In response to post #28556219. #28557049, #28557104, #28559119, #28559324, #28559434, #28559484, #28559684, #28559819, #28560459, #28560764, #28560979, #28561394, #28563384, #28575869 are all replies on the same post. Do not know if this matters to anyone talking about the rate of endorsements on mods. But I know personally that I would endorse more frequently if using mod organizer to download was not cutting me off from endorsing. Currently when I go to mods I have several weeks or months of experience with, I cannot endorse them because the site tells me I am not allowed to endorse a mod I do not have. I have to download mods twice (once with mod organizer, once manually) in order to endorse mods -- given hard drive space limitations and monthly internet traffic caps, this is not always an option unless a mod is both exceptional quality and low in relative file size.