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I've been thinking about this too. If it where possible to make a built ship's exterior invisible and replaced by a Tardis shell or inside a shell that looks like a Tardis then it might be just possible to make a Tardis ship that could actually fly around and land in starfield. Plus it would make a very cool mobile base. There is a mod already out there that does shell habs that comes to mind on this idea, except one would have to be larger and shaped like a Tardis of course. It might work to hide an actual ship build inside and get the look at least even if it would be an oversized Tardis. At least until someone could figure out how to add a ship interior to a Tardis exterior like with land based poi. I would well look forward to that day. I am already playing a 1st Doctor look alike character that I created for starfield based off real images. We need a Tardis in Starfield, after all it has become a regular tradition in beth games (at least elder scrolls and fallout series). If the Fallout Who Team does this it would be cool. I like their mods for Fallout NV and Fallout 4. If I could figure it out I'd love to port their Fallout 4 TARDIS to starfield and have it work as a ship. I always wanted to do this for Morrowind even for my own use, but haven't figured out how to yet.
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No I haven't yet. I do know I have to change the form id in the CK first as Skyrim AE will not launch a Skyrim LE esp at least as far as I know. It has a different form ID. Beyond that I have not tried running it after changing it to a Skyrim AE esp. Probably worth a try just to test whether it runs or not though. Still even so I'm not sure the HDT part would run right as it is also a different system in LE versus AE. I did consider just converting the esp though and dropping the HDT file altogether already though. Also then as a regular non HDT armor mod it should run fine in theory anyway. Though I should test this. Still I really did want to keep the HDT part of the mod too. Thanks for the reply. I will give it a run in AE and see what happens with the HDT included or not included in two test versions.
I want to convert an armor I liked that is hdt Skyrim LE to HDT SMP Skyrim AE. I know I have to open and re-save the mod in the creation kit to change the form id to 44 (skyrim AE) and if necessary after testing optimize the meshes and textures if needed. The one thing I know little about is the animated part of the mod. Is it even possible to go from Skyrim LE HDT to Skyrim AE HDT SMP? I once read they use different types of code, but don't know how to convert this or if it would be possible to import the LE mod into AE and drop the HDT part of the mod. Or can I drop the HDT part when importing the mod and add HDT SMP to the mod later? Also how do I do this? I have no experience modding with HDT SMP for Skyrim AE or HDT for Skyrim LE. I do know a little Blender and have some experience with the Creation Kit and Nifscope. Any help would be welcome. If this was already asked point me to the post and I can check it out.
Sorry late answer to this, not to many H3 modders on the Nexus. There is one way actually to do this that I know of. If you have ever heard of the VCMI mod for H3 with it and any town mod made for it you can change some aspects of the hero in the hero configuration file for that hero. There are also portrait bmp files usually in the mod that are simple hero icon pictures too. They are easy to change with GIMP just keep the same size and format as the original and you are good to go. I recently did some changes to a hero for one of the VCMI town mods I downloaded, changing the bio and name of the hero in the configuration file for it. I think you can change other stats too like hero abilities too in this file. There is a learning curve here though. You need to understand something of VCMIs configuration files and their structure. They have a good wiki that helps with this. I also seem to recall that it is possible to adjust some of the hero's abilities for a random hero type or a generic hero type (castle, rampart, ect.) in the H3 editor, but its been awhile and I could be mixing this up with the H5 editor. One thing I do know for sure is any custom hero created has to be associated with a town either an existing one in H3 or a modded one. Doing one for existing H3 towns is much harder and requires a few H3 modding tools. I would recommend VCMI and changing a hero in one of the town mods instead, much easier. Also unlike existing H3 editor it is much easier to add to the VCMI map editor a new hero or customized existing one. You might be able to do some of this in ERA for Wake of the Gods (WOG) too, but I am not familiar with how to do this. Good luck.
