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  1. The best song I have ever heard, for how it stands the test of time, says something new to me each time I listen to it, awesome musicianship, tempo and atmosphere changes, epic ending and, last but not least, terrific beauty all along its 11 minutes is: Learning to live - Dream Theater
  2. I ban Aeon of couse for witing vertically !
  3. Unreal was quite a good game, especially on the tehnical side. The volumetric fog appearing there for the 1st time in videogames ever was quite jawdropping at the time. But right in the same period a certain Half-Life got out on the shelves, which, perhaps less technically innovative, was a total masterpiece on every side. Unreal was honestly quite repetitive in terms of gameplay, except some parts. I played both, but kept playing Half-Life muuuuch longer than Unreal. Sin, out in the same period, was quite a nice game as well, maybe a bit bugged, but it was also shadowed by Half-Life.
  4. I saw no mention of those (at least in this section of the forum) so I put this post. - Quake Live : id released his best seller Quake 3 Arena in a free to play, browser based game. A bunch of maps, skins, game types to choose from. Frenetic and terribly skill-demanding like the original. Differently from the original, the game (tries to) propose you matches suitable to your skill level. - Battlefield Heroes : the optional cash shop presents only cosmetic feature and doesn't add character performance. 3 classes to choose from, cartoon graphic style, character growth in terms of levels and skills, very few maps but big, few weapons, ridable vehicles like jeeps, planes and tanks, and mostly centered around fun, not realism. Both of them require just creating an account for free, downloading and installing the plugin for your favorite browser and then having fun. :thumbsup:
  5. I would say you have two options: 1) look for a free trial on some of the most played pay-2-play : - World of Warcraft - Lord of the Rings online : mostly PVE - Champions online : superheroes, cartoon style - EVE : spaceship, very praised and complete, lot of freedom - Guild Wars : mostly PVP, no montlhy fee, you just buy the box - Warhammer Age of Reckoning : mostly RVR PVP, but lot of players ran away for problems at startup - Age of Conan : innovative fighting style, but lot of players run away as well - Aion : just got out, all the players I know are quite happy about it, but I think it's not possible to get any free trial since atm. 2) look for free-2-play games. Most of them have micro-transactions but you're not obliged to purchase anything. Real-money spenders have some advantage to non spenders of course, but usually those items can be bought with in-game currency and should not be unbalancing. I agree on Vagrant advice, but only if you try to be *VERY* competitive in the enviornment, not if you just play for fun and aggregation. Anyway: - Aeria Games has some of them: e.g.Shaiya, Last Chaos. I played Shaiya for some time, but it is extremely grinding/farming based at high levels, it bored me too much so I quit. - Runes of Magic : nice, I'm playing it since some weeks, quest based, mostly PVE. - The Chronicles of Spellborn : was a pay-2-play and has been released as free because of no commercial success. I think is a good game, but my PC is quite old and doesn't support it, shame on it. The dev team has been fired, though, so a grey future is expected, unfortunately... - Perfect World : some like it, but grinding based as well. Try having a look at www.mmorpg.com for more info on those I mentioned and more games, it lists everything, both free and pay 2 play.
  6. Lucien IS dead. It is Night Mother's will to have all of the members of the Brotherhood killed.
  7. How many named dogs are there in Oblivion, and what are their names ?
  8. I can only recall the following: - Document Purile Banter - Conjure Rufio's ghost - Chronicle of scarifice
  9. There is very little that can scare a long time VG player in Oblivion. It has not the atmosphear to do it, like a Silent Hill or a Resident Evil could do, it also lacks the enemies and even the scripts to do it, like a DooM3 could. Only occasions when I jump is when I complete a dungeon, rememebering having cleared it and I start to climb back to surface, the tension goes down and... BUMP... I get hit in my face from something. But it happens veeery rarely.
  10. No it was not that, never played that mod, it was just a Tamerial cave, its not a modded cave addon..I have played so many times, it was time to see what I never found, so I Dl this mod that marks everything there is to explore in Tamerial, and I found it ,in a not easy to find place, without the markers I'm not sure I ever would have found that one on my own..Bloody'ell I wish I could remember the caves name, if anyone does let me know, I would like to go there again, this time prepared. Cheers Edit..Ohhh Ta.. Varus Torvyn I just went to the home page, of Lost Spires, I am DL that mod now, Archaeology major as I was back when, this sounds intriguing, thanks for mentioning it. The giant mudcrab is in vanilla Oblivion. It can be found in Greenmead Cave, on the Gold Road, between the IC and Skingrad. I do believe it doesn't respawn, though.
  11. 1,350,000 septims. :whistling: No cheating, only looting addiction.
  12. I don't think I can understand what your question is... If it is why there are so many enemies, well, there is an invasion ongoing :smile: If it is why nothing else happens and I have well understood your position, the Capt should have instructed you to go inside the castle and open the main gate to let him and his guards go inside as well, so you should proceed this way while they fight the Daedra. As a general advise, follow your quest marker when you are stuck, it will often ease your task of saving the world.
  13. In this period I am listening to what I usually listen to: Metal. Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Megadeth, GammaRay, Metallica, Manowar, Blind Guardian. Too bad that most of them have nothing to add to music these days... On the rock side: Pink Floyd, GNR, Queen, ABBA.
  14. Just completed a biography of Publio Cornelio Scipione. Now reading "Code 61" by Donald Harstad.
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