Gatling Laser outfitted with the explosive rounds legendary perk (thanks to a mod of course). The only explanation I can come up with is that the game can't handle its own processes, and thus it becomes a ticking time bomb - play the game for long enough, or in a place of heavy resources, and it crashes. Too many effects/particles/NPCs/etc. and the game just stops working. I've even toned down the graphics in the vanilla launcher and tweaked as needed in MO2 with the INIs. In my eyes it's practically the same issue as Skyrim has with its memory allocation, but I'm stumped as where to start with Fallout 4. Considering it's an x64 game, I would think it shouldn't have any problems with memory. Maybe I'm wrong? If there's anything I can try, I'll give it a shot. Unless this is just Bethesda's magic at hand. Hoping for the best. My Specs: Ryzen 7 2700x 32GB DDR4 RTX 2070 SUPER 2TB SSD
  11. Currently following the STEP guide with Mod Organizer 2. Decided to test the game after sorting with look for the stuff I have so far. Barely grazed the character appearance section of the guide so I'm about halfway through the guide page. Along with having little to no real "game changing" additions, my Skyrim is an absolutely clean install and every part of the STEP guide's required programs are clean installs as well. NOTHING remains of my old setup. I have followed every part of the STEP Guide nearly word for word (including INI tweaks through BethINI and ENBoost). I have also taken the precaution of only installing 1-2K textures (mainly in the 1K) and no SFO in order to cross memory off as not an issue. In earlier modding sessions, I used to always "coc Riverwood" or "qasmoke" from the main menu in order to test things, and still do. However, "coc Riverwood" from the MM starts to load the world for a split second and then suddenly crashes even with all mods deactivated. I specifically have to go through qasmoke in order to "coc Riverwood". No matter what mod I add after that, be it a retexture of the simplest nature or whatever else, that save can NEVER be loaded (I realize it's not wise to reload an old save after adding a mod, but one very small esp for a retexture or model should be no big deal at all.) (At the time of writing the above part, just removed the old save and got rid of the mod I last installed after seeing it looked stable for what I had so far. Tried the same process and now Riverwood nor Whiterun or anywhere outside of qasmoke simply cannot be teleported to.) Starting a new game (Vanilla startup with Helgen, no alt. Start) seems to work fine up until you reach the end of the cave where the open world part actually starts. It seems that no matter what, the unscripted or non-isolated cells/areas/etc. will crash my game. What exactly am I doing wrong here? I have never seen my Skyrim act this way with what is, so far, a VERY light setup, one that I have tested multiple times at this exact point before. For reference, here is my load order (All other mods I may have that do not contain ESPs are either retextures, which STEP has a bunch of, or SKSE plugins): 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 6 6 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 7 7 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm 8 8 WM Flora Fixes.esp 9 9 FarmhouseChimneys.esp 10 a Cutting Room Floor.esp 11 b Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp 12 c Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp 13 d Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 14 e FISS.esp 15 f STEP Vanilla Optimized Textures - Performance.esp 16 10 Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp 17 11 SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp 18 12 Dead Body Collision.esp 19 13 Invisibility Eyes Fix.esp 20 14 NARC.esp 21 15 Paralysis.esp 22 16 RelightingSkyrim_Legendary.esp 23 17 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp 24 18 imp_helm_legend.esp 25 19 Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp 26 1a Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp 27 1b XPMSE.esp 28 1c DD_Dawnguard Additions.esp 29 1d DD_Dragonborn Additions.esp 30 1e Disease Descriptions.esp 31 1f iHUD.esp 32 20 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp 33 21 AHZmoreHUD.esp 34 22 RaceMenu.esp 35 23 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 36 24 SkyUI.esp 37 25 TradeBarter.esp 38 26 ViewableFactionRanksBothDLC.esp 39 27 SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp 40 28 Vividian - Extended Weathers.esp 41 29 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp 42 2a Point The Way.esp 43 2b RealisticWaterTwo.esp 44 2c SMIM-Merged-All.esp 45 2d RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp 46 2e SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp 47 2f EmbersHD.esp 48 30 FarmhouseChimneysCRF.esp 49 31 Footprints.esp 50 32 ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp
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