One thing that has stood out as a bad annoyance is the fact that if you want to filter a search to only show mods in English you have to click off the translations attribute for each search page you open up each time instead of just being able to set in site preferences not to show translations only once and be done with it. If you try limiting by language to mods only in English then mods in English and another language are also blocked making this an in-accurate way to filter by language. Only clicking off the translations filter attribute seems to leave these mod pages still showing up. You already have a button that allows only translations to show. Why not have a button or option that works in site preferences and search filters like the other one that only allow for English mod pages and those in both English and another language on the same mod page. So multiple translations of the same mod in another language (solely in that language) can be filtered out just once instead of half a dozen times. Also an option to block just images on a mod page and not the page itself or its downloads would be nice too. Sometimes one might want to look at a page listed under adult content but not see images on it that border on the pornographic and very offensive. This is supposed to be a mod site not a porno site Some images posted go way beyond good taste even for adults who are open minded.
This is an update to my earlier post. It happened again. This time it was on the mod main page. I was copying/downloading images for a record of what the mod contains - my habit- to an older version of Microsoft Word I own - the 2003 version and had just finished getting the last image I wanted when the same glitch I described above happened again. This is the first time its happened like this. I wasn't doing anything at the point the glitch occurred but looking at the screen. I use Firefox and a downloader integrated with Firefox, but not its own downloader. I wasn't using my downloader this time. Don't need it for images - they are handled differently. Also I can definitely confirm that it isn't a local problem with my computer. I have been downloading files for years from the Nexus for various games and never had a problem like this before the Jan 6 update and have been using the same programs for years for processing downloads. I do use McAfee but again used it for years and downloaded from the Nexus without a problem until the Jan 6 update. So no its not McAfee. Also many users on this site probably use McAfee and some kind of downloader program too. Firefox also is very common. Also I am not in incognito mode on Firefox or using a VPN. So no to that as well. I wish the answer was it was my bug then I could fix it easily - but sadly it is not. Would using an adblocker cause this bug?. I know advertising is a necessary evil, but with being spammed everywhere with ads these days I do sometimes use an adblocker integrated into Firefox for security reasons and stability on web pages. Too high a risk from not so nice web users out there using click bait scams and viruses today. I believe the web should be a safe place to browse as it was mostly in its beginning. If I notice anymore weird behavior from this bug I will try to note it in the post. Bug troubleshooting can be a real pain. I have many years of experience myself in this realm. On other thing of note I usually have a good many mod pages open at once in my browser and typically download a good number of files over a number of hours. I like to multitask when picking various mods and I'm downloading mods I like for a newly modded game that uses lots of mods - so big project. I try to be more efficient this way in getting the files I need. I do not know if others work like I do when it comes to acquiring the mods they want or they just download a few files or one or two mods and have very few tabs open on their browser to the site. I might be the exception to the rule there and it could be a volume issue with having a lot of multiple tabs open to the site and downloading a lot of files over a number of hours that causes the error to occur. Just a thought. Outside of this glitch most everything else works normally so if it turns out it is me, then I can live with it. Thanks for your reply.
I'm still trying to figure out if the information page for premium subscription popping up randomly and redirecting off the downloading speed page is a bug or not, I think it is. One time I was watching the counter for the download countdown to the file downloading and this happened. I think its supposed to be connected to your premium subscription ad banner if you clicked on that, but I didn't and it pops up like regular spam off and on when I am in the middle of downloading a file redirecting me away from the files link page or even the file listing page sometimes. I noticed this has been happening ever since the Jan update of your system.
I noticed something like this too. Especially when downloading a lot of files over several hours. Sometimes a file shows up after downloading as downloaded and the download date as normal. Other times no indicator that the file was downloaded or when shows up after downloading the file. This seems to happen at random, and more often with smaller files, but not always. Later - a day or more later the file does usually show up as downloaded and the date. I generally download manually instead of through vortex. I've definitely notice this since the update earlier in Jan., but I think it was occurring before that. Related to this subject of download history - is there a feature that lets you just view your past downloaded mods and see if there are updates for them? If not such a feature sure would be nice for everyone to have access to.
I've looked for new nif exporters for blender 2.8 as well and haven't found any so preferring 2.8 I do my modeling in it and export the model as an object (OBJ format) which can then be opened in blender 2.49 and exported as a nif. This is the only way I know of doing this until someone creates a new blender 2.8 nif exporter that works. Also I think on most versions of nifskope both OBJ and 3DS formats can be exported. I think the 3DS format might export cleaner. I think blender 2.8 opens both types of formats.
