Hi, I´m new to the GECK and kept exploring it for some days now. The GECK wiki is a good source for "the right direction", but I´m still having some unresolved Questions. If anyone knows the tricks, please tell me ;) 1. How do you use camera Positioning/sequences? I.e I want to call the rotating camera-view (like the one after some in-game idle time), but i can´t figure out how to use the cameras in scripts. 2. Is there a script command for forcing the player to holster his weapon? (I only found a check, if the weapon is out) 3. How can you preview animations (anim Objects) ? I would like to preview the various used animations, to play them in a script (without having to start the game every time) btw. how can I actually play animations? So far i only found "playIdle". Thanks in advance. (and excuse my English abilities)