Hi, I'm trying to modify Warzones for my own use (not to redistribute) and Ive run into a roadblock. I've been trying to change the load-out of the mages so that they spawn with different equipment. Ive already made the equipment into a master file. Usually I would just find the npc in question and track down the item leveled list (assuming its a copy-paste npc, like *NCRTROOPER1*) and change the leveled list to contain the armor or weapon I prefer. A quick and dirty fix for mass rearmament. But in warzones I cant seem to do that. Ive come to the Actor/WZONEvSPAWNMages in the ck and it seams that this is the core for all mages in warzones (stormcloak,Imperials, etc.). But I cant track down where it splits into: stormcloakmagetemplate or ImperialMagetemplate (or similar) so that i can change faction mage armor individually without rearming all factions at the same time. They all trace back to TemplateWarlock or something. Its the base template for all warlocks. But Ive seen the mages in Warzones and they wear faction specific armor (not leveled warlock armor), so I know its possible to change it. Anyone familiar with this?