I've been member of this community for 5 years. I never complained about anything at all, I even donated to this site. It seemed the right thing to do.
But this new design... Please, do not force us to use it.
Why :
1) It looks like a bad mix with Bethesda's mod page and some mobile phone adaptation. It is definitely bad, but it is just my opinion.
2) There are major flaws. The colors used hurt my eyes. I mean, really. They do make me have to force on my eyes to clearly see what is written.
3) It is hard to navigate and clearly know where we are. Again, it is my very personnal opinion, but it seems like it is vastly shared.
Of course, I understand you put time & work on this design, and I understand you want it to be viewed by people. But please, do NOT force us to use it.