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About aboodba

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  1. I'm trying to edit the CraftingManager.ws from this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2840 to make it that crafting requires materials, i really would appreciate it if someone can give me somebtime Ns help me out with this. I tried to do the following steps which i found in the mod posts section. 1. craftingMenu.ws - Keep this file the same as it has the code for crafting from everywhere. 2. alchemyManager.ws - Don't use this file as the only changes here are the code for removing material requirements. 3. craftingManager.ws - Discard all the changes and instead comment out the following section like shown below: (/* ... / is used to comment out) / if (checkMerchant) { if ( !GetSchematic( schematicName, schem ) ) { return ECE_UnknownSchematic; } if ( !craftMasterComp.IsCraftsmanType( schem.requiredCraftsmanType ) ) { return ECE_WrongCraftsmanType; } if ( craftMasterComp.GetCraftsmanLevel( schem.requiredCraftsmanType ) < schem.requiredCraftsmanLevel ) { return ECE_TooLowCraftsmanLevel; } } */ So basically what i did is i deleted the alachemymanager.ws and commented out the lines from step 3 but that didnt do the job. Could someone explain the steps again please ? In step 3 he says discard all the changes but i have no idea what changes he is referin to. Thanks in advance :)
  2. I have ultimate skyrim 4.0 beta and over 250 mods along with revenant ENB, i have been going through extremly long loading screens ( 4 - 5 minutes ) and major stuttering, i have looked every where for soloutions and tried most of them but nothing works. i have tried defragging, lowering the ENB settings, boarderless window mode, medium quality performance, but no luck. Me and my brother we stay in the same and we have two computers, his game is running smoothly with no issues at all even though my computer is more powerful than his, we have the exact same mods, load order, ENB and everything. I have also tried downloading performance boosters, and other files that pretend to boost skyrim performance but they turn out to be lies and make the problem worse. I joined this community hoping to get help with this issue and enjoy skyrim. Here are what my computer specs looks like : Operating system : Windows 10 (10.0 Build 17134 ) Processor : IntelĀ® Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHZ (8CPUs) ~3.5GHz Memory : 16384MB Ram DirectX Version : DirectX 12 Graphic card : Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Chip Type : GeForce GTX 1070 DAC Type : Integrated RAMDAC Device Type : Full Display Device Approx. Total Memory : 16231 MB Display Memory (VRAM) 8088 MB Shared Memory : 8143 MB Current Display mode : 1920 x 1080 (32Bit) (60Hz) HDR ( Not supported ) Thanks in advance :smile:
  3. Hello all I hope everyone is in a good health. To get to the point, as you all may know, Auto Harvest 2 is currently the best auto looter for the regular version of Skyrim and unfortunately its uncompatiable with SSE. Having said that, It would be great if someone could port it in order to work with SSE. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19618 Thank you all very much.
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