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About Indeity

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  1. And the scripting trials begin.
  2. And the scripting trials begin.
  3. aw man, welp, maybe I should just continue creating / merging and worry about weather other get to see it later.
  4. I'm just here to outline the general idea. It might not work as I have stated but I'd like to think that it would at least be taken into consideration and implemented as needed, in a system that works. It's would should who is active, who has returned etc. and on that note, people would return and update their mod in this fashion. It's not buying the ability to DL the mod. You're purchasing a rights agreement which could be tracked and monitored thru the purchase. So no. a donation option wouldn't work, it would have to be an actual buy option. There are lots of sites that have this kind of option set up only it's thru the use of watermarking. The difference here is that there is no watermark but that's pretty easy to work around. On that note, the difficult part is setting of the legal agreement or agreements and adding the purchase option.
  5. First, some back story. I'm working on a rather large project for myself, that does and will have a lot of my work own in it. But it too will have a lot of others work in it. The idea is to make incompatible mods compatible, to simplify the load order by making it less confusing and to make mods run and balanced they way I want them. *I'm a survival HC player* With all of this work I'm doing, I feel It important for me to at least share the idea with the original mod authors, Trying to do this, much less asking for permission, is hard or impossible to do because they are unavailable to contact. I think a mod asset donation button is needed. This way a mod author can post a "donate X value for part, X value for full permission to use assets in your mod". And it's a done deal. auto gen, maybe get a code and be able to show a certification that you purchased rights to use those assets.This would limit things down to sirous modders only and allow authors to go mia and collect off of their mods from other authors who wish to share expansions of their ideas. It would also help generate more merged mod projects, which would help simplify everyone's load order. With all of the mods out there, things get pretty crazy and overlap rather quickly. They don't always cater to how you like to play either.. and doing a patch.. well that just makes the load order that much more drastic. Plus I think original authors deserve a reward of some kind. Just a thought though.. *mods that contain work from others should not be eligible for this kind of option*
  6. you have to understand what each does. it's going to duplicate anything that used the same form id. or room etc. Like I said, you have to make a edit in order for it to save down. so you would have to re-set everything done by one of the authors in the event that two mods are using the same space. The items from both wil load, but one wont have those items placed, choose the mod with the less amount of work to do, and set the other as the one that is active. You'd also have to create new items and set them to be the same thing. Or just delete the ref you don't want and put it somewhere else in the world. But keep in mind that a world object ref isn't always the same as the base. So you have to look at how it's unique etc.
  7. awesome thank you. yea I'm not sure what was going on, I really feel like I was about to dig into some other scripts before that were pex, but I'm starting to think is was bad memory. at any rate, things we're still off by a lot. this helps. thank you!
  8. So I was editing the source of pex script in the ck FINE..but then they just stopped showing up as options. *edit source greyed out* Anyone know what I might have done? I feel like this all happened when I saved the esp to esm, but also I deleted my root source file by mistake.. so I had to repair the CK.. now the .ini file is back to default and I'm not sure what changes I may have made when I first installed it. and yes, I know the difference from psc and pex. I was editing pex tho.
  9. *sorry for the hand writing here but if you're really serious about this then you'll find this useful* *if this is to crazy and you want to discord or something I'm down, just message me info.* Long story short, you HAVE no other option but to use the C.K. and it's a lot of hard work. If you don't believe me, god speed, but I promise you, you'll fail every time you think you succeed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm currently working on a project that is doing this, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30826 it's only the beginning, --Just a side note, I have permission to publish from all authors.. currently. *it'll cease to be publick once that come to an end* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So first off, it's not magic..there is and never will be a magical "merge these mods together button". When someone make a mod in the C.K. - the other programs cannot handle the kinds of changes it makes. Thus, every time you get to a mod made with it, you would have to use the CK. For a few, smaller mods "yes" but you still run a huge risk. and then, once you have 2 or 3 smaller mods merged, it's no longer a smaller mod. At the beginning I searched for way to merge mod together "the easy way".. trust me, you try to go the easy route, you are going to run into every error, every glitch and every issue known to mankind. There's no easy way to do it, you HAVE, 100% HAVE to know everything about the mod you are merging. Plus mods are made different ways so the only way to do a merge is manually. here's how you do it. ------------------------------------------------ First off if it's a manual install then you have two options. Make your own custom root dir with everything in it named correctly so all you have to do is copy and paste, select yes / merge and replace. As you create this make sure that nothing is over lapping. Then 2nd option is to load those files into the CK and set where they go exactly This will unlock more options and ad more variety. It will also give you far better control over what when and how that content is used. Example: There's a retexture you want to merge, but you also like the original OR there are two out and you want both. You just duplicate the objects and assign each a different mesh. You will then have control over how you want them to appear in the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If the mod is ESM you have to make it ESP. I'd do the same with ESL. Do one mod at a time, any mod that has world space edits, you have to touch every object.. I'll go over this later. Load a mod into the CK, set it as active, Read what the mod does, search for content based on what that mod is for. Everything the mod add will have a * beside it, you'll need to figure out if you want this mod to be you base or not. If it has world space edits, or edit you cannot find, you likely want it to be your base. Make sure you search the name of the mod, and mod authors name. Search the world space and check for *s Do this for several mods, find and right down all the key search words and world space edits. You can only have one active mod at a time in the CK, so.. To merge two mods together, you have to set one as active and the other/s ((do one at a time)) just load it, it won't be active. You will then have to trace the non-active mod and make a edit to everything connected to it in order for it to have a * again. Else if, you don't do this it won't save. The easiest way is to edit the in game name of the object, or give is a description, something that doesn't matter. Try to avoid re-naming the base object name for the CK because sometimes it will be attached to something and renaming it will detach it. The CK makes pretty good attempt at re-attaching things but if it's attached to a script or something, then you just broke the script. As for world placed objects, in order to have then save you have to do the same for each in world placed ref. I'm not yet sure if just moving the item will work. *good luck with a quest mod* So basically, to make a merge like that happen.. you have to become a modder. You have to learn how each and every person made their mod.. then you basically have to rebuild it... from scratch..good luck.
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