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About chickman801

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  1. i updated all my outstanding mods. I did the SkyRe update walkthrough with Gopher.--the long version. I carefully went over everything twice. when i tried to bring up Skyrim, NOTHING. I get the HiAlgoBoost Screen, then everything closes. Nothing. Not even an error message. I ran it though BOSS of course. BOSS stated that update.esm was dirty. I cleaned it with tes5. It also gave me ten warning messages on SkyRe-Main. I did move some files around because of course BOSS did not do a complete job of load ordering the mods. what product does. i attached the pristine list because I am still trying to work on sorting the mods manually. any help in that matter would be greatly appreciated. ch
  2. I posted a thread about the same thing awhile back. My main character was running into what i called "an invisible wall". I don't have another character at that level to test if it would have the same problem. I tried everything. Strangely, I was able to jump over one of the invisible obstructions, but only a few times. I checked with the people in the chat room to see if anyone there had experienced or heard of anyone having this problem and they said that they did not. I really would like to know how to correct this problem.
  3. p.s. sorry for the ranting. i did not give any useful information about my character's whereabouts. she is doing the "Volunruud Elder's Cairen" quest and is in the hall just before the the word wall. i can her the chanting. now, i hope someone can help me. as always, i'll be waiting...............
  4. Since I have forbid myself from jumping into modding, I don't know what is happening when my character is fighting and is running in place - legs moving but going nowhere. Then she slips between the seams and is floating in blue. She is no longer fighting and her arms are flapping. She may end up where she began (not a good spot for me) or at the end of the dungeon (I am ok with that one). But, I am not ok with slipping out into the blue and returning to the same spot you slipped out from. Sorry if I sound confused. I am not. Explaining the unfinished mod makes me talk that way. I am not trying to be rude. I am just tired of running into invisible walls, tripping over nothing, or slipping into the blue. I had a unique experiance today, while playing skyirm. A troll attacked trying its best to kill me and at the same time I was doing my best to nail him to the wall with my bow, but neither one of us had any affect upon each other. Now, I have experienced my character fighting a draughr with no affect. That's happened a lot. But, this other think was extremely unique. At that point, I should have stopped playing the game, but I am too bull-headed for that. Needless, to say I need some serious help here. My character has several quest she can not complete for one reason or another and the issue I spoke of earlier. I'll be waiting.......
  5. I have encountered this problem on several occassions. At first, i assumed it was related to a particular mod I was using so i devicated all but my essential mods. I have gone through about 10 character because of one problem or other that i could not find a work-around. Anyway, when you activate the Great Lift of Mzinchaleft elevator in Black Reach the game get stuck. Continously looping, trying to load the new screen. But it never does. So the only thing left is to (when you can) do command line "qqq" so you can get back to your last save. I really want someone can take a look at this since it affects several mods. fyi: the two i am currently working are "no stone unturned" and "return to your roots". I first encountered this problem was looking for the elder scrolls. thx.
  6. I am playing through the theives guild quests. I am at the part where Karliah takes me and Bynof to the nightingale hideout. We get into gear and walk to gate a wait for Karliah to open the gate. The first time she turns about walks out of the cave and leaves us there. I reload and start again, but this time she opens and closes the gate before we could walk through it. even she tried to was through the bars. i don't know what happened. this use to work before. not it is glichy. can someone help. can not continue with this character until this is fixed. I guess i will have to create a new character to play with until someone can find the time to take a look at this cause the turn-around is real slow. thansks for all you are work.
  7. Can anyone supply a complete and accurate list of the catagories of a correct load order for SKYRIM using Nexus. This trial and error method is insane. I get it that the modders aren't the inital developers, but someone associated with this forum should have enough history with the legacy system to know this and be willing to share this info. I can't believe that this is not documented somewhere. I developed software, tested software, maintained systems, and wrote spec for systems, so I know this to be true. Gaming is no different. The source code is available, but not the load order documentation. That's strange to say the least. With my experience, I still need the document to correctly order the mods I like to keep in my game. I am tired of dealing with unknow glitches because of load order issues. Please help.
  8. I was playing through Ansilvund Excavation Quest to the puzzle slabs, when my avatar would not walk to the slabs to activate them. I could walk up the incline to the ledge where the slabs were, but no farther. My avatar could move, but not to the designated spots to do the activation -- as though there was an unseen wall stopping it. I tried everything I could think of to get to the slabs. I was able to - at one point - get to the first one by jumping continuously until I was close enough to activate it, but that was the only one. I saved the game. I made sure I did not have too much of a burden. I saved the game with a new name. I re-booted my computer. The only thing that happened that was out-of-the-ordinary was just before starting this portion of the quest, I decide to take a break and as I was exiting I was asked to do a steam survey. I did not see any harm so I did the survey and it took some info from my system upon exiting. When I logged in again, this is where I encountered the problem. Nothing else out-of- the-ordinary happened. So, I can not see what could be causing this problem. My avatar moves around the entire area that it had already covered. I re-traced all my steps from the time I entered the dungeon to the spot where I can not walk. My avatar can move just not in front of the slabs to activate them. Please help.
  9. i completed all of the thieves guild's main quests, all that remained was an optional quest, the jobs quests and under new management quest. i decided to take them on in that order. it took me forever to find that safe in lake honrich, but i did. i unlocked it and retreived the item. i got the message to take it the maven. when i got to her, the dialogue was only questions about the quest and not "here it is". so i looked at the quest log status and it still said to give item to maven. i looked in my inventory, but the item was not there. i when back to the safe, but it was empty. so, what is going on? what do i do now? i went back to the guild to ask for more jobs, i get ok but no jobs. brynjolf refers to me as new guild manager but has not done the under new management quest. so some status is obviously not set correctly. please help. i wasted a lot of time trying to locate that quill and now i can't proceed because it's not in my inventory. and since i am not the new boss yet, i need to do all those jobs but i am not getting them. i don't want to move on and leave this undone.
  10. Bravo! I knew there was a reason I became a premium member. The rules are hard and they should be. More sites should follow your lead.
  11. my avatar's face is blue after i installed hialgo. i found that i could see the true coloring if i moved the image around. i was running the game with skse. i immediately logged out and re-started my game with steam and my avatar's face coloring was correct. i then logged out and re-started with skse and the blue face was back again. i made the changes indicated in the readme.txt file. i do not have any enb mods. my games was purchased and is fully licensed.the scenery, sky, water, trees, avatar's armor colors are all correct. avatar's hair color is also correct. only the face is the wrong color.
  12. i have been geting password expired when i log into nmm. i type in the same password i used when installing nmm, the nis opens the mod list. why would it say 'expired'. that was supposed, according to install instructions, to be a one-time user and pw setup.
  13. Thanks. The quest ended fine. I appreciated the advice. I would never have thought the weight i was carrying was causing me to die. thx again. :)
  14. :wallbash: I have no problem performing the quest. I am able to execute everything except the last step. I have to remove the Dawn Breaker blade from its case. when my avatar does this, she gets a magicka hit right before the game cuts to that long ending dialogue. after that I just make a choice, I do the first --not the be your 'herald' but i will carry you sword'. At that point the quest should end. Everything should be fine. But, it's not i DIE. No matter how many times I repeat this, even taking the wrong choice, i still die. I need help. I can't proceed with this avatar since she dies. thx for any help provided
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