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About Jace_1991

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  1. Hi, I'm trying to modify Warzones for my own use (not to redistribute) and Ive run into a roadblock. I've been trying to change the load-out of the mages so that they spawn with different equipment. Ive already made the equipment into a master file. Usually I would just find the npc in question and track down the item leveled list (assuming its a copy-paste npc, like *NCRTROOPER1*) and change the leveled list to contain the armor or weapon I prefer. A quick and dirty fix for mass rearmament. But in warzones I cant seem to do that. Ive come to the Actor/WZONEvSPAWNMages in the ck and it seams that this is the core for all mages in warzones (stormcloak,Imperials, etc.). But I cant track down where it splits into: stormcloakmagetemplate or ImperialMagetemplate (or similar) so that i can change faction mage armor individually without rearming all factions at the same time. They all trace back to TemplateWarlock or something. Its the base template for all warlocks. But Ive seen the mages in Warzones and they wear faction specific armor (not leveled warlock armor), so I know its possible to change it. Anyone familiar with this?
  2. Im currently on active duty orders working 14 hrs a day so I'm not really in a position to mod atm. But I was brainstorming today about a mod similar to the mount and blade food system in that you could purchase food for your abode and it would slowly be consumed based on how many followers you had living there. Perhaps a chest you could activate in your home (similar to the nuclear power plant in FONV underwater home) and it would withdraw money and place food around your house that your companions would consume regularly while sandboxing. And if you didn't purchase food your companions might take a health hit or perhaps leave entirely. Basically I think a mod that adds upkeep costs to everything would help with immersion and give you something to do with all of your horded treasure. (castle with upkeep anyone?) Thanks for your time :D
  3. I had the same problem. Used Babagee's solution and voila! no more invisible buildings :)
  4. I remember in the geck just editing an ini file to enable multiple master use. The creation kit is different in that respect I guess because I can't find it anywhere lol. I've been using Wrye bash as well. Anyone have the same problem or perhaps know something I don't? xD
  5. I agree, this has been a pain in the a** for 3 weeks now. Nothing I try works :(. On the other hand I did get a crash out of the CK when I deleted all the textures from the cell texture list except for rocks and started to paint my own textures (snow). Maybe there's something there. But this is getting ridiculous. Grass.. really Bethesda?
  6. I like the idea of Jedi/Sith in skyrim. I think their persona's fit well in this type of game. Somthing that I did in FO:NV for myself was download MGE's WARZONES mod and change the loadout of the fighting factions in that mod. What this does is pit several hundred enemies against each other in certain parts of the map, so I changed the ncr troops into Rebels and the Fiends into stormtroopers with the bosses of either factions being Jedi/Sith respectively. As you can imagine I had quite abit of fun with that lol. All you would have to do then is build their respective bases. If you decide to go this route I suggest getting approval from MGE if you're going to post.
  7. The problem with the black terrain is caused by an excess of 6 textures on one exterior cell. Try this: once you find the location you want to texture, press "h" to bring up the landscape menu. Left-click any area on the ground in the render window and hit the "i" key; this should bring up the texture list. Once you have the texture list up look for a cell with more than 6 textures and delete the least used (other than the one your trying to place) or your least preferred texture. That should change the black texture into whatever texture you originally designated. As far as the floating grass is concerned, I've tried everything in the book and nothing's fixed it. Hopefully someone smarter than me can figure it out xD. I should mention you can also replace a texture. Lets say you've got 7 textures in one cell and one of them is "Tundra1" and another is "Tundra1nograss", If you were to right-click on one you could then replace it with the other with minimal difference in the worldspace.
  8. I agree, a great idea. In reference to the castle/town assaults, I'm sure there's a way to re-purpose the civilwar spawn markers in forts and towns for your own troops. So that when you assault a town/fort It'll be just like the civil war battles.. just between you and your enemy instead. You may be able to make a script to use in-game as well that allows you to alter the gear of your soldiers/spawnmarkers so that you can loadout your troops and such. :)
  9. I've been landscaping near Whiterun and have been experiencing the floating grass issue. I've tried the following unsuccessfully: Going into the texture list for that cell and replacing all the "tundra1" textures with "tundra1nograss". Going over the entire area with the "nograss" texture version by hand. And several more variations of the above. Anyone have any idea how I could fix this? :)
  10. I've been modding for a while with the GECK and I know how to use templates and leveled item lists to change inventory for a large number of npcs. But Tes Construction set doesn't seem to use those features. So I was wondering, is there any way to speed up inventory changes in the construction set? Edit: Nvm I'm an idiot lol xD.
  11. Id like to see an overhaul of the loading screen. Perhaps when you open a door to an interior cell, the character could place his hand on the knob, then the game could freeze that frame and put a small loading bar at the bottom of the screen. Then after the interior cell has been loaded, he could actually open the door into the interior cell. While the door automatically closes bedhind him. I'm sure somthing like that is possible. And muuuch more immersive than a blindingly bright load screen with useless tips all the time. Just a thought
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