I don't know if this has been posted or even brought up before. I don't have a problem with the speed limit for free downloads, but I saw in one place on the Nexus it was 1MB per second and in another place 2MB per second for a free account download. I see in actuality it is 1MB per second cap. I think on download files pages for mods where the flag at the top shows 2MB per second needs to be corrected to show 1MB per second download speed cap for free users or raise the speed to actually 2MB per second cap if that is what is really intended, If an admin sees this post can it be passed on to those that can fix this error? The incorrect message shows at the top of all download pages under the files tab for mods where the files are listed to download. (I have seen this at least for Morrowind mods).
Later into 2018... I think FOOK - Project Nevada Convergence allows both to be played together. So maybe a partial answer to this thread. As to which is better? I have yet to decide that one for myself. Maybe WMX? Seems to be the leader on this thread.
Just a new thought on the new site design colors. The darker grey on the top of the pages around the pictures and general information should be a lighter grey so the information in white stands out better, and again the text should be larger for those of us without perfect vision so one does not have to zoom way in all the time to read it. Also I have noticed if you have links to say for example fallout 4 and fallout 3 or fallout new vegas and oblivion they use the same color scheme. It would be better if all the games on the nexus site used their own unique color schemes to make their links and site pages stand out versus having two different games using the same color scheme. Something probably overlooked because its been that way since the old site and just carried forward to the new site. Maybe its time for a change?
In response to post #57516046. #57523261 is also a reply to the same post. Me too. Shows as following, but didn't get credit for an extra entry in the competition.
The new site is improving, but filtered searches that are bookmarked in Firefox don't save with those filters in place for that search, but instead go back to showing all unfiltered results (all mods) as the bookmarked page that was saved instead. Also sometimes mods pop in and out in the filtered parameters. One example is the "lush and gaudy" mods - mods with that in their name change so that sometimes all of them under that name are shown and at other times only one or even none of them are shown. This is one group that I know is bugged for sure because I ran into the bug many times doing the search for all mods titled "lush and gaudy" in their name as a search filter on the Oblivion Nexus page. There may be others like this one. I think there is - like a "better" as a name filter in the Morrowind mods Nexus page. sometimes works as its suppose to and other times as no results. When these bugs show up all general search bookmarks using filters are reset to all mods pages instead of filtered results pages in Firefox on any nexus pages bookmarked as a general search (example general searches in the Morrowind nexus page and the Fallout 3 nexus page both get reset if a bug as described above shows up on just one or the other nexus pages (sections). Sorry I don't belong to GitHub so I can't report this bug there - only here. I hope a moderator reads about this bug and passes on the information to the Vortex developer so it can be fixed. I don't know if this problem runs with other browsers such as chrome or Microsoft edge because I haven't tested that. I do know it doesn't play nice with Firefox and as chrome at least and possibly Microsoft edge is similar it could rear its head on those browsers too. Has anyone else seen this bug? Outside of the bug I reported above I would like to see the authors name put back next to the title of the mod like on the old nexus site, and the permissions drop down moved to the end after the description as that is the most logical place for it to be. Also the colors used for the background - grey and black need to be brighter with more contrast. Everything blends in. The pictures don't stand out, the text for the version number, author, etc. section is too small. If adds are added to the pages even they would not stand out and be glossed over by the average user as simply blending in rather than catching the users attention as they are meant to. Many other posts I have read make the same argument of everything blending in instead of standing out. I add my own constructive criticism to this as well.
Major bug in new Nexus format - developers please read and address this. The menu button in the new Nexus design does not work properly. When you go to open it and select another option like today's mods under mods in the drop down menu it goes to the all mods page automatically not just the today's mods page, or forum in the drop down menu for Nexus Network it goes automatically to the Nexus homepage instead of the forum page. In other words the when you want to use the items in the drop down menus of the menu section it always reverts to the first item in that drop down menu. Often times without you even having the time to choose an option. Hence the menu section of the new Nexus design is broken and in need of fixing so that all the drop down menu items in it work and go to the pages they are supposed to go to. I have to get to the forum by google now because of this problem with the new Nexus format. I think the bugs - and this is a pretty big one, should have been ironed out before releasing this new format to public use. This one is as bad as game manufacturers releasing extremely buggy games on the public with promises or not of fixes down the road instead of using a little quality control and solving all but very minor bugs before release. This menu bug is a major bug and not a minor one and should have been fixed before general release. How can one get familiar with a program as a few have urged here when half the program is broken?
