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  1. Here you go: https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/620
  2. NightWolf released Subtle FTL file, under NightWolf's Misc Mods. Go get it and save your eyes. It looks great, very professional.
  3. Hi, does anyone know how to remove/replace/disable that flashing, white effect when traveling between star systems? I was thinking something along the lines of replacing the texture or if it's some sort of effect. I searched for FTL in Frosty Editor and it displays wide range of items from effects to meshes but I hardly know what I'm doing. So, I come here in hope that someone who does can take a look. Effect is really disturbing for me, especially when gaming in the evening/at night.
  4. In response to post #54682203. #54682233, #54683083 are all replies on the same post. I like it. Runs great at the moment as well, especially pics on mod pages load fast and are easy to navigate.
  5. SetTitleMatchMode, 2 #SingleInstance Force #IfWinActive, Fallout4 *RButton Up:: If (Toggle := !Toggle) { Send {Click Down Right} } Else { Send {RButton up} } Return #IfWinActiveGreat but how would one send RMB back up if LShift is pressed. Right now LShift (sprinting) terminates toggle aim but you need to click RMB after you stop sptinting to send it up and then click RMB again to toggle aim. There is GetKeyState but I dunno where to insert it to make it work properly. Also, RMB can also be used to rotate objects in settlement building so this using this script makes it difficult to use. Using key (C?) is slightly less precise. Is there a way to detect if settlement menu is open? Hopefully, F4SE plugin is made one day to have toggle ads working more "natively".
  6. AMD Crimson Drivers allow you to set either global or per-game FPS limit among other things. Open Radeon Settings >> Gaming Tab >> Global Settings >> Frame Rate Target Control. Move the dot to right so it lights up and set the slider to desired value, i.e. 60 FPS. Alternatively, you can create SSE profile in Gaming Tab and enable it only for SSE.
  7. Sounds good. I've been using MO pretty much since it was released and it is likely the best mod organizer I used for any game. Actually I was never a fan of organizers until I read the description of MO. Having only one tool in active development will also make it easier for content creators to publish, debug and support their mods and addons. I am confident that the team will succeed in this new task and I wish you all the luck. Godspeed!
  8. In response to post #30156205. #30161600 is also a reply to the same post. Hopefully, they won't break lip sync with last patch this time... Anyway, great news on new site!
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