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Everything posted by kangaroocdub

  1. @7531Leonidas I can't believe I have never came across that mod before. I did end up finding a few other mods such as well such as paying for fast travel and the a couple mods that make you pay up quite a bit more for homes, and the farming cc. I did find a mod that removes gold and jewelry from animals and enemies that shouldn't have them per se. I have started a new playthrough ( using the trade and barter mod mixed with the mods I mentioned and money is far more sparse. Few hours in and I can tell the difference. I'm not sitting on 10k gold by the time I leave Riverwood now lol Thank you so much for pointing me to that mod. Appreciate it.
  2. As the title says is it safe to delete world edits with fo4edit? For instance There are a couple clothing mods I really like but I don't like the extra stuff they add such as npcs containers etc. Is there any problems deleting these records or is the better option to just make a new esp with new records for the clothing?
  3. Anyone have some solid money sink mods. With as easy as money is to come by now especially with the cc farming and eec money is even more of a non issuse. than ever before.
  4. Very late on the reply so I do apologize. I been away for a few days from my pc . I tried downloading again and all is back to normal. Not sure what the hiccup was but I do appreciate you responding to my post.
  5. So I decided to reinstall Fallout 4 this morning. The first four mods I downloaded went ok as they were small mods (Buffout and the Baka mods). Tried downloading cbbe alongside a few other smaller mods and now nothing will download. I went through the steps of the faq and nothing has helped and now even the site is extremely slow like a snails pace slow when just even loading the download button. I am a premium member so something like cbbe should be done in less than a minute but nope. Vortex is at 0kbs download speed no matter which mod I download. Other sites load just fine and downloading off other sites is fine so its not my connection.
  6. THat did the trick now my only problem is the ok button is cut off mid way on the bottom did I miss an option to make the message scroll?
  7. Like the title says I am trying to attach a simple message box to a workshop static item in this case it is a plaque reading the names of the fallen rr members at the switchboard. I have both the static item and message created.
  8. That is what I was looking for. I can't thank you enough for your help. This has been driving me nuts for the last couple days. Much appreciated no doubt.
  9. Are you talking for a tattoo set for say Unique player? If so just make it in Photoshop and save as a dds.
  10. For some reason I can't figure out how to make some custom armor I made have the ability to be broken down into components at the armor bench. For example how one can break down a leather harness for a piece of leather. I am not exactly new to the ck however I have used it more to edit gameplay settings and conversations and npcs. For some reason I can't figure this one out. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Thank you for the reply. That did the trick it wasn't hard to figure out at all. I can't believe it was that simple..
  12. You first should get comfortable with creating basic NPCS and how Dialogue works not to mention the basics of the ck.. Named settlers and adding to leveled list can be quite confusing for beginners.
  13. I decided to make Piper have the ability to unlock terminals . She unlocks them well enough but she responds sorry I cant do that or If i could i would but I can so I wont. Is there anyway I can change this so she will replay with "will do" or any of her comments when you order her to move or stay somewhere. Is this at all possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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