Which game (or games) do you have the fondest memories with?
thestormdragon replied to MikeRyan's topic in Classic Games
Being a long time game player.... Too many favorites to list but here are some stand outs. newer games: Heroes of Might and Magic III Armageddons Blade, and Heroes V Tribes of the East (enjoyed the variety of maps, even making my own, and one of the first of the modern game series I got into - so long standing old favorites. Age of Empires I, II, and III - always a classic for strategy (though II was the best. Loved the medieval warfare.) Anything Elder Scrolls (TES 3, TES 4, TES 5 favorites here) - love the open world and open play. Also almost infinitely moddable for more variation. (best RPGs ever - at least of those I played) Good old classics (old stuff) original Tempest (number one favorite). Later discovered Tempest 2000 for the Atari Jaguar still as good as some more evolved games today. Star Wars - original Parker Brothers arcade version and as far as I know the first ever Star Wars game produced. No way I could chose just one. -
I just thought of a couple of more things that I missed in my original post that might be useful if you are still collecting this type of information. 1. When you do a general search by title, author, a word in the description, etc. in the new Nexus format the mods fitting that search come up fine, but when you choose one of those mods to look at you are taken to that mods page, then when you want to go back to the results you searched for you can not. It does not allow you to go back. I use the latest version of Firefox and have observed this problem. I don't know if it also exists with other browsers too. Putting new search criteria all the time is slow and unproductive. You should be able to go back to the previous page of search results once you have looked at a particular mod from that search. Right now the only way around this problem seems to be to open a particular mod of choice in a new tab to keep the search page results so you don't have to put in the search parameters again if you want to look at another mod in the same search results. 2. In the new Nexus format the version number needs to be larger. It gets lost surrounded by other information of the same font size. The version number of a mod is important to some of us and making it stand out better in a larger font means quicker location of it. Aside from these points - one a bug, another a suggestion. The mod description really should be at the top of the page under mod title, author/uploader (preferably on the same line) last update of the mod and first uploading date and instead of pictures on the top, I think these though important for prominence should be on the side of the description in a column so that the most important information that everyone wants - the mod information and images themselves should be the first thing that is seen, not less important information first. The mod is the draw after all isn't it? Also less large spacing is better. More compact. Information at a glance as it would be in a working situation or a project development situation is better. You don't want to be an hour hunting for important information. Today I also noticed the download button and category for the mod removed. I don't know if it was because it was being worked on, but please put them back. The tags are often too obscure and based to much on everyone here's search patterns which may work for some, but not others. The categories were unifying in that everyone was already used to them. They need to come back on the mod pages. I saw some here mention cell phone usage of the new format versus the old format. I use a low end android phone and see no difference in the speed between the new Nexus format and the old one. And both formats load equally easy and are easy to view on the small screen of a phone. Actually I might give the old format a slight edge here as it is more compact and a little easier because of this to read on small phone screens and tablet screens. (This is not because I favor one format over another - just an open observation) Also I have been downloading lots of mods lately on both systems. Enough of a sample to see there is no difference in download speed or page upload speed between the two formats. Though I have to agree that downloading a mod on a cell phone is not to likely - except if maybe it is very small. Pre-browsing for mods to download later on a computer with a phone does occur, especially if the person is not near a computer at the time. Especially in this day and age of linked browser bookmarks between various devices. Perhaps a happy medium between a good format for a computer and a phone/tablet should be option of choice here. I would take the best of both formats and make a better third version that most will like. In my opinion both formats could use improvement. Pictures of good layouts is a good idea. Has anyone done a picture showing a new layout with elements of both the old and new formats (not just cut and paste organization - from scratch) and not just what is wrong with them? I hope that the changes of the layout of the new format aren't set in stone yet. Much can be gained from listening to those not initially involved in its development.
