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About ScorpionHunter

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    Mass Effect Series, TES Series, GTAIV, Total War Series, fantasy games generally
  1. try console commands u can find em with google, also check if there's any mods which could affect that
  2. I have no mods and everytime i use my Skyrim pirated version of update I can't start game - is there something in mods ? or is it the patch? user scorp1on0102 Wait for it.... *splash* - yep, he's a goner. Banned for use of pirated materials - TVD.
  3. hmm I really think it doesn't really affect your game, so if you are looking for more performance - disabling the music isn't the answer
  4. how about trying install any lydia changing mod and then uninstalling it - checking that all files from textures and meshes are deleted - and of course check that there is no .esp which relates to lydia - it should default to lydia's normal
  5. Well since no one has answered you - let's take this to another level then :P I'd suggest you think carefully when choosing skills, if you're archer definately go breast-eye, dual wielder, double strike - or if you prefer 2handed axes go cleavage shot, better update that two times, after that u have access to mages "Implant" skill.
  6. Skyrim fades your character if you are close to a wall, or rolling from 3rd person to 1st person, so you see enemies, so that your toon doesn't block your whole view
  7. why would u want to disable music from .ini files?
  8. hey i added you as a friend FYI
  9. Weird that no-one approves my tactic, even when it's perfect... well till you die but still ....... yes very funny :) (sarcastic is my middle name)
  10. Sorry, but I didn't see any lag in video, but if you do have lag - pls tell your computers details; motherboard, if you can find it ; motherboards bus speed, RAM, RAM speed (Mhz), Video Card (Mhz, GB), and of course processor speed and TM
  11. Bannor9 - where did that link led you? What loot I didn't loot any1 lol I don't use any mods which alter any npcs or add - except one - Herman the Mad - cool guy you all should meet him heh
  12. I must be different then cause my game works with newest patch with 100+ mods perfectly. Or maybe it's because I know what I'm doing? no? I mean no offense to you, but patches are ok - point is which mods fit with the newest update - really no offense :)
  13. Oh yeah, last 2 SKSE updates, I first came here saying, game's been updated - then realised I could try if there is SKSE update AND yes - they are quick - I hope someone from SKSE team is reading this - thank you you're the best! @ soarow Don't blame patch. it's your computer.
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