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  1. Just what the title says and just when I ride a horse. Probably copyright issues but only if it's monetized. Here is the song:
  2. I see it says "Hidden". And as soon as the enemy comes in sight it switches to detected and they start shooting at me. I have 2 points in the Sneak Perk so I shouldn't be detected instantly from such a long distance. I even have a suppressed pistol I'm using Edit: I figured it out. I have a Walther Pistol mod and that mod has a laser sight that I can install. When install it makes it impossible to sneak. No matter how far away they are they see the laser for some reason. I uninstalled the laser and I seem to be able to sneak again. That said, even with my pip boy light on I wasn't this visible to enemies.
  3. For some reason when I sneak the enemy sees me from a mile away. I wasn't several hundred feet from Backdoor Apparel and just as I rounded the corner, in sneak mode, while slow walking, at night, as soon as the guard came into sight she saw me and started firing. I had to reload and this time on the way to BA, as I was passing the bridge, the Raiders out on the boat saw me while sneaking at night from way out there on the water. Can anyone tell me what is going on? When I finally got inside BA, the two guards that usually have a funny conversation in the back of the room had already saw me and were firing on me before I could even move. I was in stealth mode and walking slowly when I clicked on the door to enter. This is very frustrating. I tried reloading the game thinking that might help.
  4. The Simple Bug Fixes mod is the problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled all my mods until I finally narrowed it down to this one.
  5. For some reason the Lone Wanderer Perk is disabled. The icon is bright white in color and it displays what you get when you select it at level 50. I cannot interact with it. I have 5 to Charisma so that shouldn't be a problem. I've tried two new games and it's the same. Any ideas?
  6. I'm having a similar problem, but I haven't modified any perks (that I know of). My glitch is that the Lone Wanderer perk is all white and it only displays what you get at level 50. I can't interact with the button at all or move the level back and forth with ctrl or alt. It's the only perk that's like that and I have no idea why.
  7. I just looked this up myself to figure out where this armor came from. I don't mind that it's there and so far it hasn't caused a ctd that I know of. What I don't like is that I'm not getting any arrows back from draugr. I started with almost 150 steel arrows when I went in and by the end I was out and had to use ancient arrows. I was literally down to my last 3 arrows. Good arrows re hard to find in the beginning so I'll probably disable it. Too bad though I would have liked to have seen what else the mod had.
  8. No. I don't remember where I got it but it's a new game start so it was found near Whiterun. It's just a steel axe that is enchanted with "ethereal weapon." I think it's a glitch where a summoned weapon is dropped somehow and what was carrying it dies but the weapon remains on the ground. I think it could be from Belua Sanguinare Vampiris Mod. There are summoned axes that float around and attack your enemies. They may have gotten disarmed and a naked but resurrected zombie may have picked it up.
  9. So, I found this enchanted axe but there's not description of what it does. It just says "ethereal weapon" or something like that. I was able to unenchant it so I could imbue another weapon but before I do I should probably know what it does. I think the ethereal weapons bypass armor. Is that correct? Playing Skyrim Legendary version. Thanks in advance!
  10. I'm going to necro this thread. I would add Belua Sanguinare Vampire Mod. Toggle Helmet Unequip Ammo Deadly Dragons There are others but they may change the style of the game.
  11. When I extracted it I extracted the whole folder. What I should have done was open it, highlight all the files I wanted and extracted them to the Skyrim folder. What I actually did was put a new skse folder in the Skyrim folder which doesn't work at all.
  12. From the SKSE site: From uesp.net: Upon further investigation I have realized that I installed in improperly. It's starting up fine now. ty
  13. That looks promising. However, I've been having trouble with SKSE. Every time I try to start it it says I'm using a new version of Skyrim than SKSE supports and I should wait for SKSE to catch up. Unfortunately, it's been saying this for a month now. I'm pretty sure I'm downloading and installing it correctly. Any ideas on that?
  14. I'm going to try that necromancy mod. I never liked the way necromancy worked in skyrim. It seemed that it was too hard to raise corpse and they were too few in the first place. Plus, you had to decide which spell to use and it was clumsy always having to sort through the list to get the right spell. That's really one thing I hate about Elderscrolls is that there has never been enough key binds to use the spells you want to use without stopping and looking for it. It ruins the fluidity of the game. You pretty much have to use just 8 spells or weapon or potions unless you want to stop and look for something.
  15. I'm glad you brought up the potions. It makes sense to me that health, magicka, and stamina potions don't work well but I've also noticed that potions that let you carry more for 300 seconds don't work, either. Does that mean blacksmithing, enchanting, resist, fortify, etc potions don't work, either? D: There are 5 vampire levels irrc. As you progress up the hierarchy you gain vampire strengths and abilities and lose your humanity. Part of that is that eating no longer helps you and eventually potions and even self-cast healing spells no longer work on you. But you can harvest hearts from newly killed npcs and store them in jars to eat later. You can also feed in combat to restore health and turn your enemy into an undead slave. As you get higher in vampire level those slaves last for a very long time if you want them too. There is even an option to turn an npc into a vampire companion although that doesn't work right just yet. He's working on it though. I don't even use shouts myself. And BRS had the best vampire options long before Dawnguard came out.
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