I don't know if any one else has noticed this, but If you have bookmarked a general search topic like immersive just by putting the term immersive in the title search box on the old Nexus format and bookmarking the first results page showing various mods with immersive in their title intending to come back to it at a later time and in the meantime you are switched to the new Nexus format the bookmark you made earlier comes up as not found making it useless. General search bookmarks should transfer from the old to the new Nexus formats not become useless from one format to another. This is an error I have observed and do not know why this occurs except that maybe the different formats were made with different programs and that is why the above happens??? Also for those of us that like to copy the mod information on the page for a manual installation and keep it as part of the information about the mod, including images showing content, it would be easier and faster if the mod title and author/uploader were on one line like in the old Nexus format and just above the description without the about this mod/you have not downloaded this yet in between or other stuff. In my personal opinion when copying the mod information not having to delete extraneous stuff when copying a page or part of a page speeds up productivity especially when downloading multiple mods during a given period of time. - Just a format suggestion. Also when choosing download in the new Nexus version not all of the available downloads including optional and old versions show up. All the files show up in the drop down menu choice. For people like me that find drop down menus slow and would rather just click on one button the download button needs fixing to do this. Over all I find your old Nexus format much better for simplicity of layout and ease of use. (this does not figure in bugs or the lack of them - just general layout) Why change a good thing for something with a much more complicated layout that is harder to use without having to visit more screens than in the older layout. Just constructive criticism here. Could those of us that like the old format better continue to use it over the new format. Could you provide an option to do that? I don't know if this is possible but it sure would be nice. Since I have mostly criticized the new format I will say a couple of positive things about it. I like the image page and adding quicker access to the images on the main page was a good move. Also adding back the category listing to the main page is good too. The tags just don't work for me, but the category listing does. Anyways my feedback on the new versus old Nexus format.
Can anyone in the Skyrim modding community port Lera's Clothes for Men and McMutton Fancy Suit Oblivion clothing mods to Skyrim? A vanilla and Better Males version would be cool as there are very few fancy dress mods for male characters in Skyrim. I'm working on a personal mod (unpublished so far) to create the 1st Doctor's outfit for Oblivion for a character of mine I started in a Morrowind mod (unpublished - but maybe someday), and would love to do the same for Skyrim using a port of the above mods to Skyrim. I would do this, but my modding knowledge doesn't extend to porting Oblivion mods to Skyrim though I wish I knew how to do this. Also I would love to see the Hero Armor Oblivion mod ported over to Skyrim in a vanilla and Better Males version too. A CBBE version of the Hero Armor for female characters would be neat too (non skimpy version please). Thanks See the Oblivion Nexus page for these clothing and armor mods for more information on them.
Just wondering if this was solved yet? Last time I played Skyrim version with all DLCs (prior to Skyrim Legends combining them) I encountered a problem where when running Hearthfires the courier for the Dark Brotherhood quest line never showed up to deliver the infamous note to begin the Dark Brotherhood quest. Only the couriers for Hearthfires showed up and not as they were supposed to either (this was buggy too). I was able to play Hearthfires in spite of the buggy Hearthfires couriers, but there was no way around not being able to start The Dark Brotherhood quest. Things tried: Updated Unofficial Patches a few times for Skyrim and all DLCs (note have not tried most current versions or Unoficial Skyrim Legendary Patch yet - this was a couple of years back when I played Skyrim) - didn't work. Looked for other patches or bug fixes on the Nexus to fix this problem - no luck. Tried studying the courier script to see if I could fix the problem - no luck. Tried waiting or going in and out of areas or sleeping to get the Dark Brotherhood courier to show up after killing the Lady running Riften's orphanage. - Didn't work. Tried the console - setting quest stages to trigger The Dark Brotherhood quest - failed utterly. The note is necessary and you can't add it with the console to your inventory - tried that too. Also tried along with the console attempt above using a cheat? mod testing mode? that allowed the character to pass through walls of structures in the game and tried to talk to Astrid - no luck. No console mistakes made. I am very familiar with Skyrim's console commands In the end I did come up with a solution, but it is not ideal if you want to run mods that require all the DLCs at the start of a new game. The solution was this: Run all DLCs except Hearthfires at the start of the game. The bug mentioned above doesn't happen. The courier for The Dark Brotherhood shows up as normal. Play The Dark Brotherhood quest to the point of accessing the sanctuary then run the Hearthfires DLC. The Hearthfires couriers show up without bugs. Play of both proceeds as normal from this point. This was how I determined that Hearthfires caused the bug described above. Apparently Bethesda thought to add Hearthfires as an end of the game (main quest and major sub quests completed) addition not bothering to address the above Hearthfires - Dark Brotherhood courier conflict bug at that time. I would like to know if the latest Unofficial Patches have fixed this or someone else made a fix for this. I don't want to run two different versions of Skyrim to fix this or disable the Hearthfires DLC on a new game start. Thanks
Having others take risks was not my intention. This post was just a shout out to anyone who might already know the modder of CCC listed in my first post and wouldn't mind getting their permission or has the files and knows if it is ok to post them to the Nexus. I do not know the original modder of CCC and am not a member of the hosting site their blog is on - so it is not possible for me to contact them directly. The mod as I said before was pulled from the Nexus because it was an old version as stated by Room207 and they did not want people to download it anymore. Anyway I think it is best I just make a similar working mod with what resourses I have or can find for personal use only - not likely to be uploaded.
Being a long time user of Comprehensive Cosmetic Compilation (CCC) I really like this mod, but It was removed by Room207 from the Nexus because it was the old version. Could someone or Room207 please put the current version v1.8 on the Nexus for those of us who like the mod but do not want to download it from 4-shared due to risk of garbage ware in 4-shareds downloader and the requirement to have a 4-shared account for that site, the host site listed for download of the mod on Room207s blog page. I just want the mod files not the hassles that come with 4-shared. Also does anyone know if with R2D5's mod that combines CCC and OCO2 can CCC v1.7 be used? I like OCO too and used the old version with CCC, but am interested in using the new version using R2D5s mod to get OCO2 and CCC to work together because I like both mods.
I am working on a Doctor Who mod that uses the first doctor as a race in Morrowind. The race (custom with unique face and hair) and a couple of Gallifrey themed weapons I have already done, but I also want to create a staff that can be used like a one handed sword - The first doctor uses a can like a sword in the episodes (the animation in game for a one handed sword). I have retextured and shortened the staff in Nifskope already, but I think the positioning will be wrong for the character to hold the staff like a one handed sword. I want the hand position to be on the staffs handle part. Can I do this in Nifskope? Could someone explain how to do this. If it has to be done in Blender I am just a beginner and would need instructions on how to import/export from blender to Nifskope and how to alter the position of the staff to be held like a sword. Also I think the staff needs to be flipped like a sword to have the handle in the right spot. I read that something like this can be done by scaleing the vertices in Nifskope to invert them and flip them, but I am not sure how this would work in this case. I could use some help on this as well. Also would Morrowind drop the texture with an altered mesh? I have tried altering some of the better bodies clothes meshes to end the clipping problems that occur with the clothes, but the textures get dropped by Morrowind in game when the mesh is altered in Nifskope. At the same time Nifskope accepts the textures on the altered mesh with no problem. I think I am missing an important step somewhere, but what that is I do not know. If I did I could alter many textures in Nifskope and get the textures to stick in Morrowind. I know it is possible it worked for some things I tried, but didn't with all of the clothes. This mod is not an uploaded mod, but if I get it right (clothes, weapons, race) I might upload it at a future date once I am sure it is error free and well play tested. My mod would go very well with the TARDIS mod that is already on the Nexus site. I want to work on this mod alone, but any advice with the technical stuff above is welcomed.
A Tauren race would be cool! I enjoy playing with a Tauren character in Warcraft III. Since Skyrim uses the imperial legion based on the Roman Empire's Legion, and a minotaur is used in Roman mythology as a symbol for a cult worshiped by the Roman Legion, a Tauren would fit right in. I hope someone takes this